Just saw this, fucking kino. Never played the game but I was sad when the wolf hat ogre got killed.
What did Yea Forums think of it?
Just saw this, fucking kino. Never played the game but I was sad when the wolf hat ogre got killed.
What did Yea Forums think of it?
It was an okay story but a very watchable movie.
The ending scene/shot is the most excited I’ve been for a sequel in a decade
The story was pretty faithful, but literally everyone except the CGI characters were completely miscast. And holy shit that one male elf's teeth. Euughh.
This board has the shitiest taste in movies
needed more murloc
He likes wine okay?
it was a fantastic flick but this board will try to tell you otherwise
>The story was pretty faithful
They crammed like three games worth of campaigns into a 2 hour movie and took heavy liberty with lots of characters. It's been a while since I've seen it though so I can't actually give examples without watching that train wreck.
The first half is pretty kino but the second half gets weird also why is Dalaran floating at this time ? In wc3 it's a regular city located on the ground.
Also the costumes were terrible and most human actors were meh
Overall it's a good movie, I especially liked the part where Lothar realizes Medivh has opened the portal, very well done imo.
It's one thing to write some semi-passable fluff as an excuse to play the same shit over and over, but to prop it up as a 2+ hour movie just makes it look pathetic.
It's just soulless and frankly embarrassing.
It wasn't faithful, a lot is actually very different and that's why they said this was an alternate universe from the actual warcraft canon. It has pretty much nothing to do with the game other than character names and very general plot points.
I mean quite a bit was there. Medivh's story, the gate, the Dranei, etc. They changed a few things and yeah crammed a bunch together but it's definitely all recognizable.
They glossed over the draenei genocide almost entirely to make the orcs seem like good guys and pretended that Durotan had nothing to do with it
Dude, I don't what you expect from one fucking movie. Did you want it to be fucking 12 hours long?
The live action human cast was fucking atrocious and offensive, who the fuck hires these clowns, how the fuck do these casting directors have opinions which get them jobs
Gamerfags hated it, but I thought it was based as fuck and a whole lot better than I ever thought a movie based off such a messy universe as Warcraft could ever be, Even with Travis Fimmel phoning it in the whole time, it was enjoyable from start to finish.
>atrocious and offensive
Yeah, that's about right. Medivh's casting was a crime.
Yeah like I said, the very general plot points where there (gul'dan bad, orcs invade another world) and character names were there, but it was so different from the actual cannon and changed a lot of things that it had to be it's own separate universe. It wasn't faithful at all.
It would've been awesome if they showed the giant path of bones.
Never bothered watching it, grew up on too many Blizzard games to be impartial.
>messy universe
Its pretty simple really, especially at that point in the story.
If they made another 9 of them and eventually hit the part about void lords and plants being giant eggs, then its messy
Gul'dan was really well done.
Blizzard wasted their once-a-decade chance to make a good videogame movie on the incredibly shitty story of WC1 instead of the kino that was Arthas' story in WC3. That was this movie's biggest problem: the characters and plot are boring.
yes. I was pleased
Could've easily been pulled off, but then the orcs wouldn't have been noble savages
Recognizable is different from faithful.
I liked it a lot, it was hardly kino, but definitely enjoyable.
How do you even make a movie about WC3 without alienating the normies dude? You don't have enought time to build the world and the conflict.
Not him but I think the Arthas arc ending in the Frozen Throne ascension is is way more accessible than the movie
I fail to see how is it more accessible.
One main character is always easier to follow and get immersed in than 10
They should've gone full CGI. CGI/real integration was really bad and looked jarring.
But if they pitched the full CGI movie, Metzen never would've agreed to it.
There was one, under the bridge.
The story felt very Ghibli-ish, only that the makers lack the skill to make a Ghibli-like film.
>alienating the normies
Normies haven't played W1 or W2. Normies played W3. Telling viewers 'yes, there are orcs in this world and we've been at war with them for the last few decades' is faster.
Thrall / Arthas story 3 parts would be awesome.
Humans should have also been CGI since Warcraft humans are absolute fucking units.
orcs arent that op in wow
they have a temp damage buff thats it
Warcraft was, without exaggeration, the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. Every other film retroactively gains one star having seen this abomination which redefines what a bad movie can be.
Even The Room had an idea of how to tell a coherent story and at least had a main character. When critics are forced to objectively reassess The Room and wonder if they've been too harsh, you know you've made a toilet destroying movie.
My DVD collection includes Freddy Got Fingered and I have seen Postal twice. I know what bad is. Warcraft isn't even fun or enjoyable bad. It's just appalling.
I watched it again the other day. Pretty good. Some differences given it was a different timeline that the original timeline but pretty faithful. I enjoyed it. The elves looked fucked up though. I wish they'd follow up the story and make more but doesn't seem likely.
Honestly, this movie should've never been made and this is coming from someone who's been into WoW since '07.
The CG on the orc's was fucking amazing. WAY better than I expected going into the theater. However, this movie was doomed to fail. There's far too much lore in WoW. They compensated for this by rearranging things which enraged the fans and confused those who weren't. It's a paradox. No matter what character you choose or what story arc you focus on, nothing makes sense to anyone that's not a fan. If you change the story too much to make it work, it's not WoW.
He wanted medieval Star Wars with zombies instead
Why am I reading that this movie failed and didn't make money? It seems that articles hated this movie for no reason, even some saying it's racist. So do only successful movies exist if it hits 1 billion? I need warcraft 2
they really were banking that this would lead into the Warcraft Cinematic Universe though now I'm not so sure because why rearrange story parts then? I think it's safe to say that Moon was his only good hit
Give or take, a movie needs to make 3 times its production budget to make profit. 433 million box office was not enough with a budget of 160, especially when most of it was made in China. It flopped real bad in America, where box office dollars are worth more.
>when he sheep’s the guard
Lmao at this fucking film
> First war was 3 games
You've never played Warcraft I can see.
It felt like 3 hours worth of game cutscenes with no meat between them, as opposed to an actual movie that can stand on its own, they should've stuck to one thing and done it properly. I thought it was forced and rushed and incoherent as someone who followed and played the series starting with the first game.
I’m really picky with movies. I’m not gonna say I have good taste. Because I probably don’t. But goddamn if this movie isn’t comfy and I haven’t watched it 6 or more times
Also, haven’t played a Warcraft game since 3.
Hollywood Accounting.
"Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix" reported a $167 million loss - despite having a budget of $150 million and earning $950 million at the box office.
really disappointed there wasnt any burning of stormwind kino
The movie failed because burgers didn't watch the movie
But it was worth outside of the US
Is Hollywood movie business just one big money laundering scheme or something?
What are the 2 footmen doing? Dancing?
Look at the orc to the right, looks like he's trying to start a dance routine as well
Why didn't the burgers watch the movie though?
>They crammed like three games worth of campaigns into a 2 hour movie
It barely covers the first game.
A sequel covering WC2 and a spinoff for Beyond the Dark Portal would be amazing, that's the one story WoW never really delved into, only showing a couple of the original squad that crossed the portal who survived.
What the actual fuck, also why does his neck snap half a second after the orc closes his fist?
We made it so we know how gay it is.
>make orcs a foot taller than they are meant to me
>make them not retarded brutes
>skip the part where they commit genocide
>skip the part where they blow their fucking planet up
They literally couldn't make a 2nd or 3rd movie, nothing would make sense with thrall being so much bigger than his captors.
You've never squashed a grape before?
If you can't tell that there is something wrong with the physics there you need to stop playing video games and go out
This is a deleted scene for anyone that gets deterred by this webm
it was pathetic
We know the orcs weren't retarded brutes, the movie showed the Draenei enslaved and used as batteries and the planet was definitely dying.
I don't understand why they didn't make an Arthas movie. That's literal normiebait:
>good guy with polarizing ideas
>good guy goes rogue
>a magic lightsaber finishes the job and makes him completely insane
>space zombies
I mean it fucking writes by itself, you dont even need to be 100% faithful to the Lich King timeline and you'd still get a decent movie. Meh
The planet was dying because of the fel magic, because of Gul'dan.
Orcs are a bit taller than human when standing upright, but are usually slightly hunched. Orcs might be brutes but they are not retarded. I didn't like how strong the orcs were though, as they could lift and throw entire horses. It was impossible for humans to parry or block their attacks. They either had to dodge or get crushed.
Companies get sued, but don't want their finances disclosed so they pay people tons in hush money.
It gets worse when people ask for percentages, rather than flat sums, for their work.
Forrest Gump's author had a contract for 3% of profits from the movie.
The studio claimed the movie operated at a loss - despite earning $700 million at the box office on a $50 million budget - so the author got nothing.
FUCK orcs
This flick is nothing but horde sympathetic propaganda
The game is 1000x better. The movie was disappointing.
It wasn't capeshit.
There was fel magic in the movie
>wolf hat ogre
It's an orc.
wrong cinematic you dirty liar
Fel was the enemy, not orcs. Dumb-dumb.
The cartoon part is actually kino, the real actors and scenes are cringe as fuck.
They were killing draenei before they were on fel-blood, Durotan lead the slaughter of the village of people who saved him as a kid, he wasn't on fel
But the kino would be
>spoiled guy, but good intentions
>guy with everyone's support
>end up being manipulated by demons and the lich king both
>throws it all off for vengeance and madness
>get to watch everyone grieve for him
this is why Blizzard "favors" Alliance in story telling
>Blizzard favors Alliance in story telling
Wrong, they constantly make excuses for orcs and portray humans as literal nazis gassing every horde fag.
Didn’t a WoW writer fuck up Sylvanas and the horde in general by making him her self insert husband
I was expecting to see Tauren and pandas but wtf....
It was a meh movie desu. Which is a shame because there is a lot to the WCU that would make interesting cinema, but a lot of poor choices were made here. They chose to focus on a part of the story thats really not interesting enough to carry the whole film, while alienating normies with its weirdness. On top of that they gambled on a fuckhuge budget that would need to do MCU numbers to be profitable, so a sequel will never be greenlit now
*smacks fangs
*genocides other clans
*enslaves draenei
*makes pact with demons
*invades Kalimdor
*kills the literal half-god and forest avatar
*genocides humans, elves and other orcs
*nukes you
Sucks desu, id love to see more of these. Too bad this one reeks of studio meddling and bad choices. Its a movie neither warcraft fans nor normies can get into.
but thats the undead humans are the good goys that save everyone
Wrong again, undead are portrayed sympathetically while the scarlet crusade are nazis for defending themselves against shadow magic cannibals.
Fucking cringefest