What is the most obscure movie you've seen?

What is the most obscure movie you've seen?

Here's mine: youtu.be/okyPhltekP8

Attached: Bloodstream 1985.jpg (1100x1630, 228K)

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I watched this because somebody posted it in that B-movie thread. The plot is good, and some of the shots are actually pretty clever. I would love to see a modern remake.

maybe this idk

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Watched some movie called about a serial killer think it was called 666. fucking sucked looked like a high school production


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Can anyone help me out? Ive watched one of these shlocks a long time ago and forgot what its called.
Its about a group of friends who are partying at a house, then an accident happens (i cant really remember) and they are attacked by giant bugs/insects. The party gives off vibes of frat party or something like that. Plenty of nudity. I cant really remember much about it besides that.

A "comedy" movie called Ctrl+Alt+Delete with that coked up actor from who gives a shit.
it was a really funny movie for all the wrong reasons.

That wasn't just random garbage? Off the top of my head maybe this. Had to get it off a private horror movie tracker.

Flexing with Monty

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yep that's it. it's beyond stupid

i don't watch very obscure things, and the horror i do watch always turns out to be more comedy
it sucks
i was hoping blood car would have something scary. instead it was just a vegan who keeps accidentally killing people

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It was part of my autistic quest to listen to every piece of incidental music Stewart Copeland ever composed.

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Probably one of Godfrey Ho’s more obscure works. Like Ninja on Ninja or some shit

Talk Radio was a pretty big deal when it came out. It was also Bogosian's transition from theater to film and television.
But yeah, I guess the average person nowadays hasn't heard of it.

Bumping for you. I have no idea what movie you're describing, but I know how it feels to search for something forever like that.

back on netflix when it first came out there was movie about a killer poop that would come out of the toilet and kill you.

8 legged freaks?

Night of the Creeps?

What era? There's a film from the 80s called "Food Of The Gods".


Probably the kung fu action comedy Back Alley Princess (1973).
With Sam Hui, Polly Kwan and Angela Mao.

Hui and Polly dressed as a boy play street con artists who get hired by the chinese mafia and live to regret it. It was better than I expected actually. Golden Harvest widescreen movies are comfy as fuck. Would recommend.

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I watched this over ten years ago becausr of its significance in the Earthbound fandom.

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this isn't tumblr
it's fan base


im just trying to stay in touch with the young folk is all, using their hip terms

Dersu Uzala


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