Heroic male Protagonists have no place in the New World Order.

All your heroes of old are impotent. Just take Star wars for example - Han Solo is a failure of a father, still flying when he should be retired. Legendary Luke Skywalker is a failure, he sits on an island drinking blue titty milk and dies alone miserably.

The whole heroe's journey, where a man has to struggle and overcome obstacles to attain mastery, is now gone. Instead this will become the era of entitled female heroes, magically empowered since birth as the Mary Sue like Rey.

Just look at the general state of Action films and franchises today, so few alpha males. This will only get worse and worse now.

Captain Marvel will take over the MCU, all the male MCU heroes will also become impotent. She is more powerful than Thanos, of course she is.

Action heroes portrayed by the likes of Sly Stallone, Van Damme, Arnold, etc, are never coming back. Wave goodbye.

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i dont really care tbqh, movies are gay

What's an Alpha Male?

I hope so. I will love these women if they kill capeshit just like they did with Star Wars. It will be a great step to stop Disney since they are afloat mostly thanks to capeshit.

good thing im not a nerd and dont idolize fictional characters

typical WOMEN logic, give gender to the force, even tho it flows genderless
>how the fuck cant they get anything right

Whether or not you like it, fictional characters and their stories reflect upon our human nature and act as role models for young boys. They do not want young boys identifying with a Luke Skywalker that works hard to attain his goals and fights to protect women.

This is all an effort to subvert, change and scramble gender roles. Disney does not care if Captain Marvel puts them in the red, all they care about is spreading the propaganda.

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m8 our civilization has been collapsing for like a century, who fucking cares what they're putting in movies

we dont even have children anymore, we just import people to replace us

>he cares about male "heroes" in movies

jesus fucking christ man, grow up

>waaa i want strong handsome men in in tight pants in my kid's cartoon movies not waman nooo waaa

Star Wars is dead.

I have faith that people with passion will create something else worthwhile while people like Kathleen Kennedy can spend their time managing a slowly decomposing corpse.

TL;DR Womanlet Rant.

Attached: shut up woman.jpg (539x344, 74K)


It will be fine. Women only care when it makes them feel things. If you just ignore them they will get bored and start trying to get your attention with things that you like because their self worth will take a hit. "Maybe I'm not so great as the lesbians told me, I should work harder to be wanted by men".

I respect your opinion, but why are you here then?

im also gay(straight) tbqh

I'm no longer a consumer of Star Wars, so I don't care.

Good goy...dont get inspired,dont try to improve,we only need you impotent rage to make us better.

Liar. We know you're still buying the toys.

>act as role models for young boys
Maybe it's time to prevent fictional characters from being role models for young people.
We've all seen how millennials ended up after idolizing false idols like Optimus Prime or Goku, a generation of manchildren.

I didn't buy toys even when I was a fan.

>and dies alone miserably
He didn't seem miserable to me.

Maybe you are right, maybe movies are destined to become female empowerment-flicks.

So what? Do you raise your kids at the cinema or by the TV?

Teach your son how to be a man yourself. Read him some classic tales, let him experience the journey himself. Don't let corporations or the state raise your sons or daugthers.

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Imagine deriving your heroes from television and film instead of books

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There used to be these male father-figures in boys lifes.

I think they called them fathers.


it's okay, I'll just wait until they realize that they'll lose my money until they make more movies about male heroes who I can identify with
the pendulum always swings the other way

You’ll never stop me from loving tits Kathleen

>fictional characters and their stories reflect upon our human nature and act as role models for young boys.
No it doesn't. You sound like the retard SJWs who think Stonk Wimin in movies will do something. Who think black panther will make black kids not join gangs. Movies don't really matter...especially capeshit. It's all marketing buddy.

>Say goodbye to my money, it isn't coming back

With the amount of times this pic is posted I am surprised weappnized autism has not tracked down lewds of the one with those enormous milkers.

I just want another Raid/Dredd desu

imagine being this paranoid that your tribe might become inferior to another tribe, D'OH NO!!!

I once saw another photo of her, I think with that same lineup of women, only they were wearing dresses. She must work for Disney to some capacity.

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Cool with me. It's time we gave women some time at the top. Weve had a nice run over the last 8000 years. fair.

Attached: Movies_make_me_want_to_be_dead.png (797x480, 654K)

Good thing I usually just watch older films

>It's time we gave women some time at the top.
We've done it before and each time it ends in hilarious disaster

>Imagine deriving your heroes from television and film instead of books
nigga have you seen what happened to the hugo awards and fantasy/sf in general the last couple of years? have fun digging through millions of shitty selfpubs to maybe find one worthy read cause the big publishers cater to sjws exclusively now

>Stonk Wimin in movies will do something.
They make women more delusional about their capabilities.
>Who think black panther will make black kids not join gangs
It affects things whether it does that specific thing or not.
>Movies don't really matter
They matter a great deal. A war movie can increase support or increase protest.
People don't spend billions on propaganda for nothing.

good, cut off the bugman juice AND kike profits at the same time

What's left for women to take over from men? I can't think of anything
