US Spoilers

It's clones.

Basically, the government is cloning people to create more docile and obedient masses, and the beach is a controlled environment where they can test people's reactions to the real world. There's a racial undercurrent with the black family being so gentrified, and a lot of the the other cloning subjects are black, but there are also white subjects.

Lupita is one of the longest-running clone series, and she retains lingering memories from the previous clones' lives, which is why she freaks out so much when shit starts going south. The evil doppelgangers are malfunctioning clones who managed to escape and being wreaking havoc on the facility.

The white couple (Tim Heidecker and Elisabeth Moss) are actually scientists who test the clones' reactions to social environments, but as things go to shit and the clones begin overruning the facility, they find out they are clones themselves whose function is to test other clones.

The husband dies, but Lupita manages to escape with the children as the facility burns down. They escape and reach a police station at a nearby town, where she begins relaying to a local deputy what went down, but slowly picks up cues that the entire town is another fabrication and the whole thing that transpired might have been a deeper level of the test, and begins freaking out. But it's left ambiguous since she's paranoid as fuck.

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sounds like a step up from Get Out desu

Is the movie is full of niggers? I can barely tolerate one.

I remember Jordan Peele said he got the idea for this movie from an episode of The Twilight Zone. With him doing that new Twilight Zone series on CBS and this movie, it seems like his only idea for horror after Get Out is to ape the Twilight Zone.

Jordan Peele is a hack who gets carried by his race

This actually sounds really good. Hope it delivers.

sounds good

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Sounds uppity

what do you mean by "longest-running clone series" I'm a brainlet pls help

Whatever, I'd rather see more movies that feel like Twilight Zone than Black Mirror.

The plot of of this movie sounds like a Black Mirror episode.

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And that's a good thing.

We need more Twilight Zone and Twilight Zone-ish movies.

>tfw the new Twilight Zone anthology movie that was going to be directed by Nolan, Bay and Cuarón never happened.

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>It's another race "horror" movie
No fucking thanks. I don't want to see yet another "Dude white people are scary!" movie. Seems like a good concept but I really don't care for the racial tones.

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She's one of the ones that have been cloned the most.

>multiple levels of shit not being real
That is an actual episode of black mirror.


>black father dies
Dont you mean he stepped out to get a pack of menthols?

Will he ruin this movies ending aswell?

Meh. I'll pass.

There are hardly any racial tones.

Where did you take that idea from? The movie seems pretty balanced from what I gathered but the plot seems too simple and underwritten to be honest.

but the ending is get out tier
the main meat of the film is the scary gimmick which he spoils fully

>There's a racial undercurrent with the black family being so gentrified,

Why are niggers afraid to act like humans?


Get Out = White people are black people
Us = Black people...are black people

>Basically, the government is cloning people to create more docile and obedient masses
This doesn't make any sense. The premise is dead on arrival.

>cloning niggers
You can just go to africa and profit from the slave trade there. Black babies at rock bottom prices!

>cartoon reaction face
>whining 'bout muh race shit
>probably fat

This post is as NPC as it gets these days.

It's full-blooded.

>Get Out
>Sorry To Bother You
>OP drawing attention to the scientists running it being white
It's definitely going to be another one in that vein.

>probably fat
Guessed wrong kiddo

sounds good

OP is throwing everyone off it's just about black people having to kill there "blackness" moving to this new place or it trying to kill you

>the "horror" parts of the movie are shown to be the fucked up clones of the black family
>"Dude white people are scary!"
Dumb robowaifu poster

who created the clones? who could be behind this?

And to think I had high hopes.

>implying that so many horror movies haven't had white mad scientists and no one ever batted an eye
>b-buh this is differen because they white in black moobie
Like I said, dumb robowaifu poster.

the point is whitey is the real bad guy of course and the clones are just another set of victims

This sounds like a Westworld ripoff

>implying samefriend
>ignoring the previously established films
>ignoring OP makes point to bring up gentrification
It's literally going to be "Whoa the white people want to make their ideal version of black people! Do you get the message?" Again just like Get Out and Sorry To Bother You. And it's by the same people. How dense are you?

Have you seen the movie?

More like

Attached: 6K85tMG.jpg (2382x458, 239K)

I can't read your kiddy scribbles, sorry.

based quints

>You're not allowed to make opinions of movies based on prior established information
>You have to pay money to see it before you can express whether or not you want to see it.

oh look another shitty racebait movie
>the government, white government, creates a cloning and eugenics division led by white people to create obedient niggers that'll do everything they say
right wingers will claim its an allegory for "muh democratic plantation"
everyone else (99% of the world) will make reference to uncle toms and gentrification
nobody wins and racial divide continues

A black guy who loves the twilight zone must be cool as fuck

Why are the clones wearing masks and stalking around?

you fucked up your joke, but still check'd

>getting your head fucked so bad that you'd actually judge movies based on leak posts on a chinese basket-weaving forum
This is your mind on Yea Forums

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As long as it doesn't become too much about race it should be kino.

>You have to pay money to see it before you can express whether or not you want to see it.
You ever heard of torrenting kid?

I don't watch movies

>see the first teaser for this
>think hey that might be interesting/different
>lol everyone is a clone of a clone
>and the white people are bad and clones too

Thank god i didnt waste my time. Ive seen more interesting and better written black mirror episodes.

Well we're on Yea Forums, so sounds about right.

I mean if you’re gonna crib heavily from a show might as well be twilight zone

another Oscar in your pocket, mr negro kike.

Isn't this just like Bay's The Island but with niggers?

What's up with the rabbits and scissors?

Fuck, that's literally The Island (2005).

Post yfw Jordan Peele's obsession with race starts to seem sane compared to Yea Forums

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Get Out was barely an anti white movie, if anything it criticizes white liberals specifically and their patronizing of minorities

he's just obsessed with the realization his mother and wife use his tokenism, hence why both their death's in get out where the most significant

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It's just a nigger re-skinning of The Island:
> In the story, Lincoln Six Echo (McGregor) struggles to fit into the highly structured world he lives in, isolated in a compound, and the series of events that unfold when he questions how truthful that world is. After Lincoln learns the compound inhabitants are clones used for organ harvesting as well as surrogates for wealthy people in the outside world, he attempts to escape with Jordan Two Delta (Johansson) and expose the illegal cloning movement.


>25,000 AD
>The Techno-Barbarian Kingdom of Neo-Twunga-Umbutu-Shi-Ting has a bard from neighboring Principality of click-click-hamburgeria.
>It's an account of how we wuz slaves

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Yeah thats great, I just want the orchestrated version of "5 on it" they used in the trailer, I dont care about much else.

>Jordan Peele made an actual movie of the stupid clone conspiracy that gets vomited out by faggots on Facebook

actual madman


It really did though. The white villain's plan in the movie boils down to transferring their brains into the bodies of black people because they see blacks as being physically superior. There's plenty of scenes with the white characters praising black people, like the main villain saying that he would have voted for Obama a third time if he could. The villains in that movie were never presented as being right wing racists.

Wasn't there also that sad as fuck movie with Keira and Garfield with the same plot?

>stupid clone conspiracy that gets vomited out by faggots on Facebook
is this like those gangstalking conspiracy of people claiming those around them doing simple shit like rubbing their eye or wringing their hands (OY VEY) are secret signs to other conspirators

Imagine if all of Peele's future horror movies were just based around conspiracy theories.

Interested to see how 9/11 was actually a ploy to kep the black man down

Forgot the image.

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This what the critics said about Michael Bay's The Island:
> A clone of THX 1138, Coma, and Logan's Run, The Island is another loud and bombastic Michael Bay movie where explosions and chases matter more than characters, dialogue, or plot.
But when a nignog does it it'll be hailed as a masterpiece lmao mark my words

What does it mean that the black family is 'Gentrified'?

sounds like the black version of House of Wax

>Black people having money and being well off is a bad thing

Wow, it's almost like different artists can make different works out of same consepts

I'm not denying the similarities in the premise (though cloning stories aren't new) but the POVs are obviously reversed with the unsuspecting family living the comfy life being the main characters in Us, hence the horror angle.

>ambiguous ending
wow such bold and daring filmaking

Watch menace to society

so, basically the island lmao wasn't peele a supposedly original creator or something? what happened? did his balls drop off?

this. it's a critique of liberal racism.

>it's almost like

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>it's another WE WUZ movie
Hard pass. Can't Peele make a movie without relying on racebaiting? He's clearly intelligent, why can't he drop the coonery obsession?

Because that gives him awards but little effort.

No chance, hell charities and some government organizations are literally subsidizing black empowerment movies to "underprivileged" children

dey act yt

It will be. I'm not watching this shit. Even the movies poster pisses me off

>He's clearly intelligent

The black background doesn't work with black actors huh

Nah, clones are almost always a stupid idea.

So what's with the horned people then?

Lupita is a qt

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imagine her blowjobs

Reminder that the shadowy people in charge use 'Revelation of the Method' to increase the power of their dark magic. They tell the truth in fictional works. I wonder if there are many, if any, real humans left.

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Get Out was a better Twilight Zone homage than Black Mirror ever was. Also brainlets on this board need to watch it before assuming it's a straightforward "white people bad" screed.

>Get Out was a better Twilight Zone homage than Black Mirror ever was.
Not really. It didn't even feel like a homage or anything similar.

why would you even clone clones?
you'd have the necessary material at the start and then would use that to clone all further clones
so the clones wouldn't retain memory because they'd have nothing to do with each other

Based Jordan Peele, get out was one of the best movies I saw in years and I'm looking forward to see this one as well, I didn't know he wanted to homage the twilight zone but that only makes my hype bigger.

So The Island

>hasn't seen that image before
This is how I can tell you're new and don't belong here, kike.

Update might be a better way of putting it. It absolutely nailed that Twilight Zone/Outer Limits quality of smashing suburbia head-on with high-concept psychological horror.

Boomers deserve to be necked.

This is probably why the rabbits were in the trailer:

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It was Twilight-Zone-esque, but then again so was Black Mirror, let's not act as if it wasn't.

>using that image unironically
You know how I know you're already braindead?


Why's every African American filmic extravaganza just a derivative cinematic endeavour?
>Atlantis: The Lost Empire + Hamlet + niggers = Black Pather
>The Island + a bit of horror + niggers = Us
Aren't they capable of original creation?

>eh it’s jordan peele, so what can you d-
>what?Then who made them?
Us then proceeded to make 30 billion dollars and win 5 oscars.

>lol everyone is a clone of a clone
The funny thing is, this movie is a clone of The Island, which in turn is a clone of THX, Coma, and Logan's Run. If this is actually a meta film, then Peele might be as good as they say, but if he's trying to pass it off as original, then he's just another nignog fraud.

Black Mirror is a much poorer take on the concept, in my opinion. Real brainlet takes on technology and the immediate future.

its that episode where the guy wakes up and he's the same but everyone else is different.

>Jordan pele American academy award winner

And Get Out is a masterpiece? lmao you're delusional.

Get Out was based. Fuck the white liberal class.