How the fuck is Disney allowed to buy a monopoly of Theater space worldwide for an entire week...

How the fuck is Disney allowed to buy a monopoly of Theater space worldwide for an entire week?! I was hoping to go see something next weekend but now unless it's Captain Marvel I'm shit out of luck! And I have no plan on watching that garbage. Is this how Disney plans on inflating box office numbers? By forcing everyone to go see this shitty movie?

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surely that wasn't real


Well, it's Monday and my local kinoplex still shows nothing but CM from Thursday.

Because of (((cuckpitalism)))

Same here. Disney shills saying it was because the schedules weren't finished should be hanged.

What the heck, I'm a europoor and it's the same here.

Movie schedules go up on Tuesday nights, brainlets

You know what happens if not?

Australia here, the only theatres that aren't showing CM exclusively are the kinds that only have foreign and really niche films.