Ain’t it funny how a movie that flat out stated it was against self improvement (masturbation) ended up seting the stage for a lot of gym sluts(guy gym sluts). So many people joined the gym for aesthetic purposes after seeing brad pitt in fight club. They completely missed the point of the movie
Ain’t it funny how a movie that flat out stated it was against self improvement (masturbation) ended up seting the...
there wasn't much of a point to the movie, you can say that fight club was anti-conformist or that it points out the inherent hypocrisy of anti-conformists but that was it. It was, at its core, a movie about "being yourself"
>Ain’t it funny how a movie that flat out stated it was against self improvement (masturbation)
Masturbation is self improvement?
It's just a movie. Who the fuck lives their lives around a movie's supposed "lesson"?
This movie has so many undertones and has so many messages under the surface of the story that I can't take it seriously.
Someone told me Fight Club is about gsy men stuck in the closet hence the half naked guys in closed doors behind locked doors and basements. The writer is gay too so this could be true. However I have to remember that the people who usually tell me this are left wing loonies who dont want people to like movies like Fight Club so I take it with a grain of salt. I still enjoy the movie on the surface no matter what you say. Take that, sjw freaks.
Fuck off pleb
>that flat out stated it was against self improvement (masturbation)
You completely misunderstood that line.
I find half the fun of movies is interpreting it in your own way. Doesn't matter so much what it means to other people, but instead what it means to you.
>Who the fuck lives their lives around a movie's supposed "lesson"?
movie goers that are about on the same level as plotfags and propaganda warriors. ie in total, the vast majority of Yea Forums
Blatant lie OP
Stop turning your over thinking into threads pls
The movie is a love story. The narrator is so deep in depression and self pity he doesn’t realize he has a perfectly good woman who is just as fucked up as he is to have a relationship with. Yet he rejects her, so his brain creates Tyler Durdan out of necessity. Be yourself, like someone else said, is pretty close to the point of the movie.
An entire industry (on the internet at least) devoted to delving into the meaning of movies in 20 minute to whole hour long screeds, and nobody has taken this pill yet.
It is different for everybody, morons.
Explain then
I thought it was just about a lack of purpose
normal people care about looking good and nothing else. even thier virtues are just to look good socially. people who can break from the ego are antisocial and irrelevant
A movie can't "flat out state" any thing, it is not sentient. It can not talk or think.
I think what you meant to say is that a character in a movie flat out states something. A movie is not necessarily meant to present all ideas its characters state as being good ideas, therefore it is not funny at all.
Is it worse to be a big tard who lives by movies' "messages", or by musicians'?
That is the real question in normie taxonomy.
Dude this movie is about the gay scene in the 80's, the 'fight clubs' are metaphors for underground gay sex clubs and normies were tricked into thinking its the most masculine movie of all time. its literary genius.
The whole dual personality sub plot is about his inability to come to terms with his homosexual desires, so he becomes a 'different person' when hes at 'fight club' aka banging random dudes.
the whole counter culture/ terrorist thing which comes to a head with his speech about how they are the ones who makes your food and clean your homes and all that shit is about closeted homosexuals living among us.
Gayest Movie Ever is the most literal sense
also Marla (representing all women) being such a disgusting human, and having to have his alter ego be the one who fucks her further shows the writers thoughts
I live around the philosophy of the dude
its a very nice one
the film wasn't against self improvement
it was all for it
it made fun of what is considered the peak of what a man can be
They show you that its impossible to live like tyler its just unrealistic
and at the end, when he is unable to defeat himself(his desires) and is unable to consolidate these two halves of himself into a life. He kills himself (obviously he survives in the movie because hollywood loves that shit)
but in reality unable to come to terms with himself he blows his own brains out, a fate that has befallen countless homesexuals in the 80's
I don’t know about that one.
But I do know Brads body was supposed to be seen to be as a product of actual grit and deprivation (hence the low body fat). It’s not huge muscles or anything unachievable naturally
You fags literally cant stop thinking about dicks for one second, can you?
just seemed like a film where a bunch of guys wanted to let loose and beat the shit out of one another so they could just 'be themselves'. durden was who the narrator wanted to be. a carefree cool guy who did whatever the fuck he wanted and wasn't limited by anything
that is what its meant to be
but Yea Forums is so fucking gay they thinks its about being a closeted homosexual
chuck palahniuk is a homo so its not an unreasonable interpretation
>They completely missed the point of the movie
That's because Fight Club, like most Hollywood movies, pretends to criticize something while creating charismatic characters to deliver the opposite message, making the criticized lifestyle seem seductive and attractive, and banking on the appeal of the opposite line of thought to attract viewers.
Did *they* miss the point of the movies, or have filmmakers not believed in their own point when they chose a fit, highly attractive guy to play such an outsider who delivers those lines against self-improvement?
Artists have no responsibility to you
If you are a brainlet that needs his hand held then you can go fuck yourself
Good shit user. Only poster itt with semi functional brain cells
Based and redpilled. Another good example of this phenomenon is pic related. Did you know the real life Jordan Belfort is a swarthy Jew yet they cast Leonardo DiCaprio to portray him. It really makes you think.
A faggot wrote it though, they're always making their works about faggotry and cocks.
they never make the life look glamorous
they clearly show you that tyler (brad pitt) is fucking nuts
and the narrator even points this out
tyler is so charming and well built because thats what the narrator wants to debut as it turns out its an unachievable goal
the film criticises the high standards of beauty and how its really dull and meaningless
you clearly missed the point user
well then fight club is the exception
the book might be gay but the film isn't
>thats what the narrator wants to debut as it turns out its an unachievable goal
That wasn't the point of Tyler at all.
Reminder that the people telling you that this movie is about gayness are the same telling you that Frodo and Sam are gay for eachothers in lotr
>they never make the life look glamorous
>he bangs marla
>he becomes a charismatic cult leader with men willing to die for him
>he successfully blows up the banks and gets the girl in the end
>they never make the life look glamorous
the what is the point of tyler
the narrator hates his life because its so dull and boring
and he needs a sense of freedom
tyler gives him this sense of freedom but then the narrator realises that this sense of freedom is very unrealistic and actually stupid
if the narrator's life was dull and boring then what the fuck was the narrator's life considering he worked as a fucking corporate drone who was too much of a bitch to do anything?
>>he bangs marla
marla looks like a dirty hooker
>>he becomes a charismatic cult leader with men willing to die for him
he doesn't become charismatic and the cult is fucking creepy
>>he successfully blows up the banks and gets the girl in the end
i wouldn't say successfully, remember he tries to stop it
he fucked up
>>they never make the life look glamorous
No it's not the same at all because Tolkien was a pure Christian man so he would never write something like that into his fiction whereas Palahniuk is a queer so it is very likely that he would. Think about it logically.
ignore this. i misread what you said. still, the narrator envied tyler all the way until the end.
I guess he really didn't have a life and was looking for a good life
the point is they're hypocrites
they rag on society for building some artificial ideals for men to achieve
but they use the same trick to make beta males punch each other and become obedient slaves because they think it will make them manly
he didn't really envy him
he idolised him throughout the movie until realising he's a crazy fuck
>female detected
this is a movie you do not understand sweetie
based and redpilled
they kind of just shit on rebellious teens
which is fucking hilarious since rebellious teens love this movie
im a fucking dude
fight club is one of my favourite films of all time
you fucking faggot
what do you think its about then?
this is basically what its about and if you dont think all the stuff i already listed plus the whole male bonding arc between the narrator and tyler with the talk about fight club will make you man carved out of wood i would fight abe lincoln our fathers were failures blah blah blah isnt meant to be seen as appealing to the audience of teenage boys then you are a rube
it can be interpreted as a film about closeted homosexuals but you'd have to be a serious fag to think that
you dont have to be a homo to know that homo art is about homos
Yeah, ok homo
t. discord tranny
being yourself highlights individuality which is poison to the white ethnostate. off yourselves fag loving kikes
cringe and bluepilled
based and redpilled
>every movie interpretation is about muh race war
what a sad existence you live
How the fuck was it against self improvement exactly?
isnt it funny how a movie that flat out stated its against self improvement contains characters who all go through a phase of rapid self improvement by participating in fight club?
they dont actually improve themselves though one of them gets shot in the head and they all become criminals living in a shack on paper street and you thinking they are improving themselves just because they get six pack abs makes you the butt of the joke
false hermaneutic of gay suspicion. leftists use the same tactic w/right wing men joining gyms, pool parties/book clubs, taking boxing lessons, etc.
fuck off schlomo.
You need to gas yourself for posting this
>learn to fight
>gain real relationships and camaraderie
>total rejection of (((consumer))) culture
>reevaluate self and worldview
>have real cultural impact
what they ended up doing w/project mayhem was shallow and sophomoric, but nihilists are shallow and sophomoric.
>living in a shack
because an oversized closet in a metropolis is ideal.
The whole point of joining fight club is to become manlier.
telling you left out the part about getting shot in the face
guys who are looking to fight are insecure and thats why they feel they have something to prove the fight club is just a cope for betas
i dont care about the fucking story, dumb dumb. my post is about the underlying concept of the fight club itself and what it means for demoralized and atomized men in a real world context.
telling that you cant gather that without me having to spell it out for you.
the point of the book is the fight clubs are for goons and not a real solution to the demoralization and atomization in modern society
the point is that you can only go so far as a nihilist. they came up with very real solutions, and made serious progress. before bob died, he finally had purpose and pride in himself. if not for joining project mayhem, nobody wouldve mourned his death. wouldve ended up like the old broad trying to get fucked.
he death was a throw away comment.
>fight clubs are for goons
id take a look some real life fight clubs and compare them to other male oriented subcultures, mmmmbud.
> guys who are looking to fight are insecure and thats why they feel they have something to prove the fight club is just a cope for betas
but they arent looking to fight in real life like normies do. that was just one assignment. otherwise, they fought each other, and fights were assigned.
progress to what? overthrowing society? what a joke.
ok thats fair but the reason they want to join the fight club in the first place is because they are insecure and thats why it is a cope
guy, your inability to engage in the actual conversation says a lot.
i am not talking about the literal project mayhem or fight club. i am talking about the underlying concept and ideology.
in other words youre not talking about the movie you want to talk about your manifesto alright then lets hear it buddy what is the underlying concept and ideology go on and tell us what it all means!
pathetic, bro. thought we could have a conversation, but ill take your bait.
dejected and atomized men get together and help each other be better men. through physical training, hiking, creative projects. whatever. gain group solidarity, improve each other's life. create a community to ride out this shit show a little bit fitter, happier, more productive.
Im not that person, but it does raise an interesting point. Is the message that fight clubs were a way overcome nihilism, but the actual revolution or social change was secondary?
In that case, the whole thing has sort of a nihilistic meta-irony, doesn't it? The characters have basically created a way for adults to play pretend and act like revolutionaries, but there is no actual political or social goal, its all just constructed as a way to distract them from how pointless normal life is.
thats a funny thought.
The movie definitely has some serious homo vibes. All about half naked men coming together and touching each other to feel something.
how come no one has thought of that before?!
What's funny is that this guy is supposedly fighting practically no-holds-barred and bare knuckle on a regular basis and he only has a light black eye and sometimes misses a tooth. If this guy was really doing this he would look like Frankenstein 24/7. His nose would be completely and totally shattered and he would look like the worst anti-semetic trope, his eyes would be totally black and the size of watermelons, and he would barely be able to walk from being sweeped and slammed on the concrete and not being taught how to land properly, his whole body would be covered in a rainbow of bruises and he would not be able to function and would have to be put in the hospital as would the rest of these guys.
why cant you engage in a conversation? hows that ironic detachment treating you?
>how come no one has thought of that before?
better question, why is it currently being criminalized all across the country right now? why are you steadfast in countersignaling the idea?
i bet you wont answer one of these in earnest.
Stop avatarfagging goddamit
why so serious?
you belong on reddit
>why is it currently being criminalized all across the country right now?
what's being criminalized?
look up the R.A.M guys
as in the neo-nazi group? You don't think that's a little more..uh politically oriented than the fight club in the movie?
>R.A.M guys
what is the RAM guys?
I don’t even know what y’all are arguing about desu but bump
>neo nazi group
nice narrative you bought into there.
yeah, it is politically oriented. making an example of whites bettering themselves and advocating as a group. gotta shut it down, goy.
>be group of blue collar guys who start mma club
>go do exhibitions around america and in europe
>defend boomer normie magapedes from antifa horde
>police press no charges
>ample video evidence they attacked nobody, only defended people from being beaten by a mob
one year later
>neo nazi group arrested and facing 10 years in prison
>Ain’t it funny how a movie that flat out stated it was against self improvement (masturbation)
Why did it make it look so fucking cool then? Seems counter productive
Ask incel Gosling fans
they actually did. does Christianity ring a bell?
>flat out stated it was against self improvement (masturbation)
it didn't. Tyler said self improvement is masturbation.
Tyler isn't the didactic voice of the film (by a long shot). Even if he was, you can read the line as 'self improvement is [merely] masturbation'. There is no flat out rejection of it, just a critique of the idolization of it as presented in the male model on the bus image.
just your opinion man
you don't feel these guys are a little less subtle than Tyler Durden?
RAM are basically socal skins, a lot of these guys have prior robbery or assault charges and became skins in prison, they didn't just wake up one day deciding to protect maga neckbeards. They have their own motives.
And the entire point I made earlier is that fight club is mostly apolitical. No one talked about how consumerism made them feel depressed or hated by society, they understood it subconsciously and never assigned blame to any particular part of society, I don't think the word capitalism was even mentioned in the film once.
If you're looking for an analogy between fight club and the real world, I would say AWD is actually way better, because they are less political, more radical, and operate in free cells like anarchists do. Also they actually try to blow stuff up instead of selling meth in prison
What was the point of the movie fag?
And everyone who was in the gym for a year already surpassed that dyel physique.
Pitt said he could bench 130 kg in Fight Club, which is complete bullshit for several reason.
First he weights maybe 75 kg at best in the movies
Second he's skinny as fuck and you could never tell he works out in clothes. Did you saw guys who bench 130-140 kg in real life? They are big dudes.
I would say Pitt in Troy could easily bench that, but not in Fight Club. Even fucking actors lie about their stats.
>exercising legal free speech
equivalent to
>committing acts of domestic terrorism
>equating RAM to 1.0 AB degenerates
um no, sweaty.
oh you mean the literal meth head pedophiles who have people that have comitted murder? mutilate animals and post on social media? find thots to cut and pose w/REED SEEJ memes?
yeah, those guys are ideal.
Right but you said it's being criminalized. What's been criminalized here, nazis or fight clubs? To me, if you wanted to organize a group that recruits young men to learn to box, there's no reason you need to attach politics to it, especially not the type of politics that draw that much attention. I mean even the OPs picture shows hispanic and asian guys in the background.
>yeah, those guys are ideal.
yes, I say AWD is a better fit because it seems like they genuinely want to destroy society.
I try to follow James Bond's mannerisms as much as possible.
nu-bond or old bond?
>whats been criminalized
whites acting advocating a group with their own interests.
>no reason to attach politics
if youre a group of men spending enough time together, politics will surface.
>multi racial photo
thats fine. the case with RAM and others is
>free association for me, not for thee
there are many people with a vested interest in squashing any white identity group who has public visibility.
>there wasn't much of a point to the movie,
>quoting the bible
imagine if this was released today though
oh I thought you meant it's bad the government tried to criminalize the masculinity of fight clubs, but you mean criminalizing neo-nazis. I don't know how far you'll get with the argument that groups which don't believe in equal rights or free speech deserve protection for either.
How is it that you can understand capitalism atomizes people, but not understand fascism as a direct result of that atomization, paranoia and economic instability? I never really understood that disconnect.
>neo nazis
cool buzzword, bud.
>fascism is a direct result of that atomization, paranoia, and economic instability
its not really paranoia if the atomization and instability is real. also, yeah you are correct. it is the result of those things, and the answer to right the course.
capitalism necessitates everything wrong in the 21st century first world. an unregulated free market leads to nothing but total disaster.
Isn't project chaos just the logical unification of left wing and right wing extreme? After some shenanigans they go straight for the banks. A right winger could identify with attacking the jewish money lenders, a left winger would identify with attacking the top .1% and capitalism incarnate.
>fight club is a banking jew's horror fantasy flick
>if the atomization and instability is real
right but its assigning those things to causes outside of capitalism that makes no sense. Why even bother with some pointless fantasy about punishing jews or mixed race couples when you could just kill rich people instead (hypothetically of course).
Much more direct and effective, it just seems silly to recognize the root cause, and then add all these extra steps. Probably like 90% of people would be on board if it was just killing billionaires, and if you did and it didn't solve all societies problems, all the original people you hate are still there when you're done.
>trying to regulate natural market forces
see how well the war on drugs is going in usa. if theres a need, people will satisfy it.
Masculinity is likened to fascism anymore. it's a sort of automatic conditioned connection.
Men thinking and acting on their own is absolutely not acceptable.
wtf i love soi now
>punishing anyone
m8, you really need to get out of the propaganda. it has nothing to do with punishing anyone or putting anyone down. its about supporting and advocating for ourselves.
>anything outside of capitalism
the system needs participants and advocates to perpetuate. assigning anything to a system itself is intellectual wankery.
theres a market need for white nationalist media, but every day someone else gets deplatformed or doxxed and has their family harassed and threatened.
the market is already regulated, and drugs are a net positive for it.
absolutely checked
>it has nothing to do with punishing anyone or putting anyone down
ignoring the historical instances of fascism, just like marxists ignore everytime communism has gone terribly wrong
alright so why bother to advocate only for "yourselves" instead of all non-billionaires? Your movement instantly grows by a million percent, and as I said, you can still go your separate ways from those other groups when you're done.
>assigning anything to a system itself is intellectual wankery.
not really, its just an observation that the system has certain positions and goals which are consistent regardless of who fills the role. That's why it's called the capitalist system
He's a Jew.
you can attribute violence and injustice in every culture, and every system through all of human history. what i was talking about is the dumb caricature of the dissident right as
>kill niggers and jews
every other ethnic group specifically advocates for themselves, and is cheered on and funded. the only group denied that right is whites.
also, im not concerned for the welfare of non whites. its not out of malice or anything, but i do not care.
let us separate, and we can go from there.
you do what you do, let us do what we do.
>regardless of who fills the role
really? compare similar trends in certain industries, controlled by different groups in different eras.
the positions and goals are a reflection of who holds the reins
> Author gay
> Book rejects women
> Narrator and Tyler Durden literally meet on a nude beach and swap phone numbers
Fascism is centered around violence more than around ideology. Read some Sorel, or Mussolini. Or look on their ideological flexibility.
read mosely's 100 questions about fascism. violence may be necessary as defense. dont start nothin', wont be nothin'
i never said i was some pacifist faggot. likewise, instigating violence is retarded. there is no reason for it.
>he literally gets with the girl at the end