Why are trannies like this?

why are trannies like this?

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Did he even try to blame it on the hormone meds?

this. they clearly staged this attack

Aussie trannies are fucking based

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is that a fucking axe?

no you guys I'm on hrt I'm not even strong enough to hold groceries let alone do axe murder

Fucking Murdoch making trannies go on axe murdering rampages.

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basedy mail is the only decent news website left

Did they died?

Reminder that he did this because he tricked a lesbian into a date and then she rejected him when she met him and realised he was a guy and he told her someone would die and it would be her fault and then he went on this axe rampage.

judge + jury called bullshit


Why does he let an axe wielding tranny stand so close to him to begin with?

those reactionary fucks probably misgendered her. they deserve it.

>why are mentally ill people who want to be the opposite gender violent
Gee idk user

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yes and sent to a woman's prison


How? They got hit with a fucking axe, how do you survive that?


dunno but nobody died

>not a mental illness tho

because you have to actually sharpen axes

He got sentenced earlier this year. Eligable for parole in 2021.

lol poor trannies just can't catch a break


All trannies are mentally ill, that's just how it is.

guy got hit in the arm
thing that was walking out the dreads probably cushioned the hit

>sent to a womans prison

time to sharpen my axe and buy meself some tranny pills

I really hope more people in our community seek help and stop trying to support the almost misandrist, anti-social, and tribal rhetoric that so often pervades trans spaces.

I was lucky enough to transition smoothly, I can admit when I have had it better than others. But it doesn't help that so many turn down medication and therapy. We ARE sick, but we just so happen to live in a time where our sickness can be addressed in a way that can make us happy and allow us to live healthy lives.

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this. just read the posts the discord tranny here makes. every other word is profanity and you can tell from the posts that it's constantly diamond mad

They said alita was shit

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Was unironically cuter as a boy desu

Skulls are strong. Dude probably got a concussion, a cracked skull and a major gash, but just one blow wouldn't normally be enough to kill unless you got chopped by a lumberjack who chops trees down by hand all day.


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yeah i would

2 years? Holy shit. That cunt must be deranged. How can they honestly believe it can be rehabilitated in that time? And how the fuck is that a sentence for a premeditated attempted murder with a deadly weapon?

>We ARE sick, but we just so happen to live in a time where our sickness can be addressed in a way that can make us happy and allow us to live healthy lives.

Based self-aware tranny.


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wtf? I love trannies now

It wasn't mental health problems, I can guarantee you that.

women prison too. he's going to swim in crazed pusy

Your jawline got worse haha gross


Would put penis in.

purple pilled and based

she cute
he cute

In what?

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The Daily Mail unironically gets far more hate than it deserves. While it has plenty of trash like The Sun or other tabloid rags, it often has very detailed articles that display some serious investigative journalism, as opposed to the copy-paste churnalism of so many outlets. You will very often find more specific details about news stories in the Daily Mail that are omitted in other papers. Often this is in the context of crimes, where details are reported that other papers wont report due to particular """""""sensitivites"""""""""

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it’s gonna be just fine

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wasn't he on pcp? what does it have to do with trannies

Does >she still have a feminine bepis? If so, would smash.

I'd fuck that trans. I'd fuck it hard. Really hard. Like, I'd make it cry.

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can MTF trannies even still be muscular? Wouldn't that fuck up with transitioning?

>what does it have to do with trannies
it's a man doing it
trannie retain male patterns of behaviour yet they demand access to female SEX segregated spaces.

Hopefully in a tight little boipucci where I can hammer her feminine prostate.

fucking kek

He just gets worse every time...

>in sydney
Good. They probably deserved it.

Nice reppin' the gay community. Go home Yea Forums, we have enough faggots here.

>mentally ill person does mentally ill shit

Because they are not mentally ill.

>why are trannies like this?
b/c the left enables their mental illness

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trannies aren't known for their physical strength

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Trannies are truly the most disgusting group of people imaginable.

Crossdressers are worse than trannies actually

I'd argue they're better because they're not mentally ill enough to mutilate their bodies with chemical hormones and castration

oh was this a female only gas station? damn maybe they shouldve made it a no pcp zone too

he went from ftm to mtf

I hate how they take away the comments for anything to do with Islam. 95% of the comments ar anti Islam and it shows that the majority of people dont want Islam around.

Wow that's quite the decline. Colin must be so proud.

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No but he did get put in a female only prison

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well I hope they don't give the inmates axes

Some want to stay fit and somewhat muscular like female fitspo models

I know it's counter intuitive but it keeps them healthy and helps them adjust


Genetic line go bye bye.

>wears that shirt without shaving bellybutton
>t-this is how humans smile, right?

how close to 30 is he because those eyes say everything

>rehabilitation by pussy
sign me up senpai

that dude swings like a chick, barely any damage

it almost chopped his skull in two

he only got a slap on the wrist sentence in a women's prison. got to love the anglosphere.
in a shitskin country he would have been executed

He wouldve been executed the second he was in public.

Yup, 2 years for attempted murder. Fuck liberals.

Ohh what a cutie.

This is what zoomers contribute to Yea Forums

Dailymail, ironically, is the only news outlet that reports on un-PC subjects in Australia.

He should be publicly executed you worthless faggot.

wait what

I never said it was a bad thing, brainlet

>trannies claim they are totally normal, well-adjusted individuals
>if a guy kills them in a fit of rage after discovering the tranny's deception, then that man deserves to spend his life in prison
>and yet every time a tranny commits a violent crime the defense is always the same bs: "I just couldn't control myself! It happened because I'm a tranny so I'm not guilty!"
hypocritical rats.


The dread locks on the chick saved her life, the guy got it in the mouth, so not fatal.

cool there are like 5 examples of tranny serial killers wow what an epidemic we should definitely be spending time obsessing about this

its just what happens when your browse discord 16 hours a day with other trannys

I've abused pcp for years and never done anything like that.

You're a retard, just the handle could kill if it hit right, the dude just coped it in the mouth.

Hes very cute
But the idea of fucking a male's poop hole is really gross..
I wouldnt even mind kissing him, im even okay with sucking his tiny cock

But the shit fucking... pushing that shit in... feeling the shit around my dick....

Smelling my dick like shit, i just cant
i just cant
Trannies are cursed incels. No one really wants them.

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There are so many instances of male tranny rapists but hardly any of female tranny rapists. it's almost as if they retain the criminal patterns of behaviour of their sex and not "gender"

>tiny percentage of the population
>still manage commit hundreds of crimes
kys, tranny.


That's pretty common in Australia, especially if your not a white male. There was this sudo slut that drove her car into a lake to murder 3 of her 7 kids, blamed voodoo and only got 34 years.

if you do it too vigorously it goes up your urethra

but he's going to go bald so what then? women always have their hair. I just feel bad for these lost people.

>he hasn't realized it yet

[so-and-so outlet sucks] is a leftist trick to preemptively discredit media outlets that have been known not to tow the party line. just about every mainstream media outlet's quality is fucking garbage, yet that accusation gets thrown around only against very specific ones.

>it's almost as if they retain the criminal patterns of behaviour of their sex and not "gender"
haha, yeah, haha, imagine that.


The honkpill is really the ultimate pill

wow holy fuck this is groundbreaking work

Glasses to divert attention from male cheeks
Hastily done and weakly maintained eyebrows
Hair to cover half of the male brow region
Increase of overall bodyfat to round out the face
Ton of make up, hair made up, but not wearing fancy clothing
Blurred and filtered selfie when the left is clearer

Absolute shit tier

What do you do if your son came out as tranny

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Wake up

turn a fruit into a vegetable

Dey eat da poo poo

why are niggers like this?

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