I want to know, when DNC MEDIA will does movies showing HIllary Clinton deleting her emails, wikileaks, DNC as negative, Obama Spying Trump for help Hillary Clinton in elections, Obama Spyng other countries, Obama saying that Hillary Clinton is trash in 2008 and then shilling for her in 2016, Hillary Clinton defending rapist and lawging when lawer, Bill Clinton and Hillary as negative, Benghazi, Obama shit in Lybia, every week a riot, race bait, terrorist attack with Obama
Also, when USA will stop having only two parties and think that is normal partisan movies when the Democrats are never used as negative? And if the DNC control both parties? Is not bad have only two choices?
Why USA have the most unnatural, freak, broken the mind, manipulation compared to any other country of world, by strategy of manipulation, bait, everything of democrats in USA freak country?
But USA money and hegemony
Comes because of WW2 and wars in the past, not because of democrats, also the world was forced to learn english who helps USA after these war, USA is freak that while all other countries are stoping being manipulated by race bait, left-wing bubble, commies, USA is wanting to be one, and we don't want the exported globalist influence of your shithole bubble of DNC..
I don't know if the people within of USA believe or think that people outside of USA are freak like them looks in the websites, corporations, industries of democrats and their bias, look, democrats are angels, look we are your savior, we are the good boys
USA is so fucking retarded that to make easier frauds, you accept the excuse to vote without identity in some states
USA is so freak who let democrats exploit the race bait, invent racial cuckold commercials, media, only against one race, gender war video but with biased selective manipulation as try to sell white women as identity politics and opressed race and women of ohter race and men of other race as good, and every kid who born white negative, scapegoat