This didn't get an oscar for special effects

>this didn't get an oscar for special effects
what the fuck...

Attached: thanos.0.jpg (1200x800, 100K)

What, you want a price for a scarred chin?

>generic cgi that looks like something from fantasy videogame
yeah totally deserved

special effects must be subtle or unusual, First Man had very subtle special effects so I gotta agree.

Why is Tanos in front of Hiroshima dome

Why is Thanos so strong, does he work out?


yeah wtf

Attached: 1546774952065.webm (1920x808, 348K)

kys pathetic plebbitor

Attached: 536363.png (955x484, 597K)

Anything you can visually tell is CGI should never be acknowledged as "good" effects.

I'm still mad they put in a shot of her holding onto his giant hand, and then didn't have the final shot of her falling being her hand grasping at his and slipping off

Literally the simplest shit and yet they missed out on some true kino


I've seen video game cutscenes look better

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you go first, capeshitting faggot

oh god yes

based retards

do a flip while you're at it capeshitter

Now see, I can't tell this is CGI, so it's good.

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Literally better than black pander.

How did tanos end being purple?

thanks doc

Dat smile

>3 thousand people liked this

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