I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.
I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you
Other urls found in this thread:
When Kramer hears about this the shit's gonna hit the fan!
>Sir, shouldn't we turn on the lights?
>No....thats just what they'll be expecting us to do
Leon's getting laaaaarger
>an inflatable autopilot has had more sexual activity than you
>Johnny what can you make out of this?
>This? I can make a hat. Or a broach
based Johnny
>Johnny how about some coffee?
>No Thanks!
*shifts plane into gear*
>quote thread
how can a man deliver every line and it be incredibly funny? he could describe the most mundane activity and i would lose my shit.
>boomers humor
>jus' hang loose blood, she gon' be cathin' up on a rebound on the med' siiiide
looks like i picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue
Or a pterodactyl
aka funny humor
Airplane! is the funniest movie ever made.
I will never, ever get bored of it.
How long until the reboot with modern celebrities that makes 9/11 jokes?
Watched Top Secret in advance of RLMs re:view and felt mildly let down by it compared to airplane or naked gun. Does anyone besides Jay think it's the best of the Zuckers?
Boomer comedy thread?
Naked gun 2 1/2 is the bad one
Both airplane and the spacecraft one are good but airplane has more soul
Hotshots 2 is a masterpiece and the first one is mehtier
That leathel weapon parody tries too hard to be naked gun, it's funny but unmemorable
this is irrefutable
Airplane! the sequel isn't nearly as good as the first one. Shatner does some great stuff but the rest of the movie is too much of a retread without knowing why it was funny.
Case in point, Johnny got way too much screentime. He was good in the first one, but not good enough to warrant the expanded role.
I might need a rewatch but I found Top Secret to be vastly inferior to both NG and Airplane!
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether.
And don’t call me Shirley
>Wojak posting
aka humor
It's an entirely different kind of flying
First Airplane was great since it was based on an original terrible movie which was funny, it even had many of the same actors who helped do that deadpan delivery that people care to love.
>"I take it black, like my men!"
imagine if this came out today. /tvpol/ would have a heart attack.
I find Top Secret! underrated, while Airplane! is kinda overrated.
Airplane is great, but Johhny ruins it - film is amazing when serious actors say stupid lines and act dumb with serious face. That's what it is all about. And Johnny is a comic relief character in a movie that doesn't need one at all. His first two jokes kinda land, but everything else feels like trying hard. It's not even authentic, original film didn't have comic relief, I believe.
Top Secret, though, is perfect - film just doesn't have those unneeded elements like Johnny.
Cringe post
Remember when a white woman liking black men was a punchline, and not a requirement for your film or show getting made?
imagine being a zoomer and not ever experiencing a sense of humor. instead you live a neurotic life where you're always offended by and the victim of other people just going about their lives...
Cinematic parallels
I do think he hyped it too much. Top Secret has plenty of brilliant gags but it's not as entertaining as a movie as airplane, specifically because it's so all over the place.
Remember when you didn't spend every waking minute obsessing over black penises?
Pinching hitting for Pedro Borbon....Manny Mota...Mota...Mota....
>instantly prove him right
Do you like movies about gladiators?
I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.
George Zipp said that!?
Don't call me Shirley
>every main character is white with blue eyes
those were the days
Ah yes, I remember. I had the lasagna.
who's talking about black penises?
>/pol/ enter the thread
>immediatly shit it up
Does anybody here speak jive?
>Excuse me, I speak Jive
I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.
This is the most bizzare yet funny line in the entire mobiee
why? It was about pedophilia.
>oh. It's a boy
Okay boys lets get some pictures
Does anyone remember this movie? All I remember is the fat lady that gets stuck in the hole made in a plane and the guy who was panicking and the only way they could calm him down was by giving him a blowjob.
Alright Boys, lets take some pictures.
The courtroom “who’s on first” bit in Airplane 2 is my favorite part
Timmy, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
They bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into.
I say, let 'em crash!
I'd never heard tutti frutti before the movie and thought it was a gag until it went on for 3 minutes
I'm sorry, that title goes to Hot Shots Part Deux
The humour of this movie really flew over my mind. Yeah sure, it has some funny sketches in between but the overall plot was underwhelming af when compared to the hype fanatics always make when it's mentioned
It helps if you saw it as a kid
>Ted’s drinking problem
Alright boys, let's get some pictures!
It's the only comedy movie I've watched more than once, so it clearly has something going for it
I laugh when it's on and I have jerked it a few times this stewardess. Dem titties. Was nice.
that was funny.