How did they do it Yea Forums? How did the show last 13 seasons/12 years and never lost it's soul in the process?

How did they do it Yea Forums? How did the show last 13 seasons/12 years and never lost it's soul in the process?

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>turns out they're related to the dude from ZZTOP

it never had a soul in the first place to lose

>I'll be a contrarian fuck! Heh! I'm so clever!

I tried to watch many episodes of King of the Hill
It's odd... every episode is so boring yet so moreish and addictive
know what I mean?

Probably because it feels very real, and, by all accounts, it is something Texans do find relateable and it is something they worked hard to make sure it would reflect its setting.

Are you kidding me? Watching King of the Hill is as contrarian as it gets. The show is boring incarnate


>too boring, where are my spolsions and gun battles?

Attached: mike_judge.jpg (620x469, 34K)

>theres no splosions or gratuitous sex scenes so it's boring

Zoomers are an ever present mistake

The show does plenty of zany shit whilst still feeling real because of how the characters act and how the setting reflects real Texas, right down to a fucking former President trying to mend father-son relations during Christmas.

as a kid it was boring for me also.
But now as an adult it has the perfect pacing

>Mr Hill?
>.. Jimmy Carter?
>Yes, this is jimmy.

my god, somebody is this buttmad their boomer sitcom isn't as good as redditors pretend it to be

I'm eager for the proposed renewal with a time jump. It'll probably have the characters be in different places in life in small, satisfying ways, like Khan finally being a member of the country club.

Yeah I bet you say the same strawman while watching paint dry

Cotton was one of the best characters

>"No he ain't... he's Laotian. Ain't you, Mr. Kahn?"

It highlights oddities in the clashing of progressive and regressive ways of life, therefore it doesn't rely on EPIC and ZANY situations (for the most part). There's definitely some outrageous Dale episodes, but they're always handled in a way where you feel sorry for him instead of reveling in his stupidity.

In my recent rewatch I found that around season 5 there was a noticeable downturn in quality. It felt like a new crop of writers who liked the characters but didn't really 'get' them or something.

>by all accounts, it is something Texans do find relateable
There are things in it that are relatable to anyone who's lived in any smallish town desu. That was what was so cool about it, it managed to poke fun at the things that deserved it while still respecting us.

Try not to choke on all those buzzwords.
>strawman BAD!
>you're like this strawman tho

This and a few more episodes feel extremely forced and out of place. However, I still think that it mostly maintained its quality throughout its entire run.

Wasn't Luanne a natural mechanic in the early seasons? Why did they drop it all to have her get with redneck trailer trash Lucky?

I love that perplexed look on Khan's face.