Reminder that Brie Larson looks about as attractive and stunning as your average housewife mum without Hollywood makeup...

Reminder that Brie Larson looks about as attractive and stunning as your average housewife mum without Hollywood makeup artists.

Attached: tumblr_o5xlxmVfue1r5n0bgo1_1280.png (593x595, 596K)



yeah almost every hollywood actor and actress looks average without that. except for tv waifus, they are a bit below average

She's got the grease grin though that makes mature men cum

When is hollywood starting their eugenics program?

Be sure to remember that those lips have been wrapped around a nigger's penis.

looks qt af in your pic

she doesn't even look good with hollywood makeup

Imagine being so jaded and entitles you think being a plain looking women is a bad thing.

t. plain roastie

She's been invaded by foot Skrulls.

Attached: 1551656375170.gif (320x240, 1.44M)

How much of an incel do you have to be to spend hours on Google to find the most unfavorable photo of her JUST to put her down a peg because she dared to criticize whiteness.
Holy shit, these future school shooters.

Laura is cuter.

Attached: Laura_Palmer.jpg (298x220, 24K)


Reminder that Brie Larson looks about as attractive and stunning as your average housewife mum WITH Hollywood makeup artists.

yeah but shes also actually a woman not a man with a mental illness

Attached: 51567918_371332463418744_8458353472919740254_n.jpg (1080x1080, 163K)

OH NO! He called me the R-word! How can I ever recover from such scathing insult?


>t. incel

no, just go back.

I don't think you fully grasp how the average amerilard housewife looks like

>Good bone structure
>Great tits
What more could a guy want? She's the perfect 7.5/10 waifu