Scorsese vs. Lucas?

For me it's Scorsese

>Initially, the plan was that Marcia [Lucas] would not edit Star Wars; she would take some time off, get pregnant. But she never did get pregnant, and George, unhappy with his English editor, who was cutting to create a campy effect, asked Marcia to take over. She was working on the climactic battle scenes at the end, when Scorsese called, shortly after Christmas 1976. His editor on New York, New York had died. “I’m fucked,” he said. “I really need you. Could you come down to L.A. and help me out?” Says Paul Hirsch, who was cutting Star Wars with her, “Marcia respected Marty above all other directors, and didn’t believe in Star Wars terribly much. It was not her thing.” So she went. “She abandoned George to work on this serious, artistic film,” says Katz. “For George, the whole thing was that Marcia was going off to this den of iniquity,” adds Huyck. “Marty was wild and he took a lot of drugs and he stayed up late at night, had lots of girlfriends. George was a family homebody. He couldn’t believe the stories that Marcia told him. George would fume because Marcia was running with these people. She loved being with Marty.”

Attached: steven-spielberg-george-lucas-martin-scorsese.jpg (680x478, 109K)

Look at these fucking jews

There's only 1 Jew in that picture

The virgin Lucas and the Chad Scorsese

I don't get it, they aren't comparable directors-- or are you just saying Lucas's wife was so turned off by star wars (and by extension Lucas himself) that she chose Scorsese? Also what's the source?

I am pretty sure the point of the post was the part where george lucas is miserable and treated unfairly

Lucasfags BTFO

>Also what's the source?

Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex-Drugs-and-Rock 'N Roll Generation Saved Hollywood (Peter Biskind, 1998)

>The Band turned Marty into a full blown coke fiend
Imagine if he had decided to do a film about Zeppelin or the Stones back then

Also what was the movie? I figure it was New York, New York since that came out in 77. Haven't seen it because it's a musical