What was going through in Tom's mind in this exact moment?
What was going through in Tom's mind in this exact moment?
>“I hope no faggot OP decides to make this scene the subject of a shitty thread”
I wonder how long I can keep Shelly Miscavige in my basement before the authorities do something about it
Probably thinking about all the nasty shit she did with him behind Krasinksy's back
Jk Tom is a nice guy
Idk but why didn't he spend ??? days figuring out how to fuck emily blunt right off the bat.
>What was going through in Tom's mind in this exact moment?
"Look at this dumb bitch struggling to keep this pose. With thetans raging through ever cell of my body, gravity is but an illusion. Ugh, I cannot wait the shed this mortal shell and join my brothers and sisters in the astral realm. ...She does have nice titties though."
Because they only had so many days before the aliums figured out what was up and killed him for real, I thought that was the in-movie explanation anyway
>I wish I was home auditing body thetans
>I bet she isn't even clear
>My legs hurt
>I'm hungry
>If we make the right moves
>If we make all the right moves...
what do you think he was doing?
True, although they never quite explained what the aliens would do once they found out. The omege was "searching for him", but never said what would happen when the omega really did.
How does this exercise help in any way to fight aliens in a mechanical exosuit?
The R word
on your feet maggot
How will they get rid of those wires?
she uses her body to actually move it its not like they just think and it moves
No wires needed. It's a fake planche where you put your weight on your elbows. It's easy to do if you aren't overweight.
>imagine the smell
>if I could get just a little closer...
Men men men men manly men men men....
Nah just kidding. Tom Cruise has transcended sexuality at this point and lives life at another level. You couldn't understand. It would take decades of complete and total sexual satisfaction to elevate yourself, and let's face it you are not Tom fucking Cruise so it is not happening for you.