How could McClane not know that this was connected to the Hans Gruber incident a few years earlier as soon as he heard...

How could McClane not know that this was connected to the Hans Gruber incident a few years earlier as soon as he heard the German accent? Why would it be such a mystery that another guy with a German accent in America was all of a sudden giving him hassle?

Wouldn't you say to yourself straight away "Gruber was German now here comes another guy looking for me who just happens to be German too?"

How could he not make the connection instantly?

Attached: 28568fade58b61ebc4991275bd214d1194a7ddd0.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

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because not everybody is a racist alt-right incel

Alcoholism provokes memory holes, he probably was a full blown alcoholic with loosing wife after risking his life for that ungratefull bitch

1. In movieland, all terrorists in 80s and 90s were European.
2. McClane was just a dumb Irish flatfoot.

Attached: simonsays.jpg (411x603, 29K)

Gruber WASN'T German. Did you miss the "fake accents" bit? Did you miss the henchmen not understanding German, so Hans had to repeat "shoot the glass" in English to them? Fuck, how can people get this wrong after so many decades.

But Simon really is Hans brother though, and Simon was confirmed by the feds to be born in Germany. Also, why the fuck would Hans speak German if he wasn't German? And who was he putting on a show for when the cops couldn't hear him?

ahhaha look at bruce willis top of the head. He is balding hahahahahah

Güd loooorrrrd?

Attached: 1103916427.jpg (640x422, 26K)

>But Simon really is Hans brother though, and Simon was confirmed by the feds to be born in Germany.
Agreed, which points more to sequel writers ALSO not understanding what was happening in the first film and retconning.
>Also, why the fuck would Hans speak German if he wasn't German?
The whole point was to make it look like they were foreign terrorists in order to get the FBI involved and into their playbook which was portrayed as a lot more blunt and destructive - all of which factored into their escape plan.
>And who was he putting on a show for when the cops couldn't hear him?
The hostages. They wanted any survivors to be ranting about foreign terrorists who blew up on the roof while they slipped away unseen in the van. Notice he dropped the accent around the Japanese boss because they knew they were going to kill him.

>Notice he dropped the accent around the Japanese boss because they knew they were going to kill him.
Where did he drop the accent? Are you trolling me, you fuck?

Racists are stupid.

Because there's a million east/west-german terrorist assholes in his world. It's not like the guy's identity was in any way a secret and they were trying to figure out who the fuck he was, they knew his name and all. There was just the twist that Gruber had changed his name.

It's not like McClane is some nobody, either. Dude's stopped two major incidents on his own. He's a goddamn celebrity and probably gets a bunch of hassle from every two-bit crook who ever read about Nakatomi or the plane thing.

>expecting some drunk american cop to know European accents
Fucking would be astounded if half the cops in NA could SPELL Germany correctly.

Gruber could still be German, while the rest of the crew weren't. He still needed the whole crew to be German to get the FBI involved so he had them all pretending they were the same as him, and it explains why his first reflex was to shout shoot the glass in German.

I'll spell it real quick for you, Buddy: W, W, I, I.

Difference of perception, perhaps. His accent isn't there in that scene, although I was thinking of the elevator scene.
But even there I'm misremembering because his "I have two, myself." is clearly in a thick accent.

Because he’s not a germanphobe that thinks that just because one German was a bank robber then ALL Germans are a bank robbers

You’re probably a islamaphone magatard as well

This wasn't actually supposed to be Gruber, right? Every time I see it I'm reminded of some other actor that I can't quite place. It seems so obvious that Rickman's character is just using this guy's name to lend credence to his terrorist story, and relying on few people seeing him and there being no good photos of the guy.

I'd welcome a sequel where they ignored the whole John's-son-is-a-secret-agent bullshit and just expounded on how the real Gruber is still around and how he was just used as a scapegoat. Maybe the obvious plot is that he has to be stopped from doing a terrorist thing, but then it turns out he's just used as a scapegoat once again and McClane teams up with him for the finish, to really turn the tables on the established formula regarding both Grubers and fake terrorist attacks. Tie it all off as the last one, with McClane finally being free from the curse of recurring fake-terrorists now that he's helped a Gruber.

Attached: Gruber Volksfrei.jpg (1600x680, 158K)

Just here to say I hate niggers

I hate to give Rickman shit because he was great and he's dead, but in my opinion that's just him having trouble maintaining the German accent. I do now see why you came to the conclusion you did, even if I still disagree.

somebody had fun