You have just become aware that most questions that are answered by an entertainer and/or celebrity are asked by their...

You have just become aware that most questions that are answered by an entertainer and/or celebrity are asked by their PR agents using a fake account.

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This is a gets thread now

Nope. This is an off-topic reply. I will report you. Have fun being dealt with.

Actors and such have private social media just for celebs.
And the OP is pretty obvious.

Announcing a report is against the rules.

What a faggot. Shut the fuck up nigger no one cares

Alot of them use Yea Forums too.


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Why don't you do the right thing and say more?

I mean TRIPS

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I've tried, trust me. What I have to say is way too out there that nobody believes me. I am always outed as a schizophrenic on here because the majority of people will refuse to believe such things are possible. It is easier to call someone crazy then to question the comfortable lie they're living in.

I've heard the quote too. Go ahead, c'mon

There are too many useful idiots. All someone like say Seth MacFarlane has to do is cherry pick exactly what self promoting tweets to respond to.
Why pay shills when they'll do it for free?

You are delusional. Please get help. Genuinely - this board (and the world) does not care what you (or anyone else) thinks.

Oh hi Bill

Don't listen to that faggot I wanna hear. Take your time

The people you see on your tvs entertaining you are not your friends. They see you all as cattle to be milked, an easy way to live luxurious on the hard labor of those who are taken advantage of. These celebrities and entertainers have more control over their brains than the majority of people, and have the power to influence others thoughts and dreams. MKULTRA, a science project ran by the CIA and funded by the FreeMasons back in the 60s-70s still go on today, under what I believe is called project monarch.

These people have found out that when you overload a humans mind with hard drugs and trauma, it breaks them and shatters their consciousness to pieces. This allows them to possess said victim and use them as a puppet. These puppets are rewarded with high positions of power and influence, amongst a life of luxury. Those who turn away and try to break free are harassed constantly. They know the truth is bizarre and therefore have no need to defend themselves public ally because the majority of people don't realize these things are actually happening. Victims are brainwashed into thinking they're doing the right thing to serve these people. They can read minds, they can physically hurt you through your dreams. They can overload your mind with thoughts and suggestions in your sleep, so upon waking up you act completely out of character till you snap out of it. It is a heavy hypnosis that most fear to turn away from, aside from the heavy brainwashing, we are taught to believe at a young age that materialism and money brings happiness, and that the love and approval of many people means you're doing something good and right.

These people? I know most of that, even heard about the dreams. Freddy Krueger shit

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There is a hierarchy in the entertainment industry. At the top, you have those with power but stay in the shadows. A few levels down you have entertainers and celebrities. In this level, there is a subdivision. There are glass ceilings of success in each sub division. Depending on the victims family history or bloodline, they're either on the top, bottom or inbetween. The top use those below them as sources of inspiration. They steal ideas from them and claim them as their own. They're too proud to give credit to others, unless it is another on their level. The low levels are basically batteries. The entertainment industry is a gigantic hive mind. I know in the music industry, these people are constantly working 24/7. What this does is build up giant amounts of energy that those at the top use to create "hits". The higher ups can influence those below them, and even "inspire" them.

This life is empty, and going down this path, you are filled with great thoughts of dread and emotions that are dark to non existent. It eats away your soul and kills your connection with God.

And they're all jews? What's the endgame? Once every viewer is a zombie?


No they aren't all Jew's. That is a common misconception. There are many Jew's in the entertainment industry though. Their endgame is spreading degeneracy through their outlets and trying to corrupt and deceive as many souls here on earth as possible.

What about sacrifices? Kill kids on set? Worship Satan and all that?

I don't know about children sacrifices. I do know that the breaking of one's consciousness is a metaphorical sacrifice, since upon experiencing these things, the victim seems to die from their old self, leaving a fresh blank slate for them to reprogram to their will. Satan worship is practically self worship. These people think themselves as god's, especially the handlers who pull the strings of those they control. They get gigantic ego rush from this.

Do know that without a doubt that God and Jesus are real, it is only through my faith that I was able to break free. My whole life since I can remember seems as if I was destined to fall into their hands, yet something intervened for me. That something was the Lord Jesus Christ.

All the actresses are whores?

I will only speak of things I've experienced first hand. Knowing what they're capable through this reprogramming, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind they reprogram females into sex slaves foe their joy. They're very secretive with their lives, and only show what they want. They create a gigantic lie and sell it as their normal life. I don't know how they can do it, lie to themselves and the whole world everyday. A lot of them are kind of messed up mentally. Mental breakdowns are common, drug abuse and od as well. Most lack morals and would do anything needed to get a step up towards their success. This goes from drug trafficking to murder to sexual favors, and everything inbetween.

how deep does this go, are the writers on the simpsons in on this

Share more of what you know

>God and Jesus are real
Nice work falling for the jew pill, try again next time

The more I look back on my life, the more I feel as if most of the people around me were secretly nudging me towards what happened. I've learned to accept what has happened, but none of it makes sense. The one who organized my reprogramming, I found out after he was friends with a big drug dealer in my city. He would tell me how when they were moving drugs, they'd have two decoys on the street. If they saw that they were going to get caught, one of the decoys would intentionally speed or or run a red light. He also said that a lot of the cops in the city were corrupt and where in on the drug trafficking too.

The way they plan things is quite impressive. They are diabolical and lack souls. I don't know how they managed to do what they did to me. It's as if they knew I would make certain decisions in my life; and through those key moments knew to use them to pull me down. For a while I was scared and was compliant. Then I found out that God was real, and that these people were below God and that I actually had a choice to not serve them anymore. I was heavily brainwashed. They separated me from my friends and family. Even my friends started treating me differently too, as if I wasn't human. It's as if they intentionally did this so I'd have a sense of vengeance in me and have some kind of drive in me to "show them" by becoming rich and famous.

Breaking free from the conditioning and programming was uncomfortable, though it was definitely worth it. I'd rather live a shut in, being harassed by them than to serve them. Once I realized the heaven and hell thing was real and the soul and spirit were real, that alone was enough to snap me out of it and desperately seek a way out.

I forgot to mention, the one who performed the monarch reprogramming thing on me, after that was able to get into my dreams. I remember one of them who was in on it, after that experience started asking me weird questions, things like what did I dream last night? What was my darkest secret? These people pretended to be my friends. It's as if they planned out what they did to me before they even knew me. We became friends sometime in highschool, and the reprogramming happened two years after I graduated. Looking back, there was always someone in my life pushing immoral and evil behaviour on me. I know ultimately it was my choice to befriend them, but I don't know. It's hard to put in to words what I've experienced. It's so many small details, things in the back of my mind I know happened and it all connects somehow.

So you been in any films?

do they read quiestuins on from Yea Forums?

No, I was to be a successful musician. Towards the end, I broke free then went back, broke free then went back. That last time I went back, my artistic abilities skyrocketed. I was able to draw and do graphic design as if I'd been practicing for a long time and my musical abilities as well. Mind you I've been playing a musical instrument more than half my life, and my band teacher seemed to favor me since I was able to pick up instruments quite easily. Even the principal in my middle school said something like "I have a feeling you'll really get out there and do something in music". Not an exact quote, but something like that. I never really made anything of it then, but looking back it is just bizarre how that was said and then seeing further down the line how my life played out.

I forgot to mention, telepathy is real. Now I don't know if they're capable of influencing ones thoughts and dreams and communicating telepathically to everyone, or only those who are reprogrammed. I remember the night when it all happened, there was a moment were I stopped being me. I was staring at the ceiling and time went non existent. As if I had died. I have reason to believe that is when they did the reprogramming. I have further reason to believe that the reprogramming is of black magic, it isn't just someone talking, I think that whole night was some giant ritual of sorts. After they traumatized me, there was this powerful, evil aura in the room. It felt like death. I don't know how to explain it but it's something I'll never forget.

They harass me on here. They cross track my posts from different boards and talk about something I wrote on another board to me in attempt to scare me. At first it worked, but I've grown a thick skin towards it and it has no effect on me. I know they is vague, but they have a large network of grunts. I am not technically savvy so I don't know how they do these things, though I do know for sure that my posts aren't anonymous. I am sure that given what I've been posting on here, I have been flagged and being heavily watched. I don't care. The truth needs to come out, regardless if anyone or no one believes it. I know I've done what I can in trying to bring these evil practices to the light.

Keep safe user.

Welcome to being a lolcow. Your key strokes are bring logged. Have a nice day!

I'm just waiting for my time to be up in this experience. There's something greater to experience, that I know now for sure. It's reassuring and gives me the motivation to continue down the path.

I pity them. By pity I mean it in its truest sense. Anyone who derives entertainment or pleasure from this has a dreadful end to their life awaiting them. I'm not the first to go through what I'm going, and it's reassuring knowing that someone else whose roamed this earth knows what I'm going through.

God bless you all and take care of yourselves.


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