Is Yea Forums the dumbest board?

is Yea Forums the dumbest board?
I'd say this place is even stupider than /fit/

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Yea Forums is worse

When I hadn't gone on it yet I thought /x/ was an Alex Jones/conspiracy type place
I went there and it's just fucking larping faggots who think they're werewolves
Definitely the most retarded board.

/fit/ was a great board before the /r9k/ & /pol/ demoralizing incels invaded to make their constant "why bother lifting if..." threads. Same with the vegans and keto/fasting retards, so sick of the diet wars between people that admit they don't lift, just spam youtube videos at one another.

x is the dumbest board by far and anyone saying otherwise hasn't browsed there

I love /x/ for their gangstalking threads. True kino in realtime.

The one time I visited /x/ I saw a "supernatural ways of regrowing your hair" thread, and that's sheer brilliance as far as I'm concerned.

they might be mentally ill but at least they're creative. this place stopped being creative 5 years ago

If someone claims they're being gangstalked 99.9999999% of the time it's basically a guarantee that they're severely mentally ill.

Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums are all equally retarded because they're entry-level "hobbies" of passive consumption. Meaning they attract absolute braindead retards unable to form a coherent thought in their head. Yea Forums is now full of underaged pajeets throwing capeshit memes at one another, it's embarrassinly low IQ board.