In the "Sarcastaball" episode, Why does Randy know what jizz tastes like? Do the characters ever address it? Is it homophobic to ask? How do none of the women at the game/ in town not know what it tastes like? Was that anti-feminist?
In the "Sarcastaball" episode, Why does Randy know what jizz tastes like? Do the characters ever address it...
Is this bait? Why do you think anyone cares?
Everyone feeds on their own seed at some point.
>just about every dude has tasted a lil drop of their own cum.
That's not true.
You a guy?
saying dudes drink their cum is like saying everyone tastes their piss at least once
Afraid you’ll like it or something?
And honestly with anonymity on your side not once did you lick a finger afterwards.
...............Everyone knows what piss tastes like. Were none of you curious as a kid?
if you can smell something then you will know how it tastes as well since the chemical receptors for that shit is in your nose and if you cover your nose while eating you can't taste anything
Are you forgetting the gay pile where they homofuck all the goobacks out of existence?
piss is the ultimate guilty pleasure
him and kyle's dad blew each other in a hot tub in one of the earlier seasons
I heard this as a trivia question before, he knows what jizz tastes like from an earlier episode, I forgot which one though
Watched each other masturbate nothin gay about that just a couple dudes being bros
>that it went everywhere in OverLogging.
Look I aint trying to brainwash anyone. Dont do it if you havent already. Almost every dude 30 plus has tasted their own cum.
No they jerked each other off
Also why the FUCK would you taste own piss or cum. Once had a spare disinfectant bottle and now i always use it after fapping. You niggers are gay if you taste cum.
>pretending like you've never tasted your own cum or piss growing up
we're all anons here no need to lie
mine comes out thick and chunky like cottage cheese, always has, you think I want to taste that?
its human nature to be curious
90% of what we perceive as taste is through smell. Good Morning America had an episode about that maybe you should educate yourself sometime instead of posting threads about children cartoons on Yea Forums all day you loser.
>being this insecure
remember that time he blew that huge load when the internet went down? there's no way some of that didn't wind up in his mouth
Formerly Chuck's
>lying this much about the things he did when he was young.
I once came so hard it flew up into my mouth. I imagine other people have done the same.
Point of the story, bite your lip when you masturbate.
wtf do you cum on yourself
I don't like having bits on tissue paper stuck to the tip of my dick. And having to worry about holding it still and catching everything is a pain in the ass.
So I just wash up with a quick shower when I finish.
>these are the people calling you a tranny
you never accidentally hit your face with your own cum? not even in puberty?
Fuck off tranny
kek, this is the only good sneed post I've ever seen. Now you fagoots have to stop
Testy are we? Did you slurp down enough cum today?
i have tasted my own cum but never my piss or shit
Cuz randy is gay xD hahaha
Everyone fucks on their own suck at some point.
Ah yes sneedeed
I always chuck my seed when I'm done.
I've tasted my own cum and piss but not my shit. Cum tastes like salty coconut water, piss tastes like blood and vegetable oil, shit is my guess because I don't want to catch cholera or some shit. Somebody has to school us on that.
I smoked it, not sure if that counts.
Yea no shit smells so never put it in my mouth.
yeah but i never swallowed it
>doesn't know what shit tastes like
i'm guessing it tastes like shit
No one said you had to swallow.