Where’s the best place to buy a replica K jacket or the closest thing to it for a reasonable price...

Where’s the best place to buy a replica K jacket or the closest thing to it for a reasonable price. Asking for a friend, his name is Driveanon

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/kemilove-Casual-Sherpa-Fleece-Quilted/dp/B07KFGZ6P7/ref=mp_s_a_1_16?crid=6IX36FN4MCH8&keywords=sherpa trench coat men&qid=1551728093&s=gateway&sprefix=sherpa tre&sr=8-16

look in second hand clothes shops

not sure but you should be a real hero and post pics when you get them. how does ascending to legend status sound to you bro?

there was some company that sold accurate replicas of tons of jackets from cult movies and shows. Each item had a name that was close to the movie name but not enough for copyright infringement
only thing is they're actual replicas at an actual premium price

Sounds epic I most definitely will turn into a legend bro

do you realize that you will look like an idiot if it doesnt fit 100% perfectly ?

Your "friend's" channel blows

You're doing it work. You want to look similar not exact

I still look great in my XXXL scorpion jacket

Ancient, I’ve transcended beyond such things
I love my XL Drive jacket

There's a billion on Amazon, go nuts

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even that model guy in the third pic looks retarded in the badly fit jacket

These are all knock off absolute garbage

OP be ready to spend about $1000+ on the jacket if you want it to be even close to the actual shearling coat jacket from the film.

You will look like an absolute idiot in any of these cheap shitty coats.

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i like those boots

You have to look for slim fit

lol at that retarded looking guy in the middle. At least the other sellers understand how shit their cheap items look when worn.

Not gonna lie, it would feel pretty kino to walk in something like this in harsh cold weather.

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Thanks for the tip, I just found the Knife Sprinter jacket

>tfw too short to even consider making a fool of myself by wearing fictional character's outfits
please post pics though for the schadenfreude and all...

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Something cheap, similar and not faggy
amazon.com/kemilove-Casual-Sherpa-Fleece-Quilted/dp/B07KFGZ6P7/ref=mp_s_a_1_16?crid=6IX36FN4MCH8&keywords=sherpa trench coat men&qid=1551728093&s=gateway&sprefix=sherpa tre&sr=8-16

Cool jacket, too bad I'm a manlet.

Boots are cool. I'd look ridiculous in that jacket, but I really want Cables bag thing from Deadpool 2.

jesus christ dude you're taking it too far. i always was vehemently against the gay "hes just like me meme!" but you're actually becoming a caricature bro. just be yourself. you like the movie i get it bro you relate to the character but this is just autism. you'll probably look retarded bro find your own style just be yourself and it'll work out bro trust me just dont do this bro...

>30 bucks for a sherpa jacket

Adding onto that, imagine if a bunch street whores suddenly surround you, haha

found the store, looks like they have a shitload of Doctor Who and Back to the future stuff too

all no-name brand clothes on Amazon are guaranteed to be chinese crap sized for chinese manlets

Too bad its literally the only thing Amazon sells. It's flooded with clothing "stores" like XING PING DONG 35

>Grimes Jacket
I don't watch walking dead but I dig this jacket

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The real one isn't even leather. Its waxed cotton. This fucking faux leather looks so awful.

The real answer here is learn how to sew and buy all the materials yourself. Even the best ones I've seen are still pretty bad.

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Call me nuts but I think the third from left guy is photoshopped into the jacket

where's this supposed to be from?

Is there a similar pic but for this BR2049 coat?

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Ghost in the shell


We need to talk about the bonus situation.

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by the time BR2049 came out, enough people had seen the autism around the Drive jacket and stayed away for fear of being lumped in with the cringe
same reason why the Rick & Morty fandom is completely dead, after the mcdonald's szechuan incident

Man, that jacket looks so cool.

This thread was inspired by the thread about Kino Runner 2049 yesterday.

That's a big jacket

>Puts on mantel and crusher cap

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You WILL look like a faggot
Don't waste your money

For you.