Medieval tv series

That are both bad ass and historically accurate (as much as possible).
So no:
-huge amounts of women fighting in wars
-forced coloured people

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Also no anti-Christianity

Yes, although more than often pagans are presented as retarded caveman. I prefer movies/shows where both are presented accurately.

Pagans are always romanticized

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t. bigot

Nobody cares about blacks and women in TV shows besides incels

stay mad

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How's the Last Kingdom?

sjw detected

Nigger white people live in Europe, not that cultureless zionist shithole

Anybody remember this when they were younger?

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found the incel

Grow up

>call everyone that doesnt care about the destruction of western society an incel
wew lad how will I ever recover

I hated that show, Robin of Sherwood is the superior series

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Will check it out

Nope, added on list

How come?

There's a new one called knightfall about the templars, first episode looked pretty bad but it might have gotten better. It's got a season 2 with mark hamill in it.

I just did not like the cast especially Robin, I'm a big fan of the Robin Hood legend and picky about that shit. He was a gaping void of charisma, Robin of Loxley should have a larger-than-life personality


It was a good family series though.
Back then we had Primevil, decent Doctor Who, Merlin, and robin hood.
There's no family friendly series like these around today, and its a shame.

Its okay, pacing is too slow to me. Also the main character seems a bit dumb and too impulsive. I dont want a teenage boy, I want a man.

I wonder why

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Best suggestion for what OP asked for.
I thought the pace was good. Nothing felt like filler.
>too impulsive
They rode across England every episode and it kept things busy.

my wife's son's mother got me to watch a few episodes of that Utred son of Utred shit. No blacks in that show afaik

OP said:

>huge amount of women fighting in wars

so it doesn't qualify. there's completely ridiculous female assassin and more and on the way

there are no kino medieval TV shows. and there are hardly any modern, acceptable, crusade-oriented films. nobody's done it well, it's still waiting for kinography. maybe OP will one day?

Merlin was nothing more than a soap opera with magic in it. Never watched Primeval, agree that Doctor Who was watchable back then. Billie Piper was t h i c c

Has anyone seen Outlaw King? It has Stephen Dillane and a trebuchet.

The Borgias with Jeremy Irons, even if it gets a lot of crap here on Yea Forums. Lucrezia is sexy as fuck, but her google pictures don't do her justice. In motion she looks and sounds like an angel.

OP said Medieval. No matter how you measure it, Tudors is Renaissance.

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I've just started watching it, so it could easily go to shit after the first season, but I felt they did a good job trying to set things accurately and still make it interesting. They seem to be trying to be accurate with clothing, armor, living conditions, all while using a less commonly utilized historical period. I like how they give both Christianity and paganism different portrayals, with good guys and douchebags on each side.


>I've just started watching it, so it could easily go to shit after the first season,

Thankfully season 3 was the best one.

those guys look pretty normal, is that the best you can do to "own the fash"?

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Is it acceptable if the colored person is explicitly stated to be a Moor or some shit?

Absolutely not unless it's central to the plot like Saladin in Kingdom of Heaven

so a man that wants to watch a show set in medieval Europe but doesn't want biggers and dykes shoehorned into it by kikes is the one that cant get laid? the pencil necked onions latte drinking faggot that's shouting "yaaasss queen" is the pussy slayer, right?

Only if it's treated as the absolute novelty it would have been at the time and the character is treated appropriately. Also needs a reason to be there which would make sense, which is asking a lot. Since so studio or network would even come close to touching an accurate portrayal (since it would involve a level of open and overt and culturally acceptable racist behavior on the part of any "hero" white characters) it simply won't ever happen that way.

Heck, I'm even OK with a historical fish out of water scenario where a black person end up in medieval Europe through some convoluted misadventure and that character is sympathetic, but you'd still need to have him treated the way it would actually have happened and not vilify the natives for how they genuinely react to something startling and perhaps frightening.

Pillars of the Earth.

It's Game of Thrones but with cathedral-building.

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holy fucking hell I just want something about the Eastern Roman Empire, seriously there's so many things about it that you can adapt

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