What is the most obscure movie you've seen?

What is the most obscure movie you've seen?

Here's mine: youtu.be/okyPhltekP8

Attached: Bloodstream 1985.jpg (1100x1630, 228K)

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I watched this because somebody posted it in that B-movie thread. The plot is good, and some of the shots are actually pretty clever. I would love to see a modern remake.

maybe this idk

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Watched some movie called about a serial killer think it was called 666. fucking sucked looked like a high school production


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Can anyone help me out? Ive watched one of these shlocks a long time ago and forgot what its called.
Its about a group of friends who are partying at a house, then an accident happens (i cant really remember) and they are attacked by giant bugs/insects. The party gives off vibes of frat party or something like that. Plenty of nudity. I cant really remember much about it besides that.

A "comedy" movie called Ctrl+Alt+Delete with that coked up actor from who gives a shit.
it was a really funny movie for all the wrong reasons.

That wasn't just random garbage? Off the top of my head maybe this. Had to get it off a private horror movie tracker.

Flexing with Monty

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