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>i'm invincible unless you stab me in the face lol

Technicalities at work

something something magic sword


curse you gender specific tax policy

>Witch King is about to win
>dramatic music swells
>Eowyn appears behind him
>hit in the balls
>*record scratch*
>everyone says "OOOOOOOH" in unison
>all the orcs cross their legs in symphaty pain
>troll covers his eyes and whimpers
>Legolas quips "THATS GOTTA HURT"
>close up on the witch king face with his mask cross eyed
>he says in a silly high pitched voice while looking at the camera
>cut to Peter Jackson drinking a coffee
>"Nuff said!"

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this is what the tv series is going to be isn't it

Remember how no one had a problem with this scene until the 2016 elections?

Yeah except with more darkies

I still dont have it, I think Eowyn is great. Im just poking fun at how the exact phrasing of the prophecy killed him.

>jewish director goes public saying the scene is about brave women standing up against the drumpf administation

It's not a problem though, you are trying to make it one.

Eowyn only killed the witch king because Merry popped his invincibility bubble with an Arnorian blade he'd gotten like 700 pages earlier (Arnor being the sister kingdom of Gondor which was destroyed by Angmar).

He was stabbed in the leg and it seemed to hurt him

That's not what killed him. He wasn't invincible. The prophecy merely stated that he wouldn't be killed by a man, not that men couldn't kill him.

how does he die in the books? it can't be this pathetic


He doesn't pay his taxes, and the lien includes his invulnerability. It's glossed over because Tolkein was a hack who couldn't write realistic fantasy.

>Éowyn: Be gone, foul dwimmerlaik, lord of carrion! Leave the dead in peace!

>Nazgûl: Come not between the Nazgul and his prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the houses of lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall be devoured, and thy shriveled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye.

>Éowyn: Do what you will, but I will hinder it, if I may.

>Nazgûl: Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!

>Éowyn: But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Eomund's daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Be gone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.

Then it happens similarly to the film

so THIS is how the liberals will win

lighten up it's just a shitpost in the same vein as 'muh eagles'

You niggers need to read Macbeth or something

Truly the adaption we deserve.

Yeah and don't leave out Merry's crit roll backstab with a magical ancient blade or anything. Not like that helped.

notes recently recovered from the tolkien estate indicate that frodo was originally written as a women of color and the whole thing was a metaphor for the invisibility of minorities in white society

It will be extra inclusive

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But that's in the film
>WK strangling eowyn after breaking her shield and arm
>merry stabs him in the back, flash of light
>WK lets go of eowyn and falls to his knees
>merry falls to the ground grabbing his arm in pain

ultra kek


>his only weakness is women

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that'll do pig, that'll do

Almost the exact same thing happens in Macbeth, and nobody batted an eye at it for 400 years.

with an elvish dagger isnt it

tolkien is a goddamn hack

i dont think you got the merry meme

I know it's early, but this will win meme of the year for Yea Forums

Fuck me that’s funny

Numenorian. Which is pretty much elvish.


Arnor couldn't get their shit straight and was literally taken over by ghosts and illiterate hill people and the flu. And at the end they literally said "ahhh hobbits, help us!". Those hobbits probably made it two steps out their door then fucked off to the Green Dragon.

the elves were too pussy to fight against angmar, they only joined in when they could hide behind numenoreans

One of the greatest twists in history, shame the movie spoiled it.

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Thread saved lmao

It wasn't technical phrasing, it was literally just a quip. A man could've killed him too.

Nah fuck that, it was because she was a woman.

Check yourself incel

This is how you write a cool female character.
Pay attention Hollywood.

He was arrogant because he misinterpreted a prophecy. That's all its about. Calm down nerds.

Tolkien intentionally did a twist similar to Macbeth because he thought it was hacky of Shakespeare to use Caesarian as a get out clause.

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There was no way to trick the audience into thinking Dernhelm WASNT Eowyn

this is delicious

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Yeah and he was super pissy that the forest coming to Macbeths castle was just his enemies in leaves.
SO when the forest attacks Saruman, the fucking FOREST attacks Saruman

what was Sauron's trade policy? Did the (((elves))) set up both side for the War of the Ring to regime change Mordor when he decided he wanted to go back to the gold standard?


a guy's live with everything in his favor gets ruined because of pussy. it's a cautionary tale.

>his weakness was women the whole time

He was the first /pol/ incel

Debatable. Literally debated in the novel itself whether it was a technicality of the spell or the dagger.

>rings of power

>before: the paper is backed by gold
>Now: the gold is backed by paper

Full face covering helmet, how hard is that?

ahem, that's gonna be a *saved* from me.

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It wasn't a spell you mongloid.

Pretty much, magic spells sucks because it's essentially the same as a legal contract. Like if you find something that's misworded you can use it as a loophole. This being the case anytime you use a magic spell or make a magic wish you have go over that shit with a wizard lawyer to make sure you don't get screwed over.

Yes it was. That's literally how magic works in Tolkien.
>sauron put himself into the ring
>the elves up themselves into their arts and crafts projects
>the witch king put himself into his bubble
The point of his bubble is to prevent living men from touching him. That's a spell.

I'm taking notes.

>This being the case anytime you use a magic spell or make a magic wish you have go over that shit with a wizard lawyer to make sure you don't get screwed over.
Is this the pitch for your tv show?

We just got green lit for the first season. Wizard Lawyer coming to Fox this fall and then Netflix right after Fox cancels.

I'm convinced literally noone actually likes Tolkien and all his fandom is all bullshit peer pressure

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>Fuck theme, allegory, and symbolism. The ring was destroyed because I nudged Gollum down the volcano!

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Tolkein did nothing wrong. He could have never imagined what the future would bring

Tolkien's writing is painful but his worldbuilding basically set the precedent for Modern fantasy

His writing is incredible.

And all female cast.

>Tolkien's writing is painful
just stick to capeshit, jesus christ how dare he make you read something other than a fight scene

It's hit or miss.
As people have been saying for pretty much 80 years his poetry is routinely better than his prose.
But he has his moments. The description of the dead marshes is pretty great for example.