/wwtbam/ - who wants to be a millionaire

starts at 9PM GMT


Attached: clarksonmillionaire.jpg (885x560, 117K)

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One of the contestants tonight makes it all the way.

>t. that spoiler poster who works for ITV

Attached: clarkson4.png (452x439, 224K)

Attached: Jeremy Kyle dab.jpg (1200x630, 47K)

Okay then. I expect to reply back to you again later, yes?

reminder that clarkson is a retard

Attached: clarkson2.png (596x249, 25K)

>this and new louis kino on at the same time

fuck sake

Attached: 1301426925564.jpg (482x494, 24K)

>"as clarkson asks the million pound question"
big if true

t. Gayass Zoomer faggot soiboi libtard cuckold numale.