Any movies about WW2 that portray Japan in a good light?
Japanese War Movies
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Letter to Iwo Jima
None that portray them in a good light as far as I know, but plenty that downplay the atrocities they committed and focus instead on the struggle of soldiers stranded in war zones.
The human condition and The burmese harp come to mind.
Were the Nips retarded? Why didn't they do a land invasion on Hawaii? Did they really expect to be us in a 1vs1? Dumb japs
Not rah-rah. But you like the Japanese here
Not really. Maybe Oba: The Last Samurai and The Eternal Zero come close.
If you want good Japanese WWII films there are plenty.
based scene where it's explained that shooting medics is a good thing
The Ghidorah movie with the flashback where Jap forces cheer as Godzilla fucks up some US soldiers.
Bridge on the River Kwai.
Tora! Tora! Tora! is astonishingly neutral for the time or rather it's more neutral than if they had made it nowadays probably