I'm a Toydarian

>I'm a Toydarian.
>Mind tricks won't work on me; only money. No money! No parts! No deal!
HOW THE FUCK did Lucas get away with this?

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It was the 90s and nobody gave a fuck about PC culture back then

The internet was a mistake. Social media was a mistake. Smartphones was a mistake. Notice in the years following 2008 when the iPhone released, we started getting more woke?

Why didn't Qui Gon just go to another deal to exchange his credits?

>And no one else has a T-14 hyperdrive, I promise you that, Goy.

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It’s accurate. Mind tricks don’t work on jews due to their higher IQs

its the magic hat. it dulls that part of their brain.

Lucas was going all out with Ep1.
Flying jew moth, house negro dingus and even those ventilation shaft gook squad.

And nobody ever called him out on it.

It makes me think that he made Ep1 specifically to vent those racial urges.

Lucas unironically did nothing wrong. He just came up with the sleaziest possible alien dude while trying to craft a minor antagonist, and lo and behold, jews saw themselves in Watto and reee'd. It'd be like the black community calling King Kong a racist caricature of African-Americans. "Offensive" is in the eye of the beholder. It's funny because it goes hand in hand with the famed "doth protest too much" SJW projection skills. If a Hollywood person makes 1000 tweets about how children and women are stunning and brave, chances are they're a kiddie diddler and a rapist.


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Why are incels so obsessed with jews

>being so jewish even psychic powers using the very fabric of the universe and all living things doesn't effect you
doesn't this make the toydarians technically the most important race in the galaxy?
A psychic resistant race would be vital for keeping force users from corrupting politics, economic institutions and so on.
They could also be used to oversee droid production to make sure every droid wasn't messed with.

Why aren't the toydarians kept as the republic's greatest ally?

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>Heh heh heh

Why didn't Qui-gon convince another seller that Republic credits would be fine, purchase something expensive, then sell it elsewhere in Mos Espa, then go back to Watto and buy it with Tattooine credits?

why are jews so obsessed with incels

why didn't Qui Gon just use his mind trick to convince all the hundreds of traders to contribute an insignificant amount of money and pool it together to buy the part and the lives of Anakin and his mother?

he ripped off star trek

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Why didn't the fucking queen have someone go back and free anakins mother and have her live a happy life on naboo?

>slavery is wrong
>but freeing slaves by force is wronger

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Or just buy another ship entirely with Republic credits from a different vendor.


Oldest merchant trick in the book

based racial realist

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Jews are the most important race in the world so it figures

I don't think they are. I don't see jews spamming about incels everywhere all day.

>Why aren't the toydarians kept as the republic's greatest ally?
Implying the republic isn't fighting entire wars and planets for them.

I think the gungans are just mad they lost all those wars to the Toydarans

This guy gets it, mind control tactics by the (((Toydarians)))

I agree. Toydarians are literally advanced aliens that can mind control stupider species. Very good parallel to Jews

people complained about him and jar jar being racist from day one you fucking zoomer.

I think you are just obsessed with jews

how did they get away with slant eyed saliens who love robots and say "ahhh sooo" in chinky accents?
how did he get away with gungans whoosa be niggity noggos?
toydarians are just shitty seben eleven ayrabs the real jews are called Muun(short for money get it lol) and run something called the Banking Clan

hutts are immune to the force too and they are just a bunch of fat slobs like the guys from the sopranos

Maybe not everyone is as crazy with Jew stuff as you

They complained about the "Asian stereotype sounding" accents of the trade Aliens too. There were articles like "Is Phantom Menace a Racism Menace?"

i hate zoomers so much. they are like a dumber shittier version of boomers. "back in them days (when i wasnt even born yet lol) things were much different!!"

>Israelis have an IQ of 90

Yet he tricked 6 millions of them to take a train ride to gas chambers. Th trick he used ? Free tickets.

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