How did Obi Wan lose so easily to Dooku twice, but beat Anakin? It isn't logical

How did Obi Wan lose so easily to Dooku twice, but beat Anakin? It isn't logical.

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He out smarted Anakin. You used Anakin's pride against him. Dooku taught Quigon whom taught ObiWan he knew all his moves. Plus Dooku liked Obiwan, he never wanted to hurt him. He wanted to knock him out fast before he was forced to do so.

He had the Highground

But would Obi have lost to Dooku twice if he had the high ground both of those times?

he was a jew


High ground>Low ground

what even is logical in the prequels?


Tyson lost to Buster Douglas. Shit happens.

The only person anakin bests with a his little light up sword are the younglings, right?

he also kills Dooku the second time around after he literally disarms him

Crymore Disney Faggot.

>Kills an old man after a superior swordsman (Obi-Wan) tires him out
There is a reason Dooku sought to remove Obi-Wan from the fight. Obi-Wan was the greater threat.

he had been with anakin for years and knew all his moves or something

Styles make fights. Just because fighter A beats fighter B who beat fighter C, doesn't mean fighter A can beat fighter C.

Obi-Wan has the power of the High Ground.

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The short answer is that the plot demands it.

The long answer is that their lightsaber styles are effective against each other. Dooku's Makashi can pick apart the less refined Ataru used by OBW, but is in turn countered by the brute force approach of Anakin's Djem So.

Obi Wan uses Soresu. He even does the stance against Greivous

fools all of you. he won because he TAUGHT Anakin.

Dont overthink the prequels. They sucked dewback dick.

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You're mom sucked dewback dick.

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I am asking you politely to stop

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He was one of the few jedi left alive so all the force was relegated to him and a few other jedi while anakin had the evil force powering him up.

the genocide basically gave obi wan a power boost since there was more force to channel into now that less users were there.

Came here to post this. He knew Anakin on the battlefield the best aside from Anakin himself

>Plus Dooku liked Obiwan, he never wanted to hurt him
Wtf sauce?

Dooku shittalked too hard
Obi-Wan knew Anakins moves too well
Anakins overconfidence & Obi had the high ground

He literally tries to convince Obi Wan to be his apprentice and overthrow Sidious.

what did you even watch the movies? Dooku enjoyed Obi as he was his masters master and tried to get Obi wan to join him.

why did anakin think he could overthrow the emperor?

Everybody told him he was their greatest fighter.
He was the most well known war hero and the councils stance probably was that with the right training he could become the most powerful Jedi yet.

He also obviously had no idea about Sheevs actual powerlevel. Just remember when before ROTS people just assumed Sheev had no lightsaber.

'ate jedis
'ate democracy
'ate droids

love the empire

simple as

I think he beat Anakin by the combination of: being a very strong fighter himself AND being Anakin's former master, which meant he knew his moves and strategies.
Those kind of things happen in sports irl.
Former managers/trainers/coaches when facing their former trainees/teams, most of the time beat them.
It's a kind of unfair advantage that they naturally have.

Darth Vader: I've been waiting for you, Obi-Wan. We meet again at last. The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner. Now, I am the master!
Ben Kenobi: Only a master of evil, Darth!
Darth Vader: Your powers are weak, old man.

Obi Wan was the master, the teacher, and with better skills. Anakin was a student full of himself blinded by pride and drunk with power. Similar to what happened with Luke vs Vader in ESB