A small thing that bothered me while watching Vice was seeing this guy complaining about the fact that Cheney refers to...

A small thing that bothered me while watching Vice was seeing this guy complaining about the fact that Cheney refers to the heart he received from him as ''his new heart'' instead of ''someone else's heart''.

It looked like an unecessary and forced attempt to demonize Cheney, as if they needed something like this even after depicting him as someone who sended hundreds of young men overseas just so he could profit.

What to you think about it? Did they went too far on a few places?

Attached: cheney.png (807x372, 319K)

Pic related.

Attached: 0ad0aebc-ec3d-4db1-9e74-01d99351532c-plemons-vice.jpg (1440x960, 113K)

throughout the movie they try to humanise cheney
even though he was a greedy asshole

>Did they went too far on a few places?

they didnt put a bullet in his head like war criminal he is so i say they didnt go far enough

Attached: 1539655567138.png (900x900, 106K)

the actual performance was good
never liked him

I don't think it was meant to demonize him as point out his "character" from a very affluent left wing point of view. Cheney is in a position where ultimately no one gives a fuck where he got his heart. If it happened to a Hollywood celebrity they'd have to like send the family a check and roses or some shit like that for P.R. purposes. It's just jealousy desu.

The bonding between him and his daughters was really nice when it comes to that aspect. I really wasn't expecting him to be so supportive when one of them came out as a lesbian.

Americans are belligerent warmongers anyway who have manifest destiny on their minds

Might as well profit off of it desu

Makes sense tbqh

This didn't happen irl though.

Why is Cheney unpopular in the US? Didn't he pretty much do what you guys had already been doing for decades already?

That post-credits scene was completelly uncalled for. They couldn't find a gap to criticize Trump and his supporters trough the movie (especially considering that he opposed to the Iraq war) so they had to do something like that. A scene depicting democrats as smart-asses and republicans as dumb rednecks.

I didn't get why they showcased pictures of Trump rallies and mexican kids at the border during the ending either. Seemed so out of place that i couldn't even understand what it meant. Were they suggesting that Cheney is responsible for electing Trump or something like that?

Attached: trump kanye.jpg (615x300, 27K)

I want to know, when DNC MEDIA will does movies showing HIllary Clinton deleting her emails, wikileaks, DNC as negative, Obama Spying Trump for help Hillary Clinton in elections, Obama Spyng other countries, Obama saying that Hillary Clinton is trash in 2008 and then shilling for her in 2016, Hillary Clinton defending rapist and lawging when lawer, Bill Clinton and Hillary as negative, Benghazi, Obama shit in Lybia, every week a riot, race bait, terrorist attack with Obama

Also, when USA will stop having only two parties and think that is normal partisan movies when the Democrats are never used as negative? And if the DNC control both parties? Is not bad have only two choices?

Why USA have the most unnatural, freak, broken the mind, manipulation compared to any other country of world, by strategy of manipulation, bait, everything of democrats in USA freak country?

But USA money and hegemony

Comes because of WW2 and wars in the past, not because of democrats, also the world was forced to learn english who helps USA after these war, USA is freak that while all other countries are stoping being manipulated by race bait, left-wing bubble, commies, USA is wanting to be one, and we don't want the exported globalist influence of your shithole bubble of DNC..

I don't know if the people within of USA believe or think that people outside of USA are freak like them looks in the websites, corporations, industries of democrats and their bias, look, democrats are angels, look we are your savior, we are the good boys

USA is so fucking retarded that to make easier frauds, you accept the excuse to vote without identity in some states

USA is so freak who let democrats exploit the race bait, invent racial cuckold commercials, media, only against one race, gender war video but with biased selective manipulation as try to sell white women as identity politics and opressed race and women of ohter race and men of other race as good, and every kid who born white negative, scapegoat

Because the Iraq war was proven to be orchestrated only to enrich some guys.

That whole segment was making a heavy-handed metaphor for his 'change of heart' in relation to his daughter.

the point of the movie is to erase Israel's involvement in the Iraq war
Just like now the new spate of 9/11 media is to eliminate Israel as the cause of 9/11 (Bin Laden did it because American troops were in Saudi Arabia to prevent Saddam attaching Israel)

>Obama Spyng other countries
That shit is just absurd. It was once revealed that they had such acess to Japan's technology that aside from collecting huge amount of info from its population, it was capable of shutting entire neighboorhoods electricity's down.

Aside from what you said, they could make a movie about the disaster that Obama's policy on the middle east was. Showing that the US was giving out jeeps to people that they tought were rebels and ended up being used by ISIL afterwards.

Who cares about the Bush adminstration when you just had presidents like Obama and Trump.

How long until we get a movie about Trump?

Btw, Owen Wilson should portray him.

Obama 's movie will get an Oscar lol.

>Bin Ladsn did it because american troops were in Saudi Arabia to prevent Saddam attaching Israel
Is this real?

Because Dick Cheney is a loathsome guy even by politician standards. The fucker still defends torturing people.

>Aside from what you said, they could make a movie about the disaster that Obama's policy on the middle east was. Showing that the US was giving out jeeps to people that they tought were rebels and ended up being used by ISIL afterwards.

That isn't Obama specific policy, that's been the US foreign policy for half a century.

Yes, Saddam wanted to attach them so they'd be closer than ever