Did anyone on Yea Forums watch Knightmare, what did you think of it and do you believe it could be remade today?

Did anyone on Yea Forums watch Knightmare, what did you think of it and do you believe it could be remade today?

Attached: rsz_knightmare21_4750.png (275x412, 188K)

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user I just want you to know I love you, and I love that you made this thread. Even if it doesn't get any other replies, I remember watching Knightmare as a kid and it was great. You've made my day.

I straight up couldnt understand this wasnt real and I thought the kid legit died in most eps

Used to love it, used to spook me a bit when the flesh came off the face showing the skeleton.

>Three random objects... Cheese... marble... dagger
>Er... take the... er... dagger
[dies later]
>Oh dear team... if only you had taken the cheese you would have survived

Pure kino. Many childhood memories of screaming at the thick cunts on tv who couldn't spell. Was totally based, virtually everbody lost miserably, no fucks were given about hurting the feelings of children.

Pickle was so gay they had to invent a girlfriend character for him, but that just drew attention to his close relationship with his Dungeon Master. Also the kids who went on it were retarded until we discovered they were actually three grades below us in school, and it was really us who were dumb thinking we were outsmarting puzzles made for little children.

Attached: 1550689304050.jpg (789x764, 44K)

Sidestep left... OTHER LEFT

>Did anyone on Yea Forums watch Knightmare, what did you think of it and do you believe it could be remade today?

Yeah I watched, and loved every minute of it. And no I dont think it could,

>adventurer stumbles and clearly oversteps the bluescreen boundary onto the deadfall graphic
>shall we edit that bit out, boss?
"Oooh, that was lucky!"

>Where am I?
>It looks like you are on an anime tv and film board
>There is a fat janitor just sitting there
>What should I do?
>Side step left and use the cunny

Did they ever win?

>Did they ever win?


never ever

Yes! By complete blind luck, of course. There was never any way to tell which object was useful, and no backtracking to the tables with the objects on it. There were several winners over the years, but mostly just total losers crashing out by room three.

First ever winners.

>There are three memes in front of you.
>You can only take one.
>Be quick, a giant (internet) troll is coming.

>Sneed posting

This was far too intelligent in the first season.
I remember in one episode they had a choice of things to pick up from a table and one of them was a horn. They didn't see a use for it so they left it behind.
Later on they came across a wall with "Joshua 6:5" written on it. Fucking hell, how would a kid know about bible verses, let alone that verse was about blowing a horn that would destroy the wall? And it would've been pure luck if they picked up the horn earlier in the first place as there was no clue it would be useful later. Jeez

"Ooooooh, nnnnnnasty!"

I loved it to fuck. It could be done today but as a low cost Youtube series to give it a small revival. They would have to get rid of Lord Fear though because it was so much better having grey characters that could kill you at any moment.

Eight teams did out of the entire series. Series 1 and Series 3 were the only ones where no one won anything.

No wonder the burger version failed, they wouldn't have gotten past the first room

Still to this day I'm really impressed by the effort the guy who played Treguard put into his performance for a dumb kid's game show. He totally sold the premise single-handedly. Gotta admire that.

Theme tune was kino too.

Attached: download (1).jpg (310x162, 3K)

Saville inquiry didn't find anything either, he got away with it. Making the kids wear a helmet that blocked their vision was a smart move.

Bump for nostalgic feels

They won a scroll. That was the only shit part.