Oh my God she's beautiful

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bran was dreaming the whole thing.

Shes also going to die along with Snowboy

Little Finger will win

Maario Naharis

Attached: Maario Naharis.jpg (477x318, 52K)

Based Maario Naharis poster

holy shit do you just not fucking sleep

Literally who?

Would fuck.
Best poster

Emilia Clarke. She's kinda the hottest actress in Hollywood right now, get with the times

Why are they taking so long to release the trailer? Previous seasons got it's trailer released two months before. And this is the finale and it's coming next month.

Fuck off, where is Captain Mario Naharis?


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New cast photo as well

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>she's beautiful

looking like THAT at 31, no she fucking isn't.

Game over white man

theon is such a qt

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Never heard bout
Is she aussie or smthn?

she was hot in season 2, thats it

So yeah history of fighters
I love India now
1/8 Indian here

Is Davos fucking Melissandre?

Ironborne just proving to be the best people in westeros once again

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ohnonononono you yellow fever sperg

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that is some shit tier photoshop


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>Watching Game of Thrones past episode 1.


>Arya front and center
This is going to be the cringiest shit ever, right?

She looks like an Ed Edd n Eddy character.

Who will take her down Yea Forums?
>inb4 Arya

And where is Bronn, Qyburn and Beric?

Attached: Screenshot_20190304-205249_Gallery.jpg (720x1480, 731K)


bronn can't be near cersei
qyburn's role isn't that big i guess
>actually caring about beric

This is a 10/10 in Pakistan (UK) and India (US)

>Make a nihilistic series about the eventual death of everyone, the uselessness of progress and the removal of meaning
>Turns into LotR in the end

You can't make nihilistic stories work. Martin must think he's so smart thinking about tax policies.

>and India (US)

I'm staring to worry about putting her (and sansa) as the front and center of marketing. you'd expect jon and dany to be the center but nope, it's quasimodo and ginger. ugh.

There's nothing nihilistic about song of ice and fire you dumbfuck

Dark brows and light hair are literally the worst combination.

she's totally taking NK down. and cersei. and will rule westeros. ugh.

No way this isnt shopped

Why not? He seems a pretty cool guy, nice backstory and he has a fancy fire sword. Granted he is probably going to die in the very first episode, but I wish they can let him do just one last interesting thing.
>bronn can't be near Cersei
They can't photoshop him?

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>t. plebian showfaggot

Why would you worry? Do you own shares of time warner? Are you part of the profit sharing matrix for the show?

>all badly photoshopped in

Enjoy :)

She can be really pretty in the right light

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>everyone dies for no reason at all
>nothing ever change
>history always repeats itself

yeah, nothing at all

>oldest female cast member is the prettiest one

How did this happen?

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Will the normies do a reaction to this magazine cover?

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>game over
entertainment weekly confirmed browsing Yea Forums

wow, yeah she looks beautiful there.

I can't wait

Attached: The Normies react.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>and will rule westeros. ugh
No she will have some feats but will die ultimately. Will probably kill Cersei yeah. They better not forget about the faceless men she abandoned. I know it's trash at this point but still, it will be too much

That's not "nihilistic" and no one dies "for no reason at all".

A literal angel

So pretty

I just want her to live desu,I'm helplessly inlove with her

well, according to spoilers, she's very much alive post-long night and KL takeover.

Why is this thread being autosaged?

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I was wondering the same. What causes any thread to be autosaged before 300 posts (as opposed to being deleted?)