Stop whining, racism is dea-

>Stop whining, racism is dea-

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>doxing people because they said the no-no word

The vile cunt trying to ruin a few teenagers lives for saying naughty words is bad.
But I hope Zoomers finally learn that posting ANYTHING on the internet with your real identity attached to it is a fucking stupid idea. Social Media is a blight on humanity, sooner people learn to avoid it entirely the better.

>all those msm mentions
Do niggers browse twitter and social media just to find shit like this?

>White male calmly explains why blacks and Jews need to be exterminated
>Hysterical white woman loudly insists "Jews are fine! Jews are fine!!"
The true enemies are right at home

Does /pol/ browse rekt websites just to find video of blacks beating up whites?

Imagine being such an incel that you care about what a bunch of drunk kids at a party say.

This gives me hope

>fuck our principles lmao
>just be a spineless coward bro


Why are you here then nigger?

Pretty funny shit desu

Nah, it's probably because she's a protestant heathen.

no those videos are available on any news site

Those are the people you post with

And? I'd rather post with them than some faggot tranny who gets offended at everything.

I fucking wish.

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>Jews are white
She goes into the oven for being a dumb bitch

The wh*te race, or human excrement, is the most vile, wicked, hideous, satanic creature that has ever existed on Earth. Past and present they are responsible for most of the world's wars, slavery, colonialism, lynchings, mass murder, serial killings, rape, land theft, economic exploitation, hatred, lies, and every other evil deed possible by always obeying their j*w masters. Travel all over the world and ask humans which "people" they hate most and the wh*te devil will be the most common answer. It's a fact that they are the most universally hated. The incels on this site are angry that their race is genociding themselves.
Today, non-wh*tes, or humans, have become aware of thier devilish tactics so there is now unity to oppose the cr*cker. Wh*tes will soon be replaced as a superpower by China

This is not a Yea Forums thread

>sending people to jail for saying the n-word

الله أكبر

To be fair, most of them aren't actually Jewish. They're simply gypsies that were brought up to think that they were Jewish.

We got a moron here

2 yuan has been deposited into your account

Based as fuck

1989 Tiananmen Square protests

I would like to take this moment to raise a toast to that brave gentleperson for speaking out