Can you /pol/ faggots shut up about captain marvel?

Can you /pol/ faggots shut up about captain marvel?

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They won't. Sadly enough.


kill yourself

Just be glad they stopped talking about Black Panther or Star Wars.

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the irritating thing about /pol/tards is how they have to bring their /pol/ shit everywhere they go.
when I want to talk about sports, I go to Yea Forums

but now /pol/ has become such a hugbox that they can't get anyone on /pol/ pissed off anymore so they have to shit up other boards.

>Whines about /pol/
>Unironically browses post-2012 Yea Forumseddit

Read the image again you little fart.


>please stop making fun of me for liking capeshit

The /pol/ack is immunized against all dangers.
One may call him a faggot, shitposter, autist, or off-topic, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But tell him to go back to /pol/ and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'

Can you trannies stop blaming /pol/ for anyone not liking your precious capeshit garbage?
Two posts whining about /pol/ instead of talking about movies, the real issue on this board are the faggoty passive aggressive meta posts like this.

/pol/'s been such an echo chamber for so long that they've permanently lost any and all ability to handle the banter, even by the already low standards of burgers.

No one cares, dork

Why make a new thread about it unless you're a marvelshill? Why are the one shitting up the catalog instead of /pol/? Really makes ya think.
>but now /pol/ has become such a hugbox that they can't get anyone on /pol/ pissed off anymore so they have to shit up other boards.
In your rush to agitprop the userbase against right wingers, you forgot to actually make sense.

I'm going to keep making fun of it more now thanks

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OP is a faggot

Thanks for the free advertising goy.

Go to /pol/ if you want to fight with them, but you faggots won't leave your safe space, will ya? Faggots, the lot of ya

You're the faggot bring up the issue. Go away.

>implying i even like capeshit
It’s /pol/tards are the only ones who talk about capeshit because they are constantly seething

No problem, enjoy the diminishing openings.


Trannies make threads to cry about /pol/ just like sneed niggers make threads to sneed in.

>they bring their /pol/ shit everywhere
Says tranny bringing /pol/ shit to Yea Forums

It’s a complaint about capeshit threads just so happen /pol/anderthals are the ones making em

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opinion discarded

/pol/ told Yea Forums to fuck off when they were spamming nigger finn shit around tfa, Yea Forums came up with nazi porgs. Perhaps you just dont like Yea Forums

any screen caps