
alita: battle angel discussion

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Other urls found in this thread:



has anyone spoke with juan recently? it's been 2 weeks and I still haven't been paid

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Just keeps going, doesn't it? : )


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Why do the tasteless love this movie so much?
Does anyone with actual taste in film even like this movie?

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I know, I'm supposed to get paid for posting here, but Landau hasn't responded to my texts.

Strong Straight Female Cyborg Cutie that loves men.

This film and series is based.

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alita general poster vs avatarposter: who will give up first?

its not like autism can be cured

The AlitaChallenge is catching on, it's pretty funny. I don't think it will have much impact, but hey, any revenue is good.

>started by an anti trump/american spic

>all those rebuttals to the effect of "Unlike you, I'm NOT INSECURE!"
Holy shit my sides

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I guess it is smarter to try to make it political after it's flopped. Usually making it political ensures a flop right away.

I hope to fuck we get that sequel now that it's proving all those journos wrong.

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Can anyone remember how long Avatar threads with 300+ replies were a regular thing around here?
I'm curious about just how far this will go as well.
>I posted in the first general that I had fun, and would give it 3/4 stars.

Back again, I still have the lines for the dub, if you got a mic, record a line and send it.


-What brings you in here, sweets?
-Come to see the hunters up close?

- *laughs* Cupcake here's a bounty hunter
-Let me introduce you to some of your professional colleages.
-This is master Clive Lee of the white hot palm. He has over 200 confirmed kills.


-Well then this is screwhead, one of our most lethal bounty hunters.
-And then there's McTeague, the dog master, with his hell hounds.
-His biggest problem is having enough left over to identify after so he can collect the bounty.
-Home to a monomolecular edge, slices armor like butter.

-And who did you kill to acquire it?

-A hunter warrior is a solitary predator.
-You'll be competing against us for the kill.
-You can see what you're up against.

-I came to ask for your help... against our common enemy, Grewishka.
-He's being protected by the system and continues rampage unchecked.
-And now he's after Ido and me.
-So I'm calling on you, my hunter warrior brothers.
-Let's band together and defeat him once and for all.

-Any takers? Hm? No?
-Share my knowledge, willing to make an exception in your case.
-If you cut meatboy loose over here and let me buy you a drink.

-Hey, watch it.

-And uh, what could I learn from a loudmouth pretty boy who spends all of his money on his face?

-Laughter and whistle

Why do nuwars fan love this movie so much?

so the plan is fake the #99, change the name, remove the number and decrease the OP quality, so you can BTFO who says the general reached 100?

If there's any drawfriends that come here, it would be cool to see movie Alita giving a thumbs up with her plasma thumb.

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-Maybe I'll pull your arms and legs off.
-Roll your head around in the street.
-Maybe that will teach you some manners.

- *laughs* You might mess up your hair.

-Punches sound effects
-Grunt sound effects
-Sword slash sounds

-You do not deserve such a weapon.
-I heard you were the heroes of Iron City
-I am not impressed

-What the hell are you doing?

-I'm going to need you to stand way back.

-And if I win, you fight along side me.

-This bitch broke my nose.

-Yes I did.

-All I see are junkyard punks, assorted cyber trash, and a bunch of drunken motorball burnouts to slow to play the game.

what a shitty cutout

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>these mouse shills replies

Yeah, the OP feels kind of naked. I think it needs some more to it's post and capitalize /ALITA/

Attached: fresh.webm (960x402, 1.95M)

Imagine for a second calling people who say alita is trash a "mouse shill" whilst being one yourself

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I'm only watching protopsychedelic filmes noires from mid-50s British Malta and i rate Alita a 10/10

sup /incel general/
she's so cute Yea Forumsros!

edit: thanks for the reddit gold!

im telling you guys, we've been had

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she unites
she heals

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i like it

what a nice cutout

teach my your ways, senpai

excuse me just best scene coming through

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why did they give her eyes like that, holy shit

Fuck I should have waited tbis could have been a pefrectangle storm. She looked at it by the way boys. Didn't reply or even block me though lel

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>implying shills are analog
everything is boted nowaday fag.

a single bot handler can control the narrative in a whole board

not him but how do you not know what the pen tool is

God dammit. Not even something as pure as Alita can escape the shitty politics of today.
Why can't we just leave Alita out of all this garbage? A big part of why I liked the movie was because it didn't need to have any sociopolitical message attached to it.

you're telling me he didn't use any of the automatic features but rather traced each line with the pen tool?

What are the chances it will get to 400 million?

god this fucking shit right here pisses me the FUCK OFF. why the fck do retarded and insignificant people think their opinion matters only because they have a fuasfhduiadsfhfadsuihfadsuih outlet to shit through *the internet* which fully enables theire waiundsfd suijonfgd sauijonhfgdsijonfgdsijonfgdfgdsijnfgdsijonfgds iononononononononthiothoretg

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I understand where you're coming from, but this is all good if we want to secure that sequel

It'll be there by this Sunday.

>not using the erase tool in gimp set to the fuzziest and size of 10 for small details or 50 for larger ones
It's like you guys want to take half an hour to make a cutout.

oh my god, theres an alita version of my favourite reaction image


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I like my cutouts to be perfect kek, i dont have a steady enough hand to use a brush

at this point 400 is the floor even by the worst predictions

Unironically, thank disney and marvel and journalists for that
It's why I liked Alita, it was like a film from a different era
I would say don't care about political bullshit but no matter how you try to avoid them they drag you back in

You really think that? Dragging this movie into the mire and publicly associating it with anti left wing politics is good for it?

It's already there

>not using the bucket tool set to erase and adjusting the threshold
you know, you guys could've just kept quite. You're worse even worse at this than I am.

There can be other Alita related threads. Anyone can start a thread. Its not like one thread needs to be the only thread with an Alita related topic.

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Hey OP, to make the general look nicer, I would recommend capitalize /ALITA/ and use in the description Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion

And use better pictures like concept art or stills from the film.

very gay

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It's neither good or bad, that part is up to you

using the bucket doesn't leave nice edges

the movie is not exactly exploding in popularity in the US, a little controversy can give it a little jolt
and no matter what's the angle, just generally more visibility can't be bad

>user.. do you love me?

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Nice skills. Are you up for cutting the actors out in pic related?

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Don't mind me. Just waiting for the sequel.

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Very much so, Alita.

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every time you spam this autistic waifu trash you just cement the fact no one actually likes the movie.

Second reminder that you must thank the Spanish Empire for this movie.

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I agree Alita, it's top faggotry, but what can you do?
Why people can't just watch a film and chill?
Why everything must be some political cause?
Personally I blame journalists and movie reviewers, they started it and now it can't end

>tfw Alita would dump my ass in real life like the AI in Her

>using the bucket doesn't leave nice edges

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wich one?

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why is there so much autism in the hispanic community? Why is it not reflected in europe?

True, but I wanted Alita to remain untouched by the shit
Oh well, it's being naive now, we are basically swimming in shit (thank you journalists)
If marvel and disney doesn't bomb completely and the oscars get completely shutdown cinema will never heal

Surprised this never got posted here, but here's a cute Alita yawning.

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>sniffing her fingers
how did they get away with it?

I know right it's fucking perfect.

Imagine shilling for this flop

the academy awards have been dead for decades.

a black and white image is not a good example since theres only two colours kek

Imagine still hanging around this long to say this. I thought you left, Jerome?

Attached: fuckyouup.webm (960x402, 1.95M)

I would shill the shit out of this movie for fucking free if it meant more ALITA

Get the fuck out of my Alia tread, reddit rat.

Second reminder you owe this guy for alita's cyberbody

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Alita starts out at a very high level of quality and then just stays there for 2 hours.

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>using capeshit reddit reaction gif
That's a yikes from me.

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this whole scene mirrors a baby going from sleeping bug to first steps to first sense of self identity when looking at herself in a mirror.

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You sound afraid.

here take this for next time

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If the Chinese hear that the baizuo hate the movie, then that's not negative for China either - though I doubt they care one way or the other.


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>tranny shoulders

Why are these still being made? Alita is pretty much done with its theatrical run. Captain Marvel is out in a few days and will take everything away from her.

It's fantastic, even the score at that point has an angelic baby music tone to it with the keyboard notes. From start to finish, the film is her growing up, quite beautiful.

Attached: such a baby.webm (960x402, 1.81M)

Seems the Spanish speaking fans were prevalent even in the final motorball scene in the movie.

>be in theater
>"You made the biggest mistake of your life. And what's that?"
>audience eyes widen in anticipation
>"Underestimating who I am."
>audiences starts clapping and screaming with laughter while throwing their fedoras at the screen
>on the back of me I hear people singing The Game of Thrones tune with the text "men blown the fuck out"
>Salazar rolls out a rag doll esque Ruth Bader Ginsburg in front of the screen and starts dancing like PSY while chanting "UP UP UP UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE"
>meanwhile people pull out their phones and start taking pictures of RBG and posting it on reddit claiming she's still alive
>as I wanted to leave the theater I stumble on a band of 30 manchildren chanting "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE .... UP, UP UP UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE" while dancing like PSY
>desperately trying to escape this hell hole I see alot of children crying of fear but their parents don't seem to respond
>as I take a look around the theatre trying to find an escape I come to the conclusion that the whole audience except for the children are singing and dancing "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE"
>in a desperate attempt to survive I pick one of the pusssyhats on the ground and start chanting "times up men" to every person I come across while trying to escape
>the crowd didn't seem to notice me and as I walked out of the theater I looked back
>the children are getting crushed by the amount of people dancing and singing like PSY
>i remember the tears on their faces but all I heard while finally leaving the theater were the people screaming "upvote reddit style"
If you liked this shit then you're on the wrong fucking board

>yep, still smell like fish

Get the hell out of here, mouse.

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mexican autism.
>inb4 some central/south american tries to claim they aren't a mexican, like anyone cares

If only you knew how bad things really were.

Why have Connelly save Hugo's life only for him to die immediately afterwards? Also, fuck "Come back for the sequel" endings.

The worldbuilding and the cgi were great, though

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just like this is her finding her own sense of self-identity that adopts the highest ideals instilled in her by the "religion" pressed into her by her father and his ancestral greats (URM) as symbolized by her literally having a new body that is no longer just the one made for her by her father.

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I really liked how they tried to act like alita turned chiren, what with the 15 seconds of contact they had.

so she knows what it's like to be a mother

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Glorious, it is.

That's how it happens in the original OVA, also I said, it shows Hugo despite atoning for all the bad he did to people, still hasn't changed his obsessive world view. He just had to get in to Zalem and this blind addiction to this dream is what got him his downfall. He had to die twice, he just did in different ways, making up for a different fault in his character.

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What did he mean by this?

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well of fucking course its easy to do cutouts on bluescreen goddamn man

>shitting on the bucket
one of the most powerful cuttout tools in gimp

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Never once in these generals had I seen someone use a GIF from one of those movies. He must be new.

if you saw the movie instead of taking a quote out of a trailer, you would see it's nothing like "men blown the fuck out"
and by the way we're talking about Rodriguez here, who basically has a stripper dance in all of his movies

heeee heh heh.......................

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I remember that one
>Alita, rodarán cabezas.

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>A girl literally wearing you daughter's body
>Set up with the same lie that you've been told
The "fuck you, I'm not going along with your shit" comes before she decides to help Alita. It's more revenge against Nova, and helping her former husband, as it is helping two teenagers in love.

fuck that hurts watching

>my feet hurt
>this electronic music sucks
>i wish i was at home playing Motorball 64

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she did, cus seeing alita and hugos love led to her helping alita which got her killed. she literally says to vector that (she now knows that) what she really wants (familial love) is not found in zalem (power and ambition)

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>develop a manga adaption hoping it’ll be as culturally well recieved as avatar
>film releases and it’s nothing more than a vehicle for the online incel narrative which is a narrative home to the dishonest br2049 and soon to be accompanied by joaquin phoenix’s joker film

Yikes, Jim. The irony is that Captain Marvel will eclipse your anime adaption upon release and become the catalyst for your newfound residence beneath Disney, the brands recent acquisition of your home studio Fox being the shot to the head and the upcoming mutilation of The Terminator franchise spearheaded by your inevitable shilling of the disaster the final blow to your legacy. By the time the Avatar sequels roll out you’ll be nothing but a shell of your former self, all of this a calculated plot devised by Bob Iger in order to render him the new king of blockbuster cinema.

Enjoy your dedicated generals on an Indonesian knitting forum though, something tells me operating anonymously with the rejects of society is on the menu in your future. Sorry it had to be this way, Jim.

“1 ticket for Captain Marvel, please”.

It’s over Cameron. But that’s the price of dishonesty.

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it was handled better in the manga. In the manga she's actively attempting to repress/forget everything about her life before ido, because it was nothing but pain and struggle. She's sent to infiltrate jeru on a literal suicide mission which she is perfectly fine with, because, presumably, she found out she was just a tumor with no place in the world, no love, no hope, etc. And then she fails, and is thrown away, like the trash even she considers herself to be.

the movie doesn't really give any good reason for her amnesia or psychological issues.

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what did he mean by this?

look how i did it, it works for every kind of background.
this is from some threads ago.
feet are shitty but i was tired as shit


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waltz acting is just stellar in this scene

Nice try, but you were shilling this pleb dogshit

That was also poorly established, considering how pristine the landscape outside salem was, how plucky/fun life inside salem was, how people were lined up to get into the scrapyard, how easy entry/exit was, etc, etc.

The movie wanted all the high points of the manga without any of the lows.

>what did he mean by this?

every single ido/alita conversation scene gave me a real hard softy

Attached: alita29.jpg (1920x810, 871K)

I checked, this is #101. The last numbered one 99 was actually the 98th so I accounted for that

>that depends... does your robot body come with a pussy?

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She probably remembered how Ido was hugging the dead body of their daughter when she saw Alita hugging dead Hugo

Hey Review Screw, how are your 10 followers on Twitter treating you?

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t. Robert Rodriguez

It would be better to keep just one central one though, otherwise everyone gets divided up.

>same trip
>same mobile postings


I'm thinking I'm not going to watch this one.

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>She probably remembered [a scene that wasn't in the movie]

besides, she already acts like shes turned before she even sees them.


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Anybody have a pic or webm of Desty Nova without his glasses ?

Attached: nova.webm (960x402, 2.84M)

you haven't made a good movie in your entire career.

Thanks user, very kind of you.

This OP is more like that.
A variety of movie scenes, more action, movie stills ect. in the pic is good in my opinion. Bombarding Yea Forums with corporate movie posters, writing and logos or making billboard style lettering in every OP I am not so sure about.. Not all of Yea Forums wants to be hit with massive corporate style logo every time they they look at the catalog. Its also not a battle to be seen in the catalog. Its easy enough to search “alita” There is no one right way. Whoever OPs can always put their spin on it too.

There is no one right way. Lets not beat beat Yea Forums over the head with corporate art. OPs can always put their spin on it.

Probably not for a couple more weeks or a month. At least the current HD rips are okay.

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Alita is the embodiment of personal integrity.

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You're anti art

not soon enough :(

Oh god this hit me right in the feels hard.

True, I'm just a sucker for professionalism, it's what I do.

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Prove it

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Anyone link to #100?

Also why not keep track of numbers anymore


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i miss when you could get camrips without idiotic watermarks and integrated ads.

of course that one was likely leaked on purpose.

because the paid shills moved over to captain marvel, only autism now.

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Will alita's 4k blu ray be a 2k upscale or native 4k?

Attached: SLEEP TIGHT BATTLE ANGEL.webm (1280x536, 2.97M)

I think 100 was kind of blended in with the 99th general. So, it's one of these two threads

It's probably because most non degenerates would have seen it in 3D.

I still can't see him as Nova. Hopefully Norton will prove me wrong.

>Moved over to Captain Marvel
>Alita general is still hitting bump limits every couple of hours
Okay then

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Your work is good. Too good in some ways. If you look at the catalog essentially all of the OP pics are quite casual.

Jam Cam won't let us down it's going to be a reference quality transfer.

Aw, thanks. I do designing and graphics arts for a living, so doing a little .webm was fun for me here.

Attached: wemadeit.webm (960x402, 1.04M)

That contradicts nothing.

>keeping track of numbers

Not certain we ever did, although we tried. We can't all be engineers.

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I thought you were implying the "shills" moved on, yet these threads are still bumping fast.

Attached: salazacutie.png (631x1335, 637K)

>What keeps Alita threads going?
>No, something stronger.

Attached: something stronger.jpg (500x447, 68K)

cute as a bugs ear

Cleaner/tidier and having numbers seemed to upset more people.

Yes, the shills moved on, leaving only the autism.

You seem to have a lot of trouble with reading.

>No, something stronger.

magic autism

Attached: alita2049.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Battle Angel Rosita


This is #99 and thread 100 pic related >numbers?
they don't matter really. Generals on Yea Forums don't normally have them. >>
What is more important then the number is having previous post in the OP and posting the next thread before a thread dies. If a thread dies just look up the last one and link back to it in the new OP.

Well, in any case, the quality has remained pretty much the same, if anything, I'm seeing more creativity now.

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close, mexican autism.

Should I?

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facebook tourists

Attached: oneyikeforyou.jpg (933x525, 51K)

Couple questions, how much and where is that?

How did you want the movie to end then?

>i'm seeing more autism now

That webm is really nice.

I can't wait to see you devote a tenth of your newfag energy into fighting the Captain Marvel generals next week.

it's one of those hoodie where you can choose lots of pic to be printed on? Usually it's between 16 and 25 bucks

Thanks you brothers, for all the Alita threads. I shall see it for the 3rd time tomorrow. Together, we will destroy Zalem!

>I would shill the shit out of this movie for fucking free if it meant more ALITA
Technically not shilling, but ok.

>when you realize they aren't going to leave
>they're going to stay here, getting progessively more and more autistic

its going to be like those idiotic theater threads that have been running for almost a fucking decade now.

Yeah man, buy several and wear it every day. Be sure to take pictures and share them here.

Here's a question: Since Disney is acquiring Fox, does that mean they stand to profit from Alita and Avatar? If so, that genuinely sucks.

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> they don't matter really.
greater number = more alitatrain railcars. and we need it to the end of screening

Having watched these threads, they're more neurotypical than other generals I've seen on Yea Forums.

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generals just make for a target

Depends, since Alita was funded mostly by Cameron and Rodriguez's studio, while Fox distributed it. Thank God Cameron owns all the rights to Alita, though.

Buy it and take a picture for us so we can cringe together

>people still general-posting for battle angel belinda

you'd have better luck on chinese forums

Don't think so, since Cameron owns rights for Alita


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cross post from another couple threads ago

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All the links in the old OP were a bit much. The youtube trailer covers would pop out when mouse would sweep over with 4chanx catalog. All of the links went to sites that advertise and track data. The OP was kinda just a big ad.

Alita a cute!

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Jesus Christ Cameron

is there a zapan version?

don't worry

based Jim will set cinema right again with Avatar 2,3,4 and 5.

ok done.
what are you going to do with these anyway?

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>Besides, she's white. Remember slavery?
>It happened 300 years ago you stupid nigger, get over it
How did he get away with this?

I can't handle it anymore, my life has become an empty shell now that I know what I'm missing a cyborg waifu

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he saw them trips

Spoonfeed me, did Yukito Kishiro himself actually like the movie?

When you make the two highest grossing films of all time, you can do anything.

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It's hard to live knowing that Alita will never be real

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yes, he liked it a lot

He saw it 5 times. What do you think?
>inb4 that one faggot that claims he was forced to

I don't usually post on Yea Forums but I just saw this movie and I wanted to announce that I want to fuck Alita's robopussy. Thank you for your time.

Not sure how I feel about all the anti sjw vloggers and even these high profile pro-trump people shill for Alita. This could lead to cast of Alita being forced to bend the knee and suck off Disney like Shazam guy did, because being associated with Trumpsters, altright and incels is bad for image.

The only true thing you’re saying is how the numbered general template was essentially a gigantic ad constantly on the front page of a board on a site that categorically hates advertising.

So of course you’d get negative response.

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can they stop with Fast and Furious and make this

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Awesome. He deserves such a great film. Hope it gets a sequel. I missed IMAX release, but sure as fuck will catch the next film.

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based Jim

>remember ripping on Avatarfags a decade ago for their obsession and depression
>ripped on Frozenfags half a decade ago for /fzn/ general
>now I'm obsessed with Alita

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oh shit, i forgot to remove bob's hat

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It’s because a chink said it to a nigger, who was talking about a spic.

I don't need to since no on here has taken capeshit seriously since my work with guardians of reddit

he literally said it was the best movie in the world
whether he really think that or not idk, but that's what he said

but she is real. the most human bean i've ever met.

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She'll be real when we get robo waifus in the future

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How much do you get paid to shill? There's no harm in telling us since everyone here is anonymous.

Pretty hardcore for PG-13.

Well, the chick who plays Alita has already said that she originally took the role because she was feeling disenfranchised after Trump won the election, apparently.

HoS here, keep up the good work

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This, we should emphasize the revolutionary Marxist rhetoric in Alita instead vs. Marvel's reactionary imperialism

>badguy kingpin is really a slave for a white guy, dies
>roastie coalburner traitor helps in the end, still pays ultimate toll
>racist black guy has change of heart, sliced in half
damn Jimmy

He was on the press tour, getting flown around the world, living in luxury, for free. It’s the same type of schmoozing critics get for positive reviews.

He could’ve said no, and just missed one of the best times of his life. But literally no one would refuse. If this is “forced” to you, then you’re the type of person who would argue that sex in marriage is rape.

>alita height: 5'3

wow, anons are manlets, who woulda guessed

Somewhat ashed to admit I was a Frozenfag back in the day but this movie made me feel the same way I did back then.

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Alita should remain apolitical. Creating some divisive fandom just out of a need to piss off people is very retarded. I don't like CM or any superhero stuff but I'm not going out of my way to be a whiny dickhead about it and I wouldn't want people "liking" this movie just because they are deluding themselves into seeing some political bent in it.
Alita is pure for the right and left.

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>>roastie coalburner traitor helps in the end, still pays ultimate toll
Still can't believe that was in a PG-13 movie. That shit was more disturbing than any amount of gore, imo.

The principles and values she represents are real and worth achieving.

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hey man where's my cut - oh, no...

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He could have said no to re watching the movie itself you fucking retard.

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>Alita vs Marvel is getting steam on Twitter

That's just PR talk. No doubt she hates Trump, all spics do, but this just seems like some generic virtue signaling to pander to progressives. And frankly I don't care if somebody hates Trump anymore. Fuck him, fuck his jew and neocon infested cabinet, fuck Israel and fuck MIGAtards.

What did Ido mean by this?

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this is starting to get more traction

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Watching this makes me feel like a creepy stalker.

This. You can believe in whatever you want, just keep your mouth shut.

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>any box office Captain Crunch was going to have is now going to be sucked up by Alita
>any theaters only showing Captain Fungal Infection will have zero attendance
Best timeline.

so they are fucking using this movie to promote that trash.
CM marketing has the shadiest tactics ever, they are putting black panther's campaign to shame

need an edit of Alita standing on a box with a comically long-legged user bending at the knees

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Would have been even better if Alita killed him instead of Zapan, like he would try to attack or something and she would just retaliate.

>ywn be beat to death by rosa

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CM already has all the spotlight
this can only help Alita


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Meanwhile media fellates Brie and acts like she's a real life superhero because she alledgedly worked out in gym for 9 months, despite no visible results.

Clickfarms track each employee’s activity. So admitting to being a shill gets you fired.

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It’s a press tour. It’s all or none.

it's true but I don't mind this "battle" if it helps getting that sequel
>You have to be willing to do what it takes—whatever it takes

>didn't have a favorite movie from the 2010's
>Alita saves it at the last minute

Hopefully, we start the 2020's with a blast if the sequel comes soon

That's true, thank you user.


Unironically I have read a lot of boomers, dads (male) and overall not-so-young people stating that they really liked the movie.


I'm a college student, I don't get paid anything. I just really love this movie and want to support it.

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T-that thumb tho..

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Paternal instinct for cute daughterfu

No sequels for flops.

Yukito seems to be a very lonely old man with only his brother and dogs for company so good for him

user, a bit more minimalistic. Have it be all grey and then just go for the eyes and warpaint, leave the rest out.

The daughter (or child in general) they wish they had instead of the millennial failure they got instead. Boomers are to blame for much of that failure, mind you, but that's the reason in their heads.


Now, Gunnm and its OVA


boy was it good

There was literally LITERALLY nothing stopping him from saying "no thanks I don't want to watch the movie again but I'll see you tomorrow for event X". Fucking hell are you retarded.

No, I like the movie too, but that is awful, and the material is going to be even worse

>y-you too

Unironically it is a parental thing. That scene with Ido going
>"A normal healthy teenage girl's brain, if there is such a thing."
Is something a lot of parents identify with.

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alright, I'm buying the poster of the exact image, but no clothing

Just read the Sweet Night story about Ido. Damn, I love the manga now. Looks like I got plenty more Alita ahead of me, boys

>only his brother and dogs
good for him. haven't talked with my brother since i was 14, and have no dogs

Why not buy the Chinese poster?

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Waltz and Salazar had great chemistry. That scene with them in the locker room before the Motorball tryout being a great example.

Alita's first reactions to her hands and arms.

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>both the artbook and gunnm volume 1 are top sellers in France

I guess they really liked the movie

It’s a press tour. Watching the movie is part of the press tour. If he says no to any part of the press tour, he’s saying “I’m going home.”

>Does this cyborg love a human?
>*long stare as she thinks lovingly*
>Ido just nods

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1) They might remember the manga/OVA
2) They identify with Ido

I notice that gets a lot of laughter from older people presumably parents.

Which he never did. Thanks for proving my point asshat.

France is surprisingly, at least to me, really big into anime/manga
didn't know that when I went to go visit Paris

it's an 8k downscale

this the instinct of wanting to protect and raise a cute daughter
i have two boys so my main objective is that they dont turn out gay or trans so i hug em sometimes and smack em around on other times
if I had a daughter it would be nothing but love 24/7

Because he did not want to go home.

It’s funny watching you try to argue fact out of existence.

I thought abatab died in the cold Russian winter

Will the 4K Blu-ray include the IMAX version of the movie, with the wider uncropped video?

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>we can’t trust critics guise, THE MOUSE bribes them!
>kishiro gets the ten times the level of bribery

you people are amazing.

It's funny watching you trying to claim someone watching a movie 5 times doesn't imply they at least tolerated it. Never mind the fact that he has stated that he does love the movie. But oh wait you're an Occam's Razor dodging retard that's going to also start claiming he was forced to say that, too. Because it's easier to believe in a grand conspiracy then it is for someone to simply enjoy Alita. Really makes me hmmmm.


>who did you kill to acquire it

I hope so. When should it be out? Sometime June?

There have been a number of films where the original creator did not approve of the final film, I don't know why Kishiro would lie about his feelings for this one. Also, didn't he say he loved the film before the press tour started?

it would be a SIN not to include it.

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Thank you user.

i doubt they stuff in 3 different versions

>There have been a number of films where the original creator did not approve of the final film
who? even Toriyama, Obata and Shirow approved their shitty movies

Make the next thread already, pajeet. Tik tok, clock is ticking. Your masters are waiting.

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3D version might

I mean Transformers Age Of Extinction did it, don't know why they would waste a version by not releasing it.

We both know you’re just talking about toriyama vs DB:E. And he likely only said that because there were no food puns.

We both also know oshi said the Scarlett Johansson GitS was great. Shirow was not sought for comment.


I will do anything for her

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Fuck me, that's your line read, that's great.

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Toriyama got mad at Evolution, that’s why he created Battle of the Gods

that was after fan's backlash


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