Any good kinos set in the greatest and most beautiful city to ever exist?
Any good kinos set in the greatest and most beautiful city to ever exist?
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was about to post sydney in response to this post because i assumed you had posted new york or something, was pleasantly surprised when i opened the thread. truly the greatest city on earth
only movie i can think of is Finding Nemo, but that doesnt really count
I wouldn't feel comfortable with all the chads that populate Australian cities. Maybe Canberra would be the only place I'd feel safe visiting there as an obese person.
just avoid the CBD and beach suburbs and you'll be fine
then again, that's basically all that's worth visiting
Melbourne > Sydney
peak onions opinion
plebian: melbourne
contrarian: brisbane
patrician: sydney
irrelevant: the rest
Lol ok kid
kill all m*lbournites
>average house costs $900K+, and the entire southern/western half of the city is a non-white slum, while the northern/eastern side is full of chinks, jews, and boomers
t. Sydney-junkie from Germany
Strictly Ballroom probably. There's a surprising lack of movies directly set in the city. Looking for Alibrandi is another.
Two Hands is kino
How can one man be so based and red pilled?
I often forget that canberra exists
what the fuck were they thinking?
Melbourne and Sydney kept arguing about who would become the Capital of Australia, so they compromised and built a Capital city exactly half way between the two, which became Canberra. Its street layout has some pretty gnarly Masonic imagery
t. doesn't live here
Intellectual: Adelaide
People still live in Sydney since the lockout laws? WTF? Why?!
Everybody moved down to melbourne bro, havent you noticed
As someone who has been to Canberra numerous times, it is remarkable how well designed and efficient a city it is. I'm sure that if more countries around the world had the opportunity to do a do-over they would make their own Version of Canberra
Treasure Planet
>exactly half way
it's more than double the distance to melbourne than it is from sydney
I dunno where that piece of false trivia comes from because I feel like I grew up thinking that too
Sydney before 2011 was amazing. Now its shit. 5 of the 6 best bars shutdown and are now wither gyms or restaurants.
Why are all the good movies set in Melbourne? The Castle, Chopper, Animal Kingdom, Lantana, etc
what the fuck is wrong with australians
what's the one remaining?
Darwin for the win, the rest of Australia is full of fucking pooftas.
If we could tell you, we ourselves would be a lot better adjusted.
Not him
How is it?
ITT: Cities soon to be part of China.
Anything by Mushroom Pictures, e.g. Chopper (2003)
Yeah same. I think they were originally going to go exactly half way but they had to keep going North to find the ideal Land to build a city on.
Vienna, the capital of Australia is definitely the most beautiful city.
Is Adelaide actually like the San Francisco of Australia or is it just the street cars?
Adelaide is like the Milwaukee or Indianapolis of Australia
Lifelong resident and definitely not
Reminder that Sydney won't exist in 30 years because global warming will make it unlivable.
Describe it culturally. I've always found it the most interesting city in Australia for some reason.
that's what us Burgers did to create Washington DC, but instead of a well-ordered efficient metropolis we got a completely artificial Nogtropolis where nobody (white) actually lives, there's no culture, and traffic proceeds on a pentagram
what goes on here?
that looks like a traffic nightmare. Imagine living on the one side and having to commute to the other over just one bridge.
a big empty desert
mining and dardy unnas
Camels, I shit you not.
Alice Springs
To be fair, i doubt there's any major city in America you'd actually like if you hate black people.
Petrol sniffing, incest and domestic violence.
reminder climate hoaxers said the very same thing 30 years ago
Emu Raids
>Sea levels have risen measurably in most coastal cities
>Storm surges now threaten massive flooding every year
Just because the worst case scenario projections didnt come true doesn't mean there arent measurable and costly difficulties citied are facing. Miami Beach has been literally raising its roads by multiple feet to cope. Lower Manhattan is planning to build a giant flood wall around it
Why yes, there are many great films set in Hong Kong. Kar-Wai Wong and Andrew Lau are two great directors to start with.
I'd move to Australia (or better yet, New Zealand) but that would be like leaving the planet altogether. They're so far removed from world affairs and culture. This coming from a central European perspective; even China feels closer.
Don't numerous cities do that? There's also ferries that act like a means of public transport.
It's probably not as big of an issue as you are thinking because there isn't that many people in the Northern part of Sydney, the population density is at it's highest in the West (to the left on the picture)
Youre not wrong but a lot of people consider that to be a good thing, just saying.
Well I know, but I'd rather live in western Europe before it falls apart. Though I can think about changing perspective; I'd still rather live in bumfuck NZ town than in Shanghai.
China is disgusting
Old people (dominant factor): major focus on NIMBYism and keeping things the way they are-Cheap and simple
Young People: Very arts and progressive culture orientated but with limited opportunities to make a career out of those fields they inevitably move to Melbourne or Sydney to do something else.
niggers. we call them niggers, friend
Gotcha. Sounds like Milwuakee user was right. Any major Midwestern city other than Chicago is like that. Luckily for us though Chicago isn't nearly as far from those places as Sydney or Melbourne.
Thanks for the insight m8
>just out of frame, western Sydney
Kek nice try
Only when my black friends arent around :^)
Yeah I remember reading the bongs brought them for the middle east to explore the desert back in the day. Now there populations need to be kept in check
>anglo saxon neoliberal shit
only Western Europe
Post Australian kinos
seems like an atlantic layout though
Muriel's Wedding was set in Sydney and the surrounds, I think. They filmed it on the GC for some reason though.
You forgot to mention the nightmarish heat, methbogans, wogfest and the best yiros in the country
kek'd and check'd
Rangeban the wasteland shithole known as australia
You're pretty wrong friend. Im white, live in DC, and hardly ever have run in's with black people besides beggars because blacks have been priced out. A studio in my building is $1900 a month, and I'm living in one of the cheapest in the area. All of the black people in DC live on the outskirts, and are being pushed out of the inner areas by based developers. DC is 40% white, 48% black, with whites moving to be a majority within the next 10-15 years.
Thanks Obama.
you should travel more.
criminal genes
There's one scene in Pacific Rim in Sydney. They also show the wall that circles the pacific going under the harbour bridge which makes absolutely no sense.
>Hi user, I’ve just arrived in Sydney and I love to party!
>Let’s spend the WHOLE night going to different bars and clubs!
How do you respond?
No, unfortunately. There are literally no good movies about Sydney.
What are some /palmy/ kinos?
Matrix was filmed in Sydney. Looks cool. So was one of the Wolverine movies in the Chinese gardens. Also a really good Aussie movie called Last Wave.
CIA shit. And soon top secret Boeing drone testing.
I've got a bar in my pants that's ready to go love. We'll stop off at the bottlo and pick up a carton and some vodka.
Are you a time traveler from the 90s?
DC is pretty much exclusively inhabited by Vox journalist types these days
I mean, it is a traffic nightmare but it's not that big a problem since it's only a relatively small part of the city.
Pine Gap, I've worked there.
gtfo with that chink commie tier mass ant drone garbage architecture
>Lockout laws? What are they, user?
>What do you mean we can’t go out?
>yeah nah love we'll gonna get a feed at the kebab shop then it's back to my place, these cunts in the government fucking rooted everything.
>The current year
>His city has a mandated bed time
Why are Australians so cucked?
Too many retard bogans get shitfaced drinking from 6pm to 3am and run out onto the street thinking they are MMA fighters and killed people by one punch manning them to death.
If it helps the Government are probably getting booted out at the next election.
How anyone could willingly choose to live outside of Europe is totally beyond me
Slighlty unrelated, but I've always wondered, why doesn't any city in Europe ever build skyscrapers save for London?
Because they have laws in place to preserve the skyline, Paris for example doesn't allow any buildings taller than a certain height and forces all the towers to be built in nearby La défense
Frankfurt has towers too
So London builds them because they know their city already looks like trash?
I've never been but I'm sure it used to look nice before they built those monstrosities
I'd guess it's all down to an inscrupulous jew mayor that should be tried for treason against londoners and the british people
Dresden was rased but look how nicely they rebuilt it
>As of 2017, several European cities have more than 10 skyscrapers above 100 metres (330 ft): Moscow and Istanbul (over 100), London (74), Paris (72), Frankfurt (32), Benidorm (26), Warsaw (24), Kiev (23), Rotterdam (20), Milan (18), Brussels (16), Madrid (16), Barcelona (14), Berlin (13), and Naples (10).
Germany has gotten really good at building new shit and pretending it's hundreds of years old.
as the other user pointed out, there are usually laws in place to preserve the traditional inner cities. In Munich for example it's not allowed to build towers taller than the main church. In London most of the skyscrapers are in the city of London as far as I can remember, I don't know why they don't have the same restrictions. In Paris or Moscow for example there are special areas outside of the historic centers for skyscrapers
Any city in New Zealand > Every city in Australia combined
>this is what a white man has done to nature
I cannot wait for all of you to vanish
they rebuilt like 1% of it, the rest still looks like utter trash
everything in pic related was absolutely razed to the ground
If this scares you the chinks will make your heart stop.
>how nicely they rebuilt it
about that...