>alpha lets someone fuck
>alpha lets someone carry a baby to term
>they somehow deliver the baby without walkers noticing
>but the minute the baby cries it goes to the walkers lol
>survival of the fittest, sweaty :3
What a shitty and annoying fucking villain. I can’t wait for Negan to bash her smug face in with lucille.
The Walking Dead
Other urls found in this thread:
>he still watches the walking dead
>watching the literally talking dead
>lil asskicker
the show is no worse than GoT which is another show that moves the plot forward solely with "someone does something stupid" cliche. I mean, yeah, it's dumb but The Hounding throwing stones at wights over the frozen lake was the next level of stupid. at least alpha explained that they lived like animals and that included natural selection.
Alpha's in this now? Did they have Carl fuck her daughter? Did she get beheaded?
The Hound, bloody auto-correct
what an idiot. what a fucking idiot!
Someone give me a quick rundown on what happened since glenn was killed. Stopped watching at season 5.