We're in the pipe
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Now I wanna play Starcraft.
I'd like to be in her pipe if you catch my drift.
watched the 30th anniversary Bluray of that last night and it was KINO
man those boots look rad
it's funny female pilots and astronauts are pushed just because in theory their smaller size gives them an advantage but it's never actually happened
I like her cold blood. She was almost there in shooting the xeno in the face. She kept more cool than Ripley in Alien, adjusting for the way more sudden and unexpected threat.
so from what I gathered in the movie they had encountered other alien life correct? I wonder what else they had to bug hunt
>It's another bug hunt
>bug stomper
>Haha, it don't matter if they're arcturian!
There's a lot of lore missing in the ALIENS universe. Are xeno's a common occurrence? How many intelligent species are there? How far have we traveled across space?
aviation has a significant female presence compared to other combat arms
xenos as we know them aren't known well or established, but clearly other species do exist, just not as fucking dangerous
It’s because men still on average have faster reflexes and better hand eye coordination.
desu this was the one Aliens addition I didn't like. Introducing other aliens to the universe retroactively makes the initial discovery less impactful.
could they have cast anyone who looked more Jewish than she?
It is. 4K release for Alien in April!
Although knowing Jimbo, Aliens wouldn't be happening anytime soon. Shame.
explains why so many helicopters crash.
>It's another bug hunt
I always took this line as he meant that they were on another "wild goose chase" i.e there are no aliens. I mean all the other characters except for Ripley seem very skeptic about the idea of extraterrestrial life. But now that I read your post I'm a bit confused.
Well, ALIENS takes place 76 years in the future, so they could've stumbled upon more species over that period of time.
She's on the pipe! Get her!
they meet some lifeforms, finding an actual civilization is still pretty hueg
There are other alien lifeforms in the Aliens universe and "xenomorph" is a catch-all term for all of them. The word certainly doesn't specifically refer only to the Giger aliens seeing how the marines had no prior knowledge of them. This is obvious to everybody except for brainlets which I have to pretend to be one of so I won't seem autistic.
> The word certainly doesn't specifically refer only to the Giger aliens seeing how the marines had no prior knowledge of them. This is obvious to everybody except for brainlets
No duh you shit-gobbling retard.
What other aliens does it introduce? The marines are skeptical of Ripley's recounting of the Nostromo incident during their briefing.
No, they seem to be bored with her story.
The thing with the Arcturians was detailed in one of the novels, they were the first (officially) sentient species known to Earth, a race of weird eyeless mammal-insect-reptile people who live in subterranean communities. As a civilization they are barely above stone age humans, so besides a limited trade and kinky humans wanting to fuck them, they are not really that relevant.
Everybody was skeptical because her story was too weird and too convenient.
I always assumed that there were aliens on that planet, and colonists, and one or more of the marines slept with the colonists. But the joke was that the guy actually slept with an alien. But it was a joke.
Is this confirmed in the movie or is it some shit that was in the comic? He could be referring to human natives of the planet Arcturus.
Huh, go figure. I never really paid attention to that dialouge between Frost and Spunkmeyer in Aliens. This thread has been an eye opener. And not a good one. The finding of the space jockey in the first one and the main aliens doesn't seem to be that big of a deal now. It takes away some of the magic from the franchise to be honest.
always thought she was hot
What does that line even mean? Five by five what?
Like I said, that shit is in one of the novels (I have it somewhere, wasn't that good), so it's sorta canon.
>smaller size gives them an advantage but it's never actually happened
lmao its clear you know nothing about military aviation please don't embarrass yourself
The fact that it didn't matter that the arcturian was male of female sorta implies that he was talking of a non-human creature.
Military lingo. In this case it means something like 'on course to our destination'
>The fact that it didn't matter that the arcturian was male of female sorta implies that he was talking of a non-human creature.
You hear similar banter when talking about different countries here, specifically Japan.
In the pipe = course is correct
Five by Five = comms signal is perfect
It means "loud and clear"
Are you implying asians are human?
Well, if they actually mention it in Aliens it has to be canon right?
I always assumed the Arcturians were just humans from a colony called Arcturia
Me too, just that they operated on a cosmic level of redneck so fuck a female was like fuck a male.
I guess it could be some sort of tranny colony? Perhaps in the future they exile them to outer space?
I'm gonna lay the pipe if you know what I mean
I'm afraid not. Could you clarify?
My 5x5 is going up her pipe if you know what I mean
Plenty of female pilots out there. I don't think any reasonable person thinks a woman can't be an effective pilot, infantry is another question because of the greater physical burden.
>your copilot is missing
>your in the middle of flying a dropship
>a fucking alien has you cornered with your back to it when your strapped into a chair
>still tries to go for her HK VP70 to spray the fucker
In hind sight, would going into a steep climb work?
In the pipe probably referees to their entry path into the atmosphere. You can see the "pipe" in the displays on the Nostormo as well.
Yeah. No screams, panic or some shit. And she is not even an infantrywoman like Vasquez.
But she still turns and tries.
No, I think she was pretty much fucked. That's why that little moment is so effective for a character we don't know much about. Good movies can tell you a lot about a character without wasting your time.
No. The phrase means comms are perfect.
Bugs are a reference to the chinese tho.
Listen nigger you can clearly see the pipe, you're not going to dislodge a lifelong headcanon
It's going to look the same on Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray because of 35mm limitations
Hey! It's Lady Gaga in Ray-Bans!
What’s that mean anyway? “We’re on a proper course”?
It's a phrase used in aviation today user.
five by five is about the comms, in the pipe is about the course.
HDR says otherwise.
>Good movies can tell you a lot about a character without wasting your time.
True. This is a type of attention that I find more in movies written in the 70s and 80s, or before.
But it really depends.
Marketing feature
If you had a modern tv you would never say such a thing. Apply yourself user.
>Good movies can tell you a lot about a character without wasting your time.
The other day while rewatching Predator, I noticed you can already tell a lot about the characters by the way they are dressed when they arrive by chopper. Like, Mac is wearing a business suit and we later see he is a neat guy who shaves in the middle of the jungle, while Blaine is actually wearing the same t-shirt he has later in the movie, guy gives no fucks and didn't bother to change.
Dude no. Couldn't be more wrong.
la la laaa stop shaving you dont have a beaaard!
"five by five" means I can recieve you strength 5, and understand you strength 5.
We're entering the ring's atmosphere in 5.
Anyone else want to see a porn parody where the pilot is played by Ashley Fires, and as she's being made airtight she says "You're in my pipe, five by five"?
>not "I'm on your pipe, 5 by 5" as she's gangbanged
See me after class.
In predator 2. When Glover enters the space ship and sees all the trophy skulls. I think those are all other species from this universe
Where the fu-
Still would
Aliens was basically her entire on screen career, but she then went into the production side.
I caught the Alien Xeno skull mounted on the wall at the first viewing, a great footnote for us fanboys.
Still aged better than newt
she looks like lady gaga
man, I love starcraft!
I don't delve into any external media, just the films. My interpretation is that alien life has been discovered occasionally, but always unintelligent and animal-like at best. No other intelligent species discovered, except the ship in Alien.
Extremely lame
it's too bad the follow-on films after Aliens didn't really expand our knowledge of the "Alien" universe
Dang I would have a hard time memorizing those
pipe - penis
5 by 5 - her ideal size
new dropship is cute
new valkyrie is the best though. highly underrated waifu
nah you wouldnt
>liked girl from work a lot
>she is part of Air Force reserve
>make her laugh and hung out once or twice after work with other coworkers
>ask her out
>can tell by her surprised reaction she had friendzoned me long ago
Oh well. I tried at least. She had a cool personality and we had many of the same interests and values.
She was pretty while still being approachable and had an incredible was due to all the running she did.
Then again, because she acted like "one of the guys", she probably took miles of dick while on active duty, so I suppose I dodged a bullet.
>compared to other combat arms
Sure but what does that actually translate to? 5% vs. 2% or what?
Least you tried.
fuck Terran and fuck Protoss you fucking faggots
Is this a mix of different countries? can you even satisfy a woman like this without a 5x5 cock???
James Cameron made this as a quasi Starship Troopers adaptation. Those are references to Starship Troopers, the scifi novel. I don't know how this flies over everyone's head. It's obvious as fuck. All of Cameron's movies are lifted from 50's scifi novels he read as a kid.
Pipe refers to the entry angle of the ship. See Apollo 13 where they talk about either burning up or skidding off the atmosphere into space.
Five by five is referring to the radio signal. Quality of the signal and the strength.
But it's not a Starship Troopers adaption is it? So the Starship Troopers lore is not relevant to the lore of the Alien universe, even if Cameron had it on the mind
So bros, I hadn't seen any of these movies before, so I watched the first two.
I kind of liked the first one better. I hope that doesn't make me a bad person. Second one was kino in its own way too
At least I will always have you guys and K-posting
The first is the best one, obviously. Aliens is still great though.
liking anything after the 2nd would make you a bad person
It's not, but I don't think they were really thinking in terms of "lore" in the 80s, especially since it didn't matter to the plot.
Evidently, there are alien species the Colonial Marines have encountered before, have fought before, and consider to be unworthy opponents, which is their fatal mistake.
>not "you're up my pipe, five by five"
Fuck jannies and fuck niggers
>But it's not a Starship Troopers adaption is it? So the Starship Troopers lore is not relevant to the lore of the Alien universe, even if Cameron had it on the mind
It is an adaptation in Cameron's mind. He's the one that made the movie. Keep in mind, that Starship Troopers had not been adapted up to that point. The bugs being referred to are the enemy race from Starship Troopers.
>kerrigan dindu nuffin
based. I like how unashamedly Halo "ripped" Aliens off. The developers continuously laugh about it on their commentary track.
they're both awesome. don't listen to autists
The Immigrants
A man with bad taste