alita: battle angel discussion
Other urls found in this thread:
Zapan was my favourite character
Eat disc when?
I watched it again today, going to do the same tomorrow and none of you can stop me.
I'm still waiting for that user to answer me how much money does Captain Marvel need to make to break even if Alita with her 170 million dollar budget needs half a billion dollars.
I'm just a poor, stupid farm boy who knows nothing about inner workings of the movie industry, so i need some help here from the experts.
>1 black guy
>named gangsta
fucks sake
Dunno why but I think they'll turn zapan into the secret final boss of the trilogy
He's never going to do it, he's pussing out.
Live action Alita but made by Japan
Yay or nay?
what # thread are we on faggots? fucking do your jobs and list it in the OP
It's gonna be tough to improve on Alita: Battle Angel; a more stricter adaption of the manga would be interesting but not necessarily as entertaining
It doesn't matter.
Box office money means nothing for Captain Marvel. It's about the Message.
And when our Saviour Brie Larson will help us reach the Ascendance - the new evolution of humanity through her noble deeds, you too will understand.
102 or 103
Reposting hoping it isn't sideways again.
I hate you guys so much,
> ALITA discussions all day every day for weeks
>bored AF today so I look up movies in the cinema nearby. Next movie is *ALITA* in their one and only hall.
>Maybe this won't be so bad.
>10 people total in a hall for about 200. 6 teenage girls; a group of 3 20-somethings, one of which looks neckbeard enough to have read the fucking mago; and solo me.
>'Alita pls' I say to Chad the cashier.
>'How many?'
>'Do you want our special *ALITA* temp tatoos with your card?' *smirk*
>Finally in the movie I have to cringe at no overestimation 50% of the lines while teenagers giggle, daw and are sad at a movie obviously made for them. I'm ebarassed at the movie and at myself.
>There is potential for a better movie in the actions sence but everything else is shit.
> Credits finally drop and I flee before the lights hit me.
The only reason you like this is bc you lust for underage robo-waifu.
jerome you fucking nigger! i missed you so much
Massive nay. Their live action adaptations are utter garbage. Literally DB:E tier.
>alita an exemplar of the highest moral virtues
that would be Job, not jesus.
#4 seems Filipino right?
Also it took several rewatches for me to realize Kumasi and Screwhead and Gangsta all get beat up by Alita in the barfight
>Sir, Bloodborne convention is down the hall and to the left
This my new desktop btw
What the fuck I want a Alita temp tattoo. Where's your theater user so I can go and get one?
totally not the same person
For cybernetic Jesus.
he should do Hellsing next
I love her in the Tuned arc so much, she's pretty much a cross between Adam Jensen and 2B. It's like it was written solely to make an amazing concept for an open world scifi western game.
>awesome setting
>lots of fightan
>interesting enemies and supporting characters
>cool weapons and gadgets
>her motorcycle and support drone
>pirate radio stations in the wasteland
>banter with cute operator
Imagine exploring the wasteland at night, Big Iron playing on the radio, getting into a massive fight with Barjack bandits trying to jack a nuclear powered train. If it was done well I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
dude, to be totally honest with you i'm just having a wild ride after i waited for this movie to come out for years.
and yes i love my robololi
man, that concept art is great. why do all the movie designs look like total garbage?
based and redpilled
Japan can’t act
what we know about this poster
>he's a faggot
>has no friends
>possible discord tranny
>possible marvel pajeet
>>'Do you want our special *ALITA* temp tatoos with your card?' *smirk*
holy shit im jelly
hallowed by thy face
negro, the paid alita shills are now the paid captain marvel shills.
if you are a part of the good guys why are your posts keep getting deleted, jerome?
also a lot of people like this movie, posting cherrypicked pics of favourite lists doesn't prove shit
why would they shill for their own competition? plus I have not seen any PRO cap'n marvel threads at all
this is a peaceful general where we discus Alita and her based manga, animes and movies
Gunnm is a gold mine that has never been properly tapped into. I really hope movie makes the franchise popular and gives it the recognition it deserves.
Good news guys, just saw someone else on another board has watched Alita!
There have been THOUSANDS of paying viewers - and they're STILL not considering a sequel?
That’s true. Their acting standards are third world soap opera level across the motherfucking board
Best I could do with this.
Do not think that she come to bring peace to the earth. She not come to bring peace, but a sword.
Jimmy camaro posted in a previous thread saying the sequels are coming you filthy casual
>tfw enjoyed posting with alita fans
>100 is reached
>all of them suddenly disappear
t-they weren't all shills r-right? Was I duped?
did you watch Kenshin? better than Alita as an adaptation
It's Monday afternoon. Most of us are at work and/or school right now (like me).
They can but their best actors work as seiyuu.
No, I had to go to sleep. I was up all night. I will post later.
So the mechas are the Merchants of the Temple ?
i've been here since #6, i'm feel kind of done with alitaposting for a while
stay based my friend
Guys, I think I found a way to stop repeated viewings of Alita
I watched her 5 times already and (although I love her still) she is burning a hole in my pocket
It's great and it gives closure
I think the changes in the movie were great but the manga is still good and gives closure
Looking forward to the sequels, I'm more optimistic about them now with reading the manga
There was a rush of excited unity for general #99, you can only operate at maximum velocity for so long before some downtime.
People did not sleep a day waiting for 99 threads.
>zapan with lights
because they're an indian clickfarm. a subcontractor.
That's the one "good" adaptation that people always bring up, but there are hundreds that are complete, low budget cringefest. I liked NaNa movie. Mika Nakashima a cute.
New one:
My estimates
US: $90M
China: $110M
Rest of the world: $250M
>a more stricter adaption of the manga would be interesting but not necessarily as entertaining
>not as entertaining
The manga is GOAT but the changes in the film make sense and are for the best I think
Although I liked some things the manga does better like
>what is to be human
>what is to be a metal body
>what is life on the scrapyard
>what is the ido/alita dynamic
>the madness of losing one's life
I especially like how they handle Yugo's madness
And so far my favorite page from the manga
i really, REALLY hope you are just trolling dude.
>I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe...
>Preventing another woman from checking male privilege is a violation of the Social Justice law
the problem is you're fighting indians. its not like disney/fox executives are personally posting on Yea Forums. Studios outsource the internet marketing to offices in india that are hundreds of people crammed shoulder to shoulder with auto-correct, software, grammer check software, and scripts. And it costs around $100 a day to hire the entire office.
There's no winning this fight.
>stop repeated viewings of Alita
why is this movie such trash?
Because it isn't.
You're trash.
>URM's ships on fire off the shoulder of the Moon
>I've watched C-Beam glitter in the dark near the Great Gate of Mars
>All those moments will be lost... in time
Ruined by the garbage on the shoulder.
Very reasonable number, but China has already given it more than 110 million, so add some more.
I want that webm so bad
can someone with actual taste in film answer my question? not teens from Yea Forums and reddit
There's a page dedicated to him in the art book actually.
If it was trash it wouldn’t have reached 100 generals in 2 weeks
This music seems strangely familiar, right?
No. Make your own thread if you want answers.
When all you ask is "why is this movie trash" that's implying others already agree. Don't know what kind of response you expected.
i saw space beans time to kms
because no one wants to make a proper anime adaptation. The focus should be on how anime is different from western media, not trying to make it the same shit.
Wow, very familiar. I drew the comparison to James Horner, but that's similar to Nino Rota quite a bit.
Poor bait, go back to 2ch, deaf comrade.
it flopped and most of it's money came from repeat viewings. so most people do agree that the movie is trash.
tell us why you think it's trash (implying you've seen it)
The beasts all over the shop. You'll be one, sooner or later.
I could write a diatribe but I will give you this instead
Actually the motif is almost exactly the same at the beginning.
Yeah it's a common minor triad that's not even in the same key or continues in the same way past the first 4 notes or is used to denote thematically similar things, piss off.
finally im not the only one who noticed this
>someone points out a flaw in the movie
>the response is outright hostility
>>someone points out a flaw in the movie
>"why is this movie trash"
"""""pointing out flaws"""""
Busy with other stuff, like I will be later. And by other stuff I mean rewatching the movie at my theater.
>most of it's money came from repeat viewings
>so most people do agree that the movie is trash
So people repeatedly paid to watch something they didn't like ? Fucking genius.
>i could write but I won't
alitafags, everyone.
>colored skins acting like savages
Nothing new
if you could read, you would've understood the implication is that a small minority liked the movie enough to see it multiple times, but the general audiences were not impressed.
What's in her left hand? It looks like either a cell phone or MP3 player.
>missed 99
>most of it's money came from repeat viewings
I watcher her 5 times, there are not many like me, and in the grand scheme of things 5 times for one person is peanuts for a movie like Alita
People liked it a lot
Get over it
Sorry user, it just came out so fast. We hit bump limit on #99 in less than an hour.
>where were you
>check the patrician site
>all the ones who have given it high ratings are the plebs
Imagine not having opposable thumbs lmao
watching the movie
name my band
>people are mocking this scene
plebs are a plague
so you base your opinion on a movie solely on what others think?
tell us why you're an absolute pleb
have you even seen it?
Don't know where the user went that wanted this .webm, but I made it.
Poor Nyssiana, no wonder she is so angry
Iron city and Zalem is inhabited by straight up sadist sociopaths
It's a very dark world, I'm starting to think that URM are the good guys
Yup clearly that was the case.
Of course the URM are the good guys. Nova is the dragon that must be slain.
There aren't any flaws though so as soon as someone tries to criticize it you already know they're wrong
Look at the links
The people he's proving it's worth with are quite tasteless when it comes to art and one even seems to be a ""GAMER""" lmao
>the general audiences were not impressed.
They liked it at +90% everywhere, what are you talking about ?
The ending is absolutely flawless, I'm getting goosebumps thinking of the final scene between Hugo and Alita
>I'm going to pull you up
>arm starts snaping
>reality that this is the end dawns on them
>silence, only tears
>thank you for saving
>I love you
It's brilliant and heartbreaking
Post the webm of the motorball player getting stomped in front of Alita & Hugo
I loved all those accounts with 1 rating that joined when this movie came out! Even better were the accounts that have been on their for years that praised it and have terrible pleb taste like this!
>the suffering has stopped
He never got to go to Guam, did he?
Dont worry user, atleast you can see the spirit everyone had ;)
>"A leader"
Wow, pretty on the nose, isn't it feminists?
You're just helping my argument. The same small minority that was seeing it over and over is the same small minority that was rating it 10/10 everywhere they could. They, of course, didn't understand that IMDB doesn't count 10/10s from people who've either never rated anything else or only rate 1 or 10.
The general audiences didn't care.
How is Disney going to ruin this?
I don't consider youtube links to mean literally nothing. I don't watch them. If you have an idea, you express it here, in writing, or you can go fuck yourself.
Rosa Salazar is 33.
China is at 113 right now, I wasn't that far off
I think the movie can end its run somewhere around $500M
Age is just a number when you are that cute
stinger had the freakiest expression when trying to sawblade Alita
Right, I meant China's run isn't over yet, so they'll add more. I'm curious about the other foreign market numbers.
33 isn't old, r-right??
and she is still cute. CUTE!
Our best bet is 400-450 mil. I dont see us getting at 500 sadly.
>hello user, what have you done with your life?
add some skulls and an aquila and we've got an inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus here
Watched this last night. I both liked it and hated it.
Ido hunting with the engine hammer thing made me want a Bloodborne movie tho.
Last one because I got too lazy to take more.
They can't. They don't own anything except for distribution rights of the first film.
That's good because it means not all hope is lost for me to get an Alita gf
Who am I kidding? lol
The general audience didn't watch the movie. Those who did liked it in their vast majority (and 99% of them watched it once).
No, atleast not in Yea Forums standards. You got people ranging from 20-60 here. Rosa is fine.
i've already saved it to my computer so i can never lose it
i've been here since #20 and missed the most important thread of them all somehow
>can someone with actual taste in film answer my question? not teens from Yea Forums and reddit
In 2 short sentences you are already aggressive, obnoxious and you seem to have made up your mind for something
This is bait, why should I explain to bait why Alita is good?
t. pleb who needs validation from others to like something
we're still here. We just need to regroup once we get sequel news/bluray screenshots
that scene was ruined by hugo's "dude i'm like falling and stuff whoa?" face. and the acting in general. and the fact hugo had no real justification to run up the wire in the movie, etc.
the tear-cut scene was just inane because alita literally has all the reasons in the universe to not go back to motorball. She knows you only get to salem as parts, motorball should be strongly connected to hugo, she knows the game is rigged, etc. So ending with her in motorball is basically showing hugo's death had no effect on her, and the tear-cut just comes off as forced.
Holy shit a waifu who's actually older than me
However I'm sure the vast majority of the people who did see it went away very satisfied and want to see a sequel. Then add the people who will see the movie at home and the amount of people who would watch a sequel increases greatly. So boatman better give us a sequel.
>The general audience didn't watch the movie.
Yea, I said that.
>everyone who watched it liked it
I watched it, I didn't like it. Others watched it, they didn't like it. this is provably false and utterly delusional autistic logic.
i consider her alita's brain and emotional heart. shes 300 years old.
Top 10 films of all time? Don't bother replying if theres any entry level shit from the imdb top 250 on your list though, cinelet
Clearly it's not people who liked the movie enough to join and give a rating, or people that have been putting it off doing it until now. Nah the most obvious explanation is Russian hackers.
Ever hear of Occam's Razor you massive faglord?
>anyone who doesn't like the movie is PRETENDING! THEY'RE DOING IT TO MAKE ME MAD!!!!!!!!
no one cares about you. but all you're proving is you can't explain why you liked the movie.
the prince of excess would never bestow her gifts upon CM.
If i list off the myriad reasons why Alita is complete garbage will you stop liking it? Of course you won't. I won't waste my time and everyone else's. What you mean by engage in discussion with you is ''Why don't you agree with me ;__;''. If i engaged and curbstomped you thoroughly i would receive a swift retarded rebuttal full of insults (just like that one) because that's all plebeians like yourself can do when faced with people like me.
My ''elitism'' (as the insecure state so oft) is merely inherent from my ciniphilic nature and want for a better board with a better community. I mean not to startle and insult those below me, but one must pave the path ahead with the blood of the common man. And that is you.
so sexy
>t-the movie is going to flop!
>n-no one will like it!
>only Russian bots and hackers like it!
>n-no one watched it!
What are the stages of grief again?
>the fact hugo had no real justification to run up the wire
He was sentenced to death penalty, he just chose his own way to die. If he had stayed he was dead anyway, that's a real justification to me.
Mon ami, all le flavors and vous choose to be so saltier.
never feel bad about being healed. Arita understands.
This part? Not sure which scene you're referring to.
Still here, it's just late where I am.
server for trannycore
>I won't waste my time and everyone else's
>Autism: The Post
What is Alita's favorite dish other than chocolate and oranges?
A pathetic rebuttal born from intimidation like this makes nobody look good, princess.
it did flop, only a tiny minority liked it.
China is about 30% of total foreign proceeds according to older data
113 * 10/3 = 377
Add current domestic estimate of $72M and we're at around $450M
I believe the final push can get us to half a billion
Did someone make a screencap yet?
strawberry shortcake
>Others watched it, they didn't like it.
ffs you're dense. Being within the 5% who didn't like it don't make your opinion a majority.
I mean yeah I'm, but you can't expect me to stay active all the time
ill be back when the sequel is announced
Oh cool it's been updated
We can see just how many more tasteless plebs are giving it 4-5/5s now!
so they made movie hugo a coward. a stupid coward at that, considering his girlfriend is literally the strongest thing in the scrapyard.
But i guess it makes sense. If hugo doesn't die then he's just a non-entity for the rest of the sequels that won't happen.
Get that Discord shit out of here.
>that scene was ruined by hugo's "dude i'm like falling and stuff whoa?" face and the acting in general.
That's your opinion, I like how honest and not over the top Keean's performance is
>and the fact hugo had no real justification to run up the wire in the movie, etc.
he had a bounty on his head, the factory new he was alive, the factory sent centurions to Ido's place (all these are mentioned naturally in the film) and I'm sure the decapitation didn't help Hugo's sanity, he was already very confliceted
>the tear-cut scene was just inane because alita literally has all the reasons in the universe to not go back to motorball.
It's actually consistent with the manga after Yugo's loss she disappears and lives Ido and "hides" in motorball, somehow she has to handle the loss and maybe motorball is this way, she isn't thinking straight, she is still a teenager with memory loss that has just lost her first love, give her some slack
>She knows you only get to salem as parts,
Nope, Ido specifically mentions that undefeated champions get to Zalem and we have no reason to not trust Ido, for example Ido new that Vector couldn't be trusted
>motorball should be strongly connected to hugo,
It is she tries to go to Zalem for Hugo to accomplish his dream
>she knows the game is rigged, etc.
Everything is rigged in Iron City
>So ending with her in motorball is basically showing hugo's death had no effect on her,
Yeah sure, no effect at all, can't you see how happy happy happy she is
>and the tear-cut just comes off as forced.
That's just your opinion, I think it was a great scene showing the conflict inside her, she wants to give up on one hand but on the other she is still a warrior and she will keep on going
holy shit, imagine posting in a thread full of waifuism and STILL being the most autistic
kill yourself
huh, for 33 she doesnt look that bad
your argument, right now is literally eveyrone who bought a ticket or downloaded a camrip/HDTC, the one you fall back to every time we go down this line, is that LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO SAW THE MOVIE RATED IT.
This is provably false. Because that would mean the ~20k people who rated highly it bought thousands of tickets each.
Waifus are a bad idea in general but if you have to have one only 2D waifus are allowed
this and her quick 'woo!' are stupid cute
Listen here you little shit. It only needed 350 million to break even, which it has already surpassed thanks to based foreigners having better taste then most Americans. In fact, it already has a surplus of at least 50 million dollars. Doesn't matter how many times you copy paste your shill shit it already made a profit and a sequel is all but guaranteed.
>so they made movie hugo a coward
What ? The guy decided to walk alone in front of a certain death.
>I'm so retarded I don't understand statistics
I like how you took every line out of context and acted like every justification for every conclusion was just an opinion, then addressed the conclusions as if they are baseless.
You write all that shit out, and all you're saying is "that's just your opinion man so you're wrong."
In fact i'd say the average superhero fan and the average Alita fanboy share a lot of common thought. You plebeian retards are adorable. The best part is, people who like Alita, actually think they have taste .
>alita will never be as happy and carefree in the sequel as she is in this scene
It just ain't fair
And you waste your precious short life telling people you don't know on an online message board that they're wrong for liking something you didn't. Seethe more.
Someone make a webm of Alita doing the "king of the world" thing on the back of Yugo's motorbike. thnx in advance
Yes, you are. Because you think self-reporting ever results in representative data. People only self-report when they feel strongly about something. They, by definition can't self-report on apathy.
People don't care much about a movie will still rate it, if they're signed up to RT or Flixter, you dingus.
I literally explained the things you said were not explained with things that happened in the film
Interpretation is a personal thing too
>Top 10 films of all time? Don't bother replying if theres any entry level shit from the imdb top 250 on your list though, cinelet
>movie bad because popular
holy autism, if you're such an "elitist", what are you even doing here?
its a passive aggressive "i don't want a response to this" type thing. He thinks anyone who points out literal facts is a troll.
This is what warms my heart, people discovering the aesthetic bliss of the sequential art form
Domestic: $85
China: $130
Rest of the world: $200
So now you're saying that people felt strongly about a movie so they went and gave it a good review. So what is it, did people not like it or did they?
>Get curbstomped and utterly destroyed
>N-n-n you!!11!!!
Adorable as always, princess. Did you even think about what you were sperging onto the keyboard as you wrote it? I bet not.
>my opinions are facts
Was it autism?
This is the most realistic. Maybe add some extra bonus from foreign, but we'll see.
I love you guys.
I missed #99 because I was at work all night, but I saw what happened with the misnumbered threads and how you geniuses managed to celebrate 99 and 100 at the same time without even really planning it that way. That's the power of ENGINEERING.
Remember what day tomorrow is.
can someone please explain to me the obsession behind this movie by the forum-browsing types? honestly im just trying to legitimately understand what the appeal is. why do i see it everywhere? its like some of you havent even seen it and praise it because animu or "big eyed waifu that means movie good" like seriously i dont understand the shitposting
>utterly destroyed
You're seething at a movie on a message board, the only thing you're destroying is your mom's credit card.
Hey OP, made a fresh general thumbnail if you want to use it next thread.
hi. here.
It needed 350m domestic to recoup just the budget. It needed to make (liberal estimate) 3 million internationally for every 2 million it was away from 350m domestic.
Just because you don't understand the difference between gross and net, and refuse to understand it no matter how many times it is explained to you, doesn't suddenly mean studios get 100% of the international gross.
I am incredibly amused by the attempts to prove that no one looked to Alita, that she had no fans, the user rating is fake, it is calculated incorrectly and the film did not earn anything.
It is so deep and comprehensive damage control that I do not get tired of enjoying it.
that smile is the best
Or if you want to make your own, here's the logo you can put over your own image.
>the tear-cut scene was just inane because alita literally has all the reasons in the universe to not go back to motorball.
It's the only way to get into Zalem
No, you made a bunch of excuses. The facts are closer to .
Rest of the world is already at about $200M or already surpassed it
Japan and South Korea will play it for a while, Europe is mostly pulling out but still can add a little bit
I remember some critics and normals were kvetching about her saying "hiyah". Had a chuckle at their expense when I finally saw that scene in the theater.
>They, by definition can't self-report on apathy.
read the rest of the post.
>state salient facts about how this is a plebeian movie for capeshit minded adult children
>no you must be neckbeard
Cannot stop laughing. I expected a pathetic rebuttal, but this just takes the cake. Imagine what this videogame sensibility numale looked like scrambling this piece of trash post out.
>350m domestic
Billionzillin, you, stupid faggot!!!
Yeah, it's pretty bizarre but entertaining unto itself. It's like watching schizophrenics bumping around hilariously. Regardless of whether these posters are actually mentally ill or "merely pretending", the later case is still mentally ill.
It's funny how this place attracts so many of these "people".
Click the "weighted average" link.
Have you seen my movie, user?
Ah! We should go!
acting retarded doesn't change facts. It just confirms that you lack the intellectual capacity for basic math.
I don't understand all the bickering in these threads. Based on a production cost of 170 million, Alita will need to make a billion dollars MINIMUM if it wants to break even.
damn I'm really glad I barely remember the original trailers.
I fucking love it.
My argument, since the start, and has remained unchanged, is that only a small minority of people liked the movie, and this is reflected in the small number of ratings and high number of repeat viewings.
thanks user
This movie is something new and this alone is refreshing. God tier CGI and animation, down to earth character writing. It has many flaws but it's REALLY refreshing.
>I hate you guys so much,
never EVER take a recommendation from this cesspool. Im convinced the makeup is something like 20% tweens, 20% neckbeardian pedos, 50% automated shillbots, and 10% disgruntled people that want to discuss movies and television but end up shitposting because every attempt is drowned out by the horrible people.
This trash was a movie for a lot of newfags that don't belong here to think they do
Pointing this out isn't good for advertisers so they have to censor it
this the scene i mentioned in last thread where i think its intentional her new tits look glorious while her face is kept as girlish and young as possible.
Such a simple change, making the pupils bigger helped tremendously.
Where the fuck is Fury?
>ywn sit next to her and watch the sunset
My grampa works for Samsung and said the movie needs $76 dollars to break even GOOD LUCK WITH THAT LOL
is that paki holding grindcutters behind her? or is that juggernauts fist?
You called a completely insane, unrealistic domestic.
What gives you an idiot or a troll.
irises. pupils are the black part.
Someone back in the /ABAG/ threads wanted Jennifer in lingerie. Well, here you go finally.
Fuck you
Don't worry user, she will have cute girly adventures with bffs Shumira and Koyomi. It's going to be adorable.
Finally saw the movie. Dat motorball sequence tho.
At least not in a good way. He's the villain, so being blacked is bad.
How do cyborgs excrete?
that's what the plasma was
This. Reminder one of them exposed themselves yesterday by showing their "i'm totally john from texas" program
This guy did nothing wrong.
e x c e l l e n t
>350m domestic is insane
that wouldn't even put it in the top 40 all time. Most of which are from the last ten years.
fucking deadpool made 350m domestic.
which is, of course, a strong argument for the case the PG-13 rating is what killed alita.
Have you seen the movie yourself? If not then go see it and you will understand.
Still here.
where was he going to take them? it's not like he has a dick
How will they adapt the tumor reveal?
every thread
He was going to finger them with his grind cutters.
>Continued Rodriguez: "Then I got a call from Jim. He did want to work on the eyes more. 'You know, there is something about them that's not quite right. We actually have to make them bigger. And I went, 'bigger, really?!' And he said, 'yeah, yeah. I went through this on Avatar. If you compare the two trailers you'll see. And people have made notes saying, 'hey, look, we made the eyes smaller. No, we actually made them bigger. The eyes are actually the exact same size. But he said, the irises have to get bigger. They actually have to be bigger to be more in proportion."
thank you based boatman
>which is, of course, a strong argument for the case the PG-13 rating is what killed alita.
No teens showed up for this movie. It's all boomers.
Japanese acting is terrible. If it's japanese stick to anime.
it would have actual soul and passion to it
not shill shit made for mexican teens
he was asian
>a strong argument for the case the PG-13 rating is what killed alita
How did they got away with PG-13??
The filmd was very brutal at times
What rating do you think it would help the US box office?
they won't have to, thanks to the flop.
strange child from nowhere grabs your gfs life and gives you this look
>Vector, you prick! I should have known it was you.
>What you should have known, my friend, is that no one is bigger than the game.
>soul and passion
Nice joke. Every visual form made by Japan is a kitchen sink attached to a conveyor belt. Japanese visual media is the very definition of soulless and regurgitated.
David Cronenberg is still working
just read the manga. it handles literally everything better than the movie did.
>How did they got away with PG-13??
The answer for this is always
*unzips dick*
No, I think the total OS gross is 278 million, of which 110 is from China.
Yeah I get that she can digest stuff but how and where does it come out
Based Cameron will make it happen
im of the opinion the pg13 raring pushed them all the more to be creative and very careful in planning every punch and kick, compared to a lot of other movies that have generic endless minion fights *cough* marvel *cough*
PG-13 used to be much more brutal back in the day, it's been desensitized since the early 2000's. More 90's PG-13 is on the same level as 2019 R ratings, minus some cursing.
... uh, her butthole... its canon in the manga.
though in the movie just just exhales farts.
And now the BLACKED memes will follow. You shouldn't have done that.
Easy, blue cyberblood
>missed out on 3D Alita
sucks bros...
Previous total was at about 220, with 64 in China
>minus some cursing.
its literally entirely the cursing.
just google china box office directly. box office mojo doesn't update the foreign page with the summary.
I was actually kinda surprised that a motorball star getting jacked and murdered out in the open like that was never mentioned at all. You'd think it would be big news.
>movie has body horror
>biological mechanical abominations
>beheadings and shreddings are a casual things
>multiple dismemberment
>blow torching a guys face off
>eyes that move and focus and brains in a jar
>out of body experiences
>lmao the blood is blue so it's tame stuff
The rating system is retarded
China's gross is like 116 million right now. Is looking to finish with about 140 million there.
I think you're allowed two fucks before R? And the one they drop in Alita is clear and loud.
Don't forget killing a dog and using the blood as war paint.
I think it counted whatever it made from China into that total but BOM didn't update China's BO.
>motorball star
Murders are literally legal when they happen in motorball
Factory laws are only to protect the factories and Zalem
It's a shithole
Bros, I kinda want to watch Alita's film again. When should I go?
It's a harsh world. The strong prey on the weak down there.
which is already reflected by boxofficemojo's summary page.
As soon as you can.
no one cares about robots slicing up robots and the body-horror is way underplayed.
>Goes to a thread dedicated to liking the film
>Told to fuck off
>"Heh, how immature of you guys..."
PROTIP: On the bluray title screen, press ABACABB. You'll hear a voice clip of Alita saying "Fuck your mercy!" and all the blood will change from blue to red.
Go on March 8th
holy shit BASED
and it's pinned too
Why don't you watch actual film instead?
That's just a garbage read. The entire point of the manga is how cheap life is and how fragile people are in what amounts to a giant meat-grinder under a trash chute.
Then the movie has normal people regularly operating on the same level as giant fucking cyborg monstrosities. they show the nigger getting sliced in half but then act like zapan poking hugo's shoulder is supposed to be an WHOAMYGOD moment.
fuck off mouse
>forum-browsing types
I still have the it any good guys?
>that grewshika shot where alita twists through his tendrils in the air
bros... where can i find the manga?
literally anywhere
mangalife dot us/read-online/Battle-Angel-Alita-chapter-1-page-1.html
its got nice visuals, but horrid writing, acting, and pacing.
fuck off mouse, I wasnt asking you, I was asking the alitabros.
>Adorable as always, princess. Did you even think about what you were sperging onto the keyboard as you wrote it? I bet not.
Fucking kek
the only reason anyone likes it is the visuals. they make excuses for the writing, acting, and pacing.
worst part of the movie. though she was blacked in the ova too so it's consistent at least