In 3 days millions of impressionable young girls will be watching this movie

In 3 days millions of impressionable young girls will be watching this movie.

Attached: CM_trailer.webm (1280x542, 2.12M)


Thats a big theatre

fpbp like 50-60 max

For yew

Attached: Captain_Fungal.png (700x700, 503K)

considering even just $10 million dollars is about 1 million tickets give or take, then yeah there will absolutely be millions.

Fuck! Even I have prettier feet


In 4 days everyone will have already forgotten about it

>impressionable young girls
more like post-menopausal cat ladies and wine aunts


Does she ever punch anything other than old ladies and babies?

but most of them will be legbeards and sóybeans

Good. I hope they all join the air force and die in combat



This movie is gonna bomb


the entertainment industry is focusing on women more because they pay for movies instead of getting everything free via bittorrent.

it isn't a zionist/muslim/feminist conspiracy at all, except of the kind that just means corporations trying to make money.

how can she just assume that babies gender is male? problematic.

>young girls
no, it's manbaby neckbeards and cucks who watch these shits.
young girls do not give a crap about them. maybe bit older ones do but only because they follow popular trends, not because they actually follow superhero stuff

then why do my sister and mother keep asking me to torrent shit for them?

Because they don’t know how.
Case in point retard.
How old is your sister?

Don't call me a retard. I have feelings.

>I have feelings.
lol, fag

its fake

yes goyim, there is no zionist conspiracy just ignore those posters and consume consume consume!

That's an amazing editing job.

>shekels he says
>after they tank star wars with this garbage and then double down, hemorrhaging even more money

>Worse than Cap1

Attached: 252873923.jpg (1250x433, 41K)

Will this be a serious capeflick?

Is this a motherfucking JoJo reference? Brb, preordering Captain Marvel tickets

Females don't go to the movies alone. They only go if their parents, boyfriends or bitter wine aunts buy their tickets. Those adults arn't taking off work to take some silly girl to her dour cape wish fulfillment movie.