Just watch ADVANCED first scene screening of CAPTAIN MARVEL

Just watched the first 15 minutes for work. cant say too much about it.

However the scene i saw this happened

>scene opens. brie Larson is at a bar drinking alone.
>buff, macho biker guy comes over
>"hey little lady, maybe you would look better with a smile huh? I can help you with that"
>Guy then pinches her ass on the barstool
>brie larson then smashes her wiskey bottle over his head.
>all the other male bikers stand up
>"woah black betty" starts playing as brie larson kicks all their asses one by one in what admittedly is a great action scene.

She didnt apear to have powers in this scene.

The scene ends with a young captain fury walking in.

Thats all we got to see

Attached: download (1).jpg (257x196, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I believe it

>cant say too much about it.

Sounds cool

I'll give the larp a pass as it's probably broadly correct

literally no one will see this shit

Disney will pay off reviewers and buy tickets so it doesn't bomb, but no real humans will watch it

I believed it up until the "great action scene" part.

>She didnt apear to have powers in this scene.
emails leaked already confirmed she is more powerful than Thanos because she is a woman.

How did you think this up?

Way too on the nose to be real. I hope.

so it's a pee wee's big adventure rip-off

>pinches her ass
Fake, she doesn't have an ass

Im not lying. I didnt think it was that bad

>pinches her lower back

>half the bumped threads are captain capeshit or attila the hunfu

Attached: L9MlEPw.jpg (807x659, 37K)

She then waits 15 years and recants the whole harrowing experience on Twitter.

>the other half is sneed threads
This board is fucked.

Attached: 207.gif (480x360, 2.51M)


Actually sounds like Carol. Drunk and surly

Attached: file.png (659x659, 663K)


this is actually real.
an interviewer who saw the movie asked brie if men ask women to smile irl because he mentioned the biker asking her to smile.
op fleshed it out though.

This but unironically

Damn white males. When will they learn that the white female is reserved for the dark races.

>"woah black betty" starts playing
There's no fuckin way you just thought of that yourself


I agree
I honestly dont think user would legit make that up it has to be real. Fuck me

Do women really think that people never comment on men being visibly miserable? I can't imagine my life being so vapid that one of the points I would write into a movie script is a me being a passive aggressive commentary on people telling me they wished I looked happier.

Jesus Christ I need a new keyboard. Better write an entire script about how society shouldn't comment about my grammatical errors.

It's true.

t. Seen it.

Well since it's confirmed legit I'll ask again, HOW THE FUCK CAN SHE KICK BUFF, MACHO GUY'S ASSES IF SHE HAS NO POWERS???

>Whoa Black Betty starts playing
confirmed for Suicide Squad tier

The worst part is this is 100% believable besides the ass pinch. Brie ain't got one of those

Because the 90s was the advent of GURL POWA!

Attached: girl power.jpg (445x445, 275K)

She has powers, just not full powers.

Strength, speed, endurance and energy blasts.

Later in the movie she goes Sayan and gets stronger, faster, harder and can fly.

I have pre-ordered two tickets and a bucket of crab legs already

thread theme

i read a couple more from a spoiler thread on another site
>goose the cat is a she
>goose the cat isnt a cat but a sarlacc type alien
>goose is the one that removes Fury's eye
>goose does this because its on its period

The Russos hating Captain Marvel rumor gains more traction

Attached: 1551556606777.png (650x398, 377K)

So the moral of the story is never trust cat ladies and females are especially dangerous when on their period?

Solid lessons being taught there.


Attached: 300px-GKPurgation.jpg (300x418, 87K)

toy spoilerz

Attached: CatisaDoubleAgentCaptainMarvel.png (341x349, 298K)

>Comics Fury loes his eye to a grenade
>Movie Fury loses his eye to a fucking cat

>Guy then pinches her ass on the barstool

Seemed legit until there. Brie has no ass, that scene can't happen.

There's been other major changes that they made to Fury in his comic book / film versions over the years that are pretty noticeable too...

>The Russos hating Captain Marvel
Quick rundown lad.

People that don't like Captain Marvel are deluding themselves into believing a reddit troll post about the Russos not liking Captain Marvel and having two Endgame cuts ready, one in which Captain Marvel is pretty much non-existant in case her movie flops.

Huh. Link?

>Black Betty starts playing

Shame it'll never match this vidya kino.


Be a big boy and Google it

>attila the hunfu
wait, what?

I honestly have no expectations

Nah don't give enough of a shit to Google it.

waifufags and their 100 alita battle angel threads

Did they gib you basedmilk in your sippy cup?

She's Mary Sou incarnate


I believe her*

>Guy then pinches her ass
you blew it

>Guy then pinches her ass

Attached: tenor (1).gif (373x280, 1.23M)

Jokes on you bitch, it's real

why can't you say 'much about it?'

like it's some national secret?

get a life.

They did hire a butt double.

>woah black betty
I lost there.

Attached: kisspng-pepe-the-frog-laughter-meme-humour-frog-5ad60f17137fe9.5588282315239780070799.jpg (900x900, 140K)

Captain Marvel vs the strawman.

Actually, she's Mary Sour

fake and gay

Did she beat them with her fungus power?

OP is lying. I saw the rough edit the other day.

>Brie is having a drink in a bar
>A white dude walks by and slaps her ass
>Smash cut to him waking up tied to an operating table
>Twenty minutes of Captain Marvel slowly torturing his testicles while laughing at his screams

>more powerful than thanos

Attached: image.jpg (742x714, 394K)

he said it was the first scene in the movie
is it possible, just possible
that the main character of a superhero origin movie gets her powers in the movie rather then having them from the start you fucking knob?

Look at all these fucking retarded faggots.

Why are you idiots? Because Fury still had his fucking eye in Winter Soldier. It's just got scarred. It's at the end when they need two senior SHIELD members to decrypt SHIELD\HYDRA's database.

For people LARPing, at least try to be credible.

confirmed fake and gay

>his eye was scratched by the cat not gouged out, that makes you guys fucking stupid
uh ok

That's genuinely not ok. Her feet look fucking disgusting

What is the obsession these people have with women and smiling? Do they think guys never get told to smile more?

Attached: high level smile.jpg (1008x1600, 537K)

we fucking hope you're right user, but it's not looking good at all

Attached: 1448249231313 (2015_11_23 04_09_00 UTC).jpg (480x446, 59K)

>Guy then pinches her ass on the barstool
So that's what the ass double was for

>International Women's Day: March 8
>Captain Marvel release date: March 8

lmao! u go gurl

>Star of David
Is this a sign from (((them)))?

Ummmmm because she’s a woman?????


Cuz all womenz r that stronk n just dont know it yet hur durrr

What the leak says or the fact that it exists? Because even Tim fucking Pool covered that shit.