What if seinfeld in modern day? hmm? hmm?

what if seinfeld in modern day? hmm? hmm?

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Jerry gets an uber, driver shows up, it's Kramer driving Jerry's car

kek thats fucking great

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jery get ipad gorge get bitcion

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That really would be a classic of the modern age

>George considers expanding his dating prospects by dating a transgendered woman
>but then he worries people would think he's gay
>and then he worries people would think he's homophobic if he doesn't

>Elaine discovers her new boyfriend previously dated Kramer and becomes how obsessed with figuring out what could have compelled this
basically redo of the girlfriend that dated newman, sorry

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gorge stay flexing on these hoes

What's the deal with Sneed?

google it

George would try to use gig economy apps to get people do to do jobs at a cheaper than advertised rate to make a profit for himself
Kramer would be installing bitcoin mining computers in Jerrys and other peoples apartments

They did this on curb your enthusiasm, but that was 9 years ago now.

eliane tindr thot


did jery have black fren??

Newman convinces Kramer to hunt down and shoot Amazon delivery drones because they’re a threat to his job.

Just ignore them


I fucking lol’d at this. Great one, user.

good idea. an what if eliane bisexal

George's GF wants a "no phones at dinner" rule. G: "We had a good thing going, Jerry! Now we're supposed to talk? That can only end badly!"

Modern Seinfeld
Aug 27, 2015
After her fuck buddy texts her that she should come over to "watch Netflix," Elaine is pissed when he actually just wants to watch Netflix.

Modern Seinfeld
Jul 28, 2015
Jerry refuses to go to a Cash Only diner. J:"They’ve seen the credit card! They know the credit card! It’s time to accept the credit card

When George falls for a Twitter bot, Kramer claims he once Catfished himself. J:How’s that even possible? K:Oh I’m good Jerry. I’m real good

Elaine’s autocorrect makes her look racist in front of her new boss. E:“Why would they even program that in?” J:“I’m sure they didn’t!"

>They discover Yea Forums
>Elaine becomes obsessed with attention on /soc/ and keeps posting more and more revealing pics
>George starts Sneedposting in real life
>Kramer gets embroiled in /pol/ conspiracies
>Jerry keeps having his posts deleted and it turns out Newman is the janny

jeri get ipad

geroge discover sneed

crammer meet trump

elain sell pusy

kek what the fuck is this retarded thread. the op sounds deranged too

tell me this episode wouldn't be kino

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>Well, I mean he's a big guy!
>A big guy?
>Well, a big guy for you I suppose.

formerly sneedposting

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not you


>Elaine is pissed when he actually just wants to watch Netflix.

>Kramer volunteers to investigate

E: i mean people dont actually WATCH house of cards right??
J: Its a GOOD show

How long until neural nets can "film" our scripts using footage from old episodes? Can't be too long now..

the guy wanted to fuck but Elaine put on some actually good show and he got too interested in it


they shouldve done an episode of this but with taxis, that actually wouldve been funny

George refuses to date a woman when he sees her on 2 different dating apps. G:”It’s too desperate.” J:”How’d you find out?” G:”I’m on both."

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>george gets forced to lend something to someones kid, kid gets killed in a school shooting, george gets mad that he never gets his thing back

>9 years

Holy shit. I want to go back.

jeri use internet

that wouldn't work unless Jerrys car was a taxi

kramer deny sandyhook

>J: you’re involved with WHAT?
G: the incel community Jerry! Finally, a people who understand my struggles with women
>J: George, you’ve had dozens of girlfriends. Besides aren’t those the guys that end up on shooting sprees?
>G: well I didn’t say they were a perfect community

what if jeri gf is a camwhore

>one condition, Jerry, ONE condition I give the kid: do NOT bring it to school what does he do? bring it to school
>at the memorial the kids mother gives her son's toys to his friends including George's collector piece so he tries to steal it back

not true
>jerry gets in cab, says where to go, krammer starts driving and talking about something, jerry realizes its krammer
>oh, jerry, didnt realize it was you buddy
>what the hell are you doing?
>working jerry, I told you I was going to start driving taxis
>where did you get this thing?
>I went to one of those lots and picked it up
>did you talk to anyone first
>well, no, I-
>krammer, youre not supposed to just TAKE a taxi and start driving, you need to be hired by the company!
>jerry, im doing their business for them, well each get some money, itll work out. theyll thank me eventually
>witty jerry remark

Did you see the olive garden commercials

>george gets mad at a group of kids at the funeral
>yells "ill kill you, ill kill you all!"
>doesnt realize everyone is watching

okay that could work although its a rehash of the time he went to work in a company didn't actually have a job there or do any work


legit good writing user

George works in a company with an open office

That's pretty good.

Kramer join alt right

I wish I had friends like this

"They all keep looking at me and smiling! I can't work like this!"


>George’s food is stolen by a Grubhub driver who they eventually track down
>It’s Kramer

wat if jeri and gorge start podcast an elian sjw

What would Jerry's plotline be?

thats true, it would be able to be different enough cause krammer would just be driving around interacting with random people, and it has the obvious ending of krammer totaling the cab, pocketing all the money and just leaving
thanks user, I want to go into the film business so this actually means a lot. I also just finished watching the whole series, a lot of the conversations follow the same basic pattern, which helps with coming up with your own scenes

Jordge sees trans in pool, go limp, get called phobic, explains it is because he in pool

>the woman jerrys dating refuses to update her phone and his ocd kicks in

"Give me your phone for a minute. I just want to check my email."

>george gets one of this video door bells and tries to track down a woman who walks by his door a lot

dapi teg yreg

Kramer momo jorge scared, elan is victim

what if jeri vlogger

>he gets sent to gitmo for potentially harming amazon's revenue

Based pusyposter

krammer vow to take down jef bozes

>Kramer’s fad of the week is an mmorpg
>forces Jerry to play with him one time because he doesn’t have friends in the game
>Jerry becomes addicted
>hijinks because his relationships/work suffer
>eventually stops because he realizes his sedentary lifestyle is turning him into Newman

Soup nazzi turn vegan restuara t

Kramer stream Twitch


maybe elain do uber for pusy

>Kramer accidently catfishes George

>george walks into the background of kramers stream
>everyone calls him a fag
>george wants to look cool on stream for the rest of the episode

Kramer say n word while stream fortnite

jerly buy frdit frm

Gorge staresportt tteam

elinaine pjurchse ne fesnefed

Elaine from dget spinner pusy

kramr only get donation when say n word, never when not racist

Krommer get swatted by rival stream

Kramer becomes starts a stupid app, accidentally becomes tech billionaire

>kramer attempts to commit voting fraud and casts thousands of votes
>accidentally votes for the wrong candidate and gets him elected
>blames it on newman

Violates choa loses all

why is everyone typing like a retarded in this thread


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Might genuinely be a tranning field for AIs.

There was an episode where Jerry's gf was a phone sex operator on the sly. Kramer was one of her clients. Somewhere in the latter half of Season 5.

>Jerry's car needs an oil change.
>Puddy and Elaine are on the ropes, so Jerry needs a new mechanic.
>Kramer hooks him up with a "good" mechanic.
>Jerry takes the car in, is told it will be 1 a week.
>"A week to change the oil? What a racket. But it is only $20 so I guess."
>The next day Jerry wants to see a movie with his new gf.
>Calls up an Uber.
>It's Kramer in Jerry's car.
>An argument ensues and the girlfriend misrepresents it as Jerry just being an ass to a random Uber driver.
>She is pissed. Demands the Kramer stop and let her out. She gives him a $50 tip for dealing with "her asshole boyfriend".
>Once she gets out Kramer explains how the shop is able to charge such low prices because they can use the cars for a week to make money with Uber.
>Its a racket Jerry! A racket!

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man hands episode but jery gf have man penis (not that anything wrong with)


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Jerry gets an Alexa. All the guys love it, Elaine has an irrational jealousy of it. The episode ends with Elaine destroying it

sounds brilliant
but the show would probably get cancelled after all the backlash it would get

because only retards like seinfeld

>feels guilty over it and buys Jerry a new one
>sets it up out of curiosity
>decides to secretly keep Alexa to herself

jery get ipad

I read the OP in Yodas voice


good stuff

He'd probably blame it on one of his nemesises, like FDR. Kramer and Newman were tight.

>falls in love with Alexa
>"real human bean"

>and it turns out Newman is the janny

what if elain in drive

I assumed it was someone mimicking poo in loos

poos speak better English than most amerimutts on here. i assumed it was some Russian dudes who just discovered seinfeld

Google Seinfeld current day. It was decent satire a few years ago.

oh gotcha. their social media accounts are pretty funny

>Seinfeld current year thread:
>user posts Jeri get ipad
>newfag thinks he's a retard
>"Jerry uber Kramer driving"
>a million positive replies
>that one pic
>user saying "Kramer looks kino" to that one pic
>user calls user a zoomer for thinking Kramer looks kino in that one pic
>three written scenes sounding nothing like Seinfeld
>George's character misinterpreted every other post

Did I miss any?

yeah you missed one
>pretentious cunt who's spends 10 hours on Yea Forums everyday tries to tell everyone how smart he is for understanding the nuances of a sitcom better than others



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Kramer is the only one in this image who actually looks like what his modern day equivalent look would be. Jerry wouldn't have a neck tattoo just because it's 2019, George wouldn't wear supreme and smoke weed, and Elaine wouldn't get a nose ring

Kramer is pretty much the least realistic one there. You can find the Elaine look on any college campus.

it would suck just like it did before

Jason Alexanders cuck tweets.

t. currently chuck

mb elln ggt kuk

fund it

Thanks for making it not funny. It doesn't even make sense.

>8 seconds apart
wtf, the Yea Forums hivemind is real

this is actually brilliant, well done user

numan get Yea Forums

haha epic

what if kram npc?


>the contest 2.0: nofap edition

