People actually believe in this

People actually believe in this

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Other urls found in this thread:

but ghostbusters was a flop precisely because nobody watched it?

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>crowd not made of NPCs
>guy isnt wearing a fedora
shit art

He was right though

>Star Wars
He was also right

>Wonder Woman
Literally nobody complained because Gal is a qt and didn't attack the fans

I don't even know what number 4 is

>Captain Marvel
Spends all her time attacking white males (AKA 90% of the fanbase). Let's see how well it works for her

Fuck white men

>I don't even know what number 4 is

She-Ra which isn't huge and didn't have any controversy outside of some tumblr cartoon nerds but whatever helps your dumb comic.

Most white males are cucks tbqh, they probably will continue to white knight CM

Whole lot of tumblr nose in that image.

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Wonder Woman outside of the one line they threw in for the lolcow crowd, was actually decent.

it was a pioneer movie

it wasn't obnoxious but it wasn't good either

>All the "women" flocking to the characters are ugly or look like trannies

We already have a comic for this phenomenon

Attached: Cycle of a Fanbase.jpg (2404x1260, 827K)

Why can't Tumblr draw?

this but ironically

artistic talent is considered ableism
you might think I'm joking but there's a literal post over there with tens out thousands of reblogs about how you shouldn't give a fuck if your artwork is bad because muh life too short

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One way or the other I can say that Wonder Woman was not controversial

Also how come nobody on either side of the argument ever points out that this girl headlined an Oscar winning $750 million grossing movie and everybody loved her?

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Post the webm of Margot putting on her shirt from suckde sqiad

>doesn't mention She-Ra who literally alienated there only fans by saying no one liked the original despite it having a cult following

because Margot Robbie was actually attractive
Women wanted despised her for being attractive but also wished they were her? Need proof? Notice that Triple X is sold out....

Attached: triple X sold out.jpg (1778x807, 180K)

>literally admitting that you just want to flood a fanbase with people who don't care about the actual source material
This is precisely what fat nerds have been complaining about for years. You force non-fans into the fanbase and then the IP and the fanbase become unrecognisable and unpleasant for the actual fans that will stick around after the rest of the crowd moves on to the next big meme.

Absolutely nothing wrong with being a dudebro.

Fuck off Ivan

3X women are the best type of women

>30 year old woman manages to successfully pretend to be mid 20s
Of course all women wanted to be like her

Tell me someone replied to the cunt in the OP with this.

>anyone who disagrees with me or doesn’t like what I like should be violently silenced and suppressed by the unwashed masses
Leftism at its finest

except they're callous, mean spirited, and uncaring. they're like women without vaginas. they also use womens holes as arguments
>wtf i lost get laid bro at least i don't waste my life on this

It's videogames all over again.

brad is like that but chad really just wants to play for real

Its funny how people only started really shitting on Rey after seeing two movies starring her.


>outside of the one line they threw in for the lolcow crowd
What was it, a reference to Sonichu?

>Need proof? Notice that Triple X is sold out....
>because when ordering the shirts the seller must order equal quantities of each size
Your premise is flawed. That is not to say you are incorrect, you may be, but you do not have evidence that proves it. It could be they ordered a small number of 3X shirts and met the demand early, while selling many, many more smaller shirts. It could also be they ordered a great many 3X shirts and couldn't meet an overwhelming demand. Unless you have further evidence you have proved nothing.

>being a faggot but also a nigger

Bitching about how it's only men starting wars.

this is really embarrassing

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Huh it's almost as if people were willing to give the writers a second chance at creating a charismatic non-cardboard cutout of a hero. It's almost as if after the second movie of her being an unlikable cunt of a Mary Sue people realized the writers were hacks and Rey was a shitty character.

>it's almost as if people
>It's almost as if after
what's your deal

>implying people weren't shitting on her after the first movie.

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Its also worth noting that Disney was hiding the fact that Rey would be the central jedi character in TFA.
They didn't release toys with Rey having a saber, they didn't show it in trailers, and they otherwise attempted to hide it. Instead they showed Finn off as being the new saber-wielding lead, with Rey being a major supporting character.

>Literally nobody complained because Gal is a qt
I complained. WW without muscle is a fucking travesty

>Its funny how people only started really shitting on Rey after seeing two movies starring her.
People gave TFA a huge forward credit, even after all the "glib facsimile" trolling. Everyone saw it as a first, small step of taking Star Wars back to its roots. This included Rey. People thought there was more to it that would be in the sequels. Not many back then realized it was just a scam.

But because of her being a shitty character, nothing to do with her gender

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Most of that shitting was based on her being a bland and uninteresting cog in JJ's "New Hope Remake". She still had potential to grow as a character, but they just made her even more bland, and a Force God to boot.

The funny thing is Gal actually gained 20 pounds of muscle but it wasn't noteworthy because it moved her up from "literally going to fucking die of malnutrition" to "skinny"

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This but with punctuation

thank ms skeltal

That's what he was talking about him not knowing what #4 was. He didn't know about She Ra.

>coca cola feminism
>left wing

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you see how no one flocks around the ghostbusters?



My favorite part was when the stupid-ass Flash actor tried to get Gal to condemn men and the patriarchy, and Gal refused to. She is 100% based.

Can someone please post the tweet of the guy who turned around to watch the kid watch spiderverse

Holy shit how did she think she looked good on the left

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Get the van

Where's Alita

>Star Wars
>He was also right
I'm sure that is why both films made billions of dollars.

This is a prime example of tldr

Ahah that's actually very good

>b-but big number
TLJ underperformed and killed the fandoms interest in the new movies
Solo bombed hard
Things are not looking good for Episode 9

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It flopped. He was right

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This dude got the fucking artist to (You) him... kek

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based red nosed strawman

Wonder Woman was controversial on Yea Forums you guys just have selective memory because you think she's hot and she didn't do the same sort of divisive marketing Brie Larson has done. There was plenty of whining on Yea Forums about Wonder Woman before it was released

>in the 50s women over 20 years old were 48% of the public for comics
left out that what they were reading was Betty and Veronica, if that number is even true

>This dude got the fucking artist to (You) him... kek
what comics? where is the number from?

what the fuck is this

>"these will never work, nobody wants this"
>"make these all female now!"


>every day until you like it: the comic

lol exactly

Everyone here did, but he's a capeshit company war shill so he's pretending none of that happened

Imagine if this was done in reverse

A shitty movie.
>tfw bought a ticket for it because I walked into the theater and randomly picked it without knowing what it was

Also this just in: women make up over 60% of gamers

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Just another thing people 'wanted', that was 'showing all those evil men' and 'sticking it to people who thought it would fail'

Not really, just smart enough to know you don't take a big shit all over the people paying you.

>women elevating and praising another woman
Someone doesn't understand women.
Super heros work for men because we look up to great men and aspire to be like them
The Alpha gets the women and our caveman brain drives us to emulate that.
Womens nature is to tear down exceptional females.
their nature is to sabotage the other women in the tribe to secure the top spot/top male for her and her children.
Women can't into heros because deep down they feel it should be them and if not they must lower the bar to their level.

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Be honest with me, will this make 6 gorillion (never forget) dollars or will it flop?

It's crazy because the shit doesn't fail because it's an all female version of something. It fails because that's all the substance it has.


But I thought this was your fetish.

It will flop but a bunch of shills will use newspeak to explain why that's a good thing

>caring about how much money a money laundering program "makes"
you should only care enough to not pay for it, that's all you can do

I must see this, please.

Another blue checkmark literally who.

Why give these retards attention?

>they have to wear kneepads to avoid hurting themselves

who bitched about wonder woman?

>only men starting wars.
Nobody can actually believe that, r-right?

>made more than its money back
>WITHOUT the male audience buying tix

why are they cool with the other white poeple not on there knees though? also those two giga trannies are freaking me out

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I loled

>In the 50's women used their husbands money to buy their sons comic books.

based logicposter

>caring about how much money a money laundering program "makes"
i care. i want this movie to make 10 bil because my primary source of entertainment is a weebish west siberian macaroni portraits internet smorgasbord and the fallout will be absolutely priceless.

>make only 5 qty XXXL shirts because not everyone is that fat.
>eventually sell them out before other sizes that are fast movers and always have stock replenish ready

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Where are these pictures from?

worst coast, probably the tricounty

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I was there. They didn’t “have” to but most already had their own as EDC

her mom told her guys believe her

Have women ever even had the power to “start war”?

Yes by manipulating men behind the scenes
See Helen of Troy or Catherine de Medicis

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Kek. That ""artist"" really got his jimmies rustled

Rey was worse in TFA than she was in TLJ though. I hated her in TFA. In TLJ she was kinda okay.

lol, just look at the brits history. Most Queens where warmongers

who is the one in the 4 picture?

Who's the bitch in the fourth panel?

>no ciswhite males "holding the leash"
how diverse

I think people in general need to get this whole "It wasn't good because a bunch of people didn't see it in theaters" idea out of their heads. That has nothing to do with the true quality of a film.

>being so mad at Disney that you go through the mental gymnastics to make this graph


And you need better reading comprehension

The whole reason they do this pandering shit is because they think it will get them more viewers and more money. If they fail at that it was a bad movie. Womyn Ghostbusters and Captain Feminism are shekel bait, not Oscar bait.

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Bold decision starting off with an undeniable flop. the reason why we haven't had a good female main character is decades is because female writers are intentionally writing them like crap.

>no one will watch this
They didn't, the film was a flop and the studio is bringing back the old continuity.
>no one wants this
Historical revisionism. Nobody had a problem with Rey until after the movie came out. There were people who had a problem with Finn, but they were a minority blown up to draw up controversy.
>No one cares for this
Historical revisionism again. Most of the complains came from purists who were mad, not because of a Wonder Woman movie, but because Gal Gadot didn't look the part
Historical Revisionism. Most of the complains about neo-she-ra were about the shitty art-style and amateurish anatomy. Defender's will tell you it was done on purpose as some sort of defiance against traditional feminine beauty standards, but I find this hard to believe considering She-Ra's long flowing blonde hair and Adora's bust size.

Attached: She-Ra-and-Catra.jpg (738x415, 42K)

Whos is the girl after Wonder Woman? There was something bigger than Wonder Woman? What did I miss?

She-Ra is so wildly irrelevant outside of tumblrina circles. Even then, they'd rather watch voltron and sperg out about ships

Damn. I am suddenly reminded of a D&D group a girl I knew invited me to. I barely knew how to play. Oh no. Yea Forums.. was I... was I a Chad? How could I.. What ha.. *vomits*

no, thats because writers are shit
i'm saying women in general don't root for other women to suceed or be exceptional, so the super hero is a problematic character.

Swad Harley is fucking trash.
Or, as a female manager at a local comic shop put it, "My Harley does not dress like a street walker."

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A mental disorder called body dysmorphia.

Did she look like an orc

Except it didn't.

To be fair, depends eho you know. Some girls I know are bigger JRPG nerds than I am. And I still can't even getvinto Monster Hunter but see one of them playing it for hours.
You also negelect all the filthy casual guys and guys who play trash like Madden and Counter Strike.

this movie was so terrible
>got the basic heist movie formula completely wrong
>instead of an interesting, high stakes heist where they have to improvise it's literally just pickpocketing a jewel of someone at a party
>they still somehow screw up but succeed anyway because the victim they robbed joins their side to screw over the insurance
>big twist is that a more elaborate, more interesting heist was going on offscreen that we never see, committed by a character we weren't introduced to before

Tom Taylor is mentally retarded. He’s also a shit writer. But he is always wrong about shit and acting all like he has some moral high ground.

..and one rrason they keep doing it is because the idiot internet trolls, the ones that aren't company controlled bots, take the fucking bait.
Just ignore their shitty films.

>I cannot comprehend something so it must be mental gymnastics
This is the IQ required to enjoy Disney shit

(((Comics: A Global History)))

This is absolutely fucking pathetic and I’m reeks of butthurt and passive aggressiveness
This is actually good

There's an actual good reason why people aren't hyped for Captain Marvel and it has nothing to do with gender.
Marvel spent like a fucking decade building up characters and hype for infinity war, and now they're using a character for an integral role in how infinity war finishes and not only has she never been introduced but most people haven't ever heard of her.

My mum really likes Alien and my dad really likes Tarantino so I got to see Kill Bill and the Alien kinos when I was around ten so I get more hyped than I should when there are good female action heroes. But I'm just not hyped for this, probably won't bother going to see it.

Netflix She-Ra. It was made for the tumblr crowd. It has such statements like "Our Bow is better then old, dumb Bow. He's now black and also has two dads" or "These two women? They're lesbians. That's their character."

There used to be tons of romance comics. Also stuff like Lois Lane was popular with little girls. I really doubt they were over 20 though.

This is the same Aussie retard that went on about how the only reason there are guns in America is because the gun manufacturers give money to the NRA who pays off congressmen and at no point did he acknowledge that there are people who want to own guns, buy guns, join the NRA and vote for like minded politicians. Because he disagrees he had to just pretend those people don’t exist because it makes it easier for his little brain.

that's something i haven't seen in a while.
last i recall, weren't they just a bunch of IRL trolls? i remember seeing videos of them and they just went around town bothering people. like cutting people's headphones or spray painting people's suits/work bags.
who are even these people?

There is no such thing as right wing feminism.

That's strange, i don't see Alita anywhere in that comic.

Sure there is. You just don't understand the political spectrum. You can want lower taxes and want women to have equal opportunities.

>"womyn are 50% of video game players!"
>includes mobile games like angry birds and candy crush

>The Hollywood Reporter estimated the film's financial losses would be over $70 million.
>A representative of Sony found this loss estimate to be "way off," saying: "With multiple revenue streams [...] the bottom line, even before co-financing, is not even remotely close to that number."
>According to Variety, sources familiar with the film's financing estimate the total loss to be about $75 million, of which, due to co-financing with Village Roadshow, Sony would lose about $50 million.
>Sony insiders have projected, along with co-financing, a total loss of about $25 million.
>Bloomberg News estimated the film lost $58.6 million.
>By August 2016, sources such as Forbes and The Wall Street Journal had begun calling Ghostbusters a box office bomb.
>The film's performance contributed to Sony taking a $1 billion writedown in January 2017.

You’re a dope

No u.

Alita is anti-women

people have some weird fetishes man

just bought 30 tickets

>everything has to be like muh cartoon!
Grow up.

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Fucking based.

>women read the kind of shit they find interesting

oh no oh geez how could this happen

>incels get triggered by a shitty cartoon and reposts it 80 times over the next few days
Wow great content

wtf is going on in that pic man?

Attached: whythelongface.jpg (103x143, 3K)

Hillary Clinton and kamala harris must be really left wing then because they're feminists!

I’m realizing I like the Alita fandom more than alita

>they're all white women
white women are the white males of the female gender

Is this comic subtly suggesting there is an organized and coordinated anti-male feminist agenda in Hollywood?

Honest props to Sung Kangs acting here Must be hard to fake attraction to a walking broomstick

Can someone post the tweet of the guy who said he was turning around to watch a kids reaction during spiderverse
And the art that follows it


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>I was there
So what the fuck was that all about?


Holy shit you really do sound bitter

>in 2016 we were 46%.
doubt it

Not owned by the Mouse Cult so journos don't care.

Hollywood blvd or some shit where all these dumb niggers dress up as clowns and take pictures for money.


Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, the list goes on...


It's easier with a female staff because you can pay them less.

>comiks n shiet

For a time the Mongols had a female leader, think it was a hardcore history podcast.

It was mostly because she is a sticc with no ass and bad actress, but since she was qt it went fine

Nah, you're full of shit.