Being absolutely honest, from 1 to 10, how happy are you with your life?

Being absolutely honest, from 1 to 10, how happy are you with your life?

Also what are some good movies that will make you reconsider suicide?

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Like a 3/10 right now I have had issues with my spine and back muscles for the past 3 years and since a year and a half ago I have been having spasms always in 7/10 pain and 8.5 in the morning or if I help around the house finally went to another doctor who has set me up to get a MRI and EMG so we can try and figure out what to do next never considered suicide

7. got a test in marine biogeochem tomorrow, need prayers

Praying for you user

4/10, not good but the booze and weed make it tolerable

Im at about 6/10. Mostly good days and have come to terms with my existence.

Good movies that make you reconsider suicide? I recommend a therapist. Hollywood is nothing but liberal jew cuckery and if anything it will make you more depressed

3. im mentally and physically ill

5/10 (meh)

Can't say I really care about anything one way or the other.

>marine biology

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unironically a 2, i've been NEET for 10 years now. I basically forgot how to be social or even talk to people, I have no interest for anything, literally anything I can't hold my attention or care for 5 minutes, i can't read anything anymore i don't go out at all, not even to buy groceries zero friends zero interest zero goals or drives. shame i can't kill myself but really what's worse? a dead family member or a absolutely worthless waste? trying to answer that question myself

People over 6 should leave this board

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Got stable work now so I'm happy
Watch Cast A Deadly Spell its too comfy

>I recommend a therapist
t. pharmaceutical jew

8/10 have everything i need but i feel directionless and purposeless. LOST made me reconsider suicide. praying for you anons. i know it's cliche, but life does get better. get older, make more money, don't have to worry about your next meal. it all gets less painful.

Rewatching A Boy Named Charlie Brown might have unironically stopped me from killing myself about six months ago. Such a wonderful film for when you're sad or happy or anywhere inbetween.
Make fun of me as much as you want.


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this, but 7 years

how the fuck do you find a passion in life brehs? I don’t care about anything enough to want to live


A solid 5. waiting for my parents to die so I can anhero without them suffering for it. In the meantime I do a crappy job and watch movies to pass the time

That's what getting married and having kids used to be for, but now people search for their own personal happiness rather than finding happiness in community.
Take some pottery classes I guess.

I'm about a solid 7 right now. 11 when the anti-schizoid meds kick in

bout a 4 rn. my gf left me so i've had to move back in with the parents until i sort out somewhere new to live. pretty depressing but i'll get through it

7 or 8.

I have enough money and the love of my life

>waiting for my parents to die so I can anhero without them suffering for it.

I'm going to be a doctor in a year and I've had my fair share of sex so maybe I'm a normie, but I look at my immediate future and it's so much work I often find myself wishing I simply ceased to exist. Not suicide, just blinking and disappearing.

Things could be worse though.

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I am the first poster all I do is watch and read and play video games to push my thoughts and pain down deep inside and wait for something to change but I enjoy cooking and talking with my online friends

this but 3 years. I manage to read books but only because otherwise I'd be doing fucking NOTHING with my time besides posting here.

I give myself a 4 because I'm still naively hopeful I'll one day wake up and decide to get my act together

If you are unpassionate about everything you are probably depressed and doing a whole lot of nothing

First thing that got me on track was taking action & getting moving physically. I recommend getting a gym routine in place. If you are too poor for that then run outside, do pushups, and get some free weights. It does wonders to your psyche when you get moving

>tfw there are so many things you want to do that they feel overwhelming and you can't settle on just one so you ultimately end up doing none

I think Karl was right, too much choice is a bad thing. I can understand why it scares him.

>online friends
careful with that, lad

6/10. I attribute most of happiness to exercise, good dieting and being sober. But I failed college last year. I dropped out and now I'm 22 with very little work expierence trying to find a job.

3/10. Clinical alcoholism because I cant cope with life as I watch it pass me by but able to maintain a job that keeps me fed and a place to live so I tell myself at least I'm doing that right. I stopped giving a fuck a long time ago and have zero interest in putting any effort into women which has oddly worked out pretty well. At least I have strong relationships w friends so I'm not the guy no one wants to be around. Every time I walk down the sidewalk I wish a car would careen off the road and kill me instantly before I had time to react because I'm too much of a pussy to an hero and I think most people I know would remember me fondly.

Probably a 4, more content with mediocrity than anything else.

Maniac on Netflix had me crying deeply for 6 hrs the other day.

Sure we use discord to talk and a few of them are leafs and there is a lesbian Jew and the owner of the discord is also. A youtuber but everyone is pretty based outside of the jew

>mfw I've been watching/reading highly recommended kinos/books, expecting something to click even though I know it probably won't

pottery sounds nice, I’ll check out some lessons in my area. thank you user

I've had a lot of health problems recently which aren't helping me get out of my depression, but I'll try to get into a routine once I'm feeling better. It just sucks knowing I'm at the lowest point of my entire life so far

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Perhaps a 2
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I Stand Alone
The Wrestler
Any movie where the protagonist finds happiness and somebody lovingly smiles at them
The Road

I'm at a 3.5
Rewatched this the other day and it gave me some false hope I needed at the tinme

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Pain is the only I havent killed myself yet.

I have failed college courses too many times, no friends either, and a virgin there is no reason to continue.

why's that? I haven't seen maniac but I might watch it if you think it's good

Not the user you replied to, but Maniac emotionally resonated with me even though my issues aren't precisely like those of either protagonist.
Seeing the characters' journeys through the show was remarkably moving.
I'd highly suggest it

Is Evangelion as much of a life changing piece of art its fans claim it is? I need something new and I want to feel something.

It has some good action and I liked the characters but I think it is over blown like most media people hold up like the reborn christ

anyone here wanna give me advice on how to get girls? i've slept with one girl in the 10 days since me and gf broke up but i'm striking out a lot. tinder/bumble going terribly for me and ended up getting nothing from 2 girls i've met at bars. i think i'm about a 6/10 looks wise and reasonably confident

>i've slept with one girl in the 10 days since me and gf broke up
I'm afraid this isn't the site for you

I have a C in calc 1 and I feel like a brainlet. I’m lucky that I chose to go to a community college instead of my state school because I’d be so depressed. At least I can drop the class and retake in the summer for cheap now.

fuck off normalfag

I'm at the top state school in my state, and I'm quite depressed, so there's merit in your thought process

Had a good friend named Willy actually, and he left me with this piece of advice
Leave a legacy, once you feel like you've done enough extraordinary things that you could peacefully die tomorrow and be at peace with the memories you've made, you're set

I would’ve been so fucked dude. I got accepted to my state school but my gpa wasn’t good enough for any scholarships. If I had a C in a class that I’m paying $$$ idk what I would do.

>how happy are you with your life
going through a realy rough patch right now, like 2 or 3/10.
overall in the bigger scheme of things, like 7/10
>movies to reconsider suicide
Ferris Bueler's Day Off
Lost in Translation
Sixteen Candles
Your Name
>note to OP
i want you to consider talking to a doctor. don't fall for the meme that antidepressants are a jewish conspiracy and that doctors are peddling this shit to line their pockets. nearly all doctors genuinely care about their patients and they take the hippocratic oath seriously. antidepressants work for a lot people. depression is literally a chemical inbalance in your brain. it's not your fault that you have it. antidepressants can act to optimize the chemical balance in your brain and it could definitely make you feel better. just consider it. anyway i hope you feel better to OP and all the other sad anons in this thread.

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That's me at the moment.
It's overwhelming, and even though it's a yuppie problem of sorts, it gets me incredibly neurotic, and this prevents me from really going through my day-to-day.
During every moment I feel anything from just nervousness/anxiety, to what sometimes feels like a borderline neurotic breakdown.
I wish I could take a break. Cool the jets, slow down, but my current career goals simply won't allow that.
To ensure that this reply is on topic for the thread, Big Fish is quite emotional, it might not be exactly the suicide fuel OP is seeking

Summer is almost here fren. We just need to hold out for a couple more months.

An illness that inconvenienced me (more than moderately, but less than severely, if that makes any sense) early in my college life means that I need to do summer school for every year to ensure I stay on the 4 year track.
It never ends
Watching movies where people are happy makes me happy, but then sad when the movie ends

Solid 8/10.

Do things I enjoy, have a good job and currently working on an even better one. In good health. Knocking points off for that feel when no gf of course. But maybe not having one leaves me better off.

Even when life was shit I wouldn't have rated myself below a 5/10 though. The world's just too interesting to be obsessed about your own problems.

I’m happy enough to be uninterested in even answering your question, if that makes sense.