"[The women] were there in the room because they thought they were getting a job 15 years ago...

>"[The women] were there in the room because they thought they were getting a job 15 years ago," which she said she disagreed with. "Well, it's because they're hos. Like if you don't run out of the room and go, 'Excuse me, you don't do that to me,' and leave, but you stayed around because you're like, 'Well, I thought maybe he was going to give me a writing job,' well, you aren't nothing but a ho," she said.

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I dropped her when I found out she was a kike loving Israel shill

Based. And of course shes meing attacked for this truth bomb

easy for a fat ugly ho to say

fuck off mousefaggot

only boomers listen to a word that come out of this schizophrenic psycho boomer's fat mouth. go back to your Q thread

Haha women REKT

>'Well, I thought maybe he was going to give me a writing job,'
do women actually think like this?

Is there anything more sexy than a woman who submits to the patriarchy

She thought the bitch was white.

>spearheaded by a pedophile who drove her husband to suicide and another rapist

Roseanne is /ourgrandma/

This from the woman who was used by Tom Arnold (and he fucked her in the ass) to launch his career.

Yes, they think they're being offered a job inside a hotel room with the guy pulling his dick out and masturbating in front of them.
>Maybe he just wants to talk?

Why would anyone admit it in the first place? You're just outting yourself as a whore

>Like if you don't run out of the room and go, 'Excuse me, you don't do that to me,' and leave
Is this why her career is so shit now?

No. Whoa whoa, the correct answer was "rake".

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>Towards the end of the interview, Barr said she planned to get back into stand-up comedy. "I'm going to tell people what in the hell I think of them, I'm gonna tell women [they're] nothing but hos, I'm going to tell the men, 'Why are you letting women do this to you?'" she said.

She is not wrong. How convenient those whores are accusing them of rape only AFTER they became famous and secured roles instead of telling it the moment it happens. No sympathy for them

i like this bitch

How long before California arrests her hate speech?

>go back to your Q thread
Please no. We have enough problems in /trek/ without this.

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seething libtard



Where's the lie tho?

Can we get a list of based women in TV/film?

>both zionist kike shills



I respect Islam for how it treats women

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So many hos in this thread.

based hebe


Sure you did

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>high profile attention seeking shitposter posts controversial shit for attention
WOW newsworthy

>omg this person doesnt agree with me on every issue
grow the fuck up you faggot manchild

Roseanne is the best example of redpilled and cringe

apart from anything else all the people who "kept silent" are complicit in any abuses after that, the oldest cases most of all, metoo should be a pack of women crucifying meryl streep


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Owen Benjamin is king of cringe and redpills though. Imho senpai.

based roseanne. best tv mom.

based and redpilled

She's right. Women will literally never understand how truly uninteresting they are and that 99/100 times if a dude is talking to them at all it is merely in the hope he can put his dick in you at some point in the future.

All these chicks REALLY think that guys want them to come back to their hotel to "discuss their career"

>Have a dream
>gatekeeper says/implies "unless you have sex with me, you will never achieve your dream."
>Roseanne says you're a Ho for being effectively extorted
Sorry Roseanne, that's not how the world works. The women were victims here.

She's probably one of the very few redpilled people are funny.

Yes, and often they’re right.



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>gatekeeper says/implies "unless you have sex with me, you will never achieve your dream."
In this metaphor, the woman has sex with the gatekeeper hoping to get a leg up on the competition then later on retro-actively paints it as rape

There's also like 100 other gates they can go through, except those gates are harder to get through because entrance is only granted to the truly skilled.

Truly skilled in giving head

Sorry kid but people have been fucking each other to get ahead ever since the dawn of man.

No surprise emotional/physical dependency in a workplace setting gives you an advantage. If I had to take a bet on whether Jack or John was going to get a promotion and John was fucking Jill the boss, I would go with John.


>Gatekeeper implies "have sex with me or your career stops here"
Economic and societal pressures effectively make "consent" here not really consent in the eyes of public opinion. Whether or not it meets the legal definition is besides the point--the men (and women) exploiting their position for sexual favors should be fired.
It's not really legs-up on the competition. These gatekeepers are powerful enough to effectively blacklist you--or at least that's what's implied.

>There's also like 100 other gates they can go through, except those gates are harder to get through because entrance is only granted to the truly skilled.
Pure conjecture, and, based on how dirty this industry is, I currently consider it a likely falsehood.

From what I notice, you're either related to someone inside the industry or you accept those gates they impose you (sleeping with someone famous)
There's a reason why once you're inside the show business you comply with all the shit show

She's not wrong.

Nah she got on Tracy Morgan's case for his "faggots" joke

Strange how no one ever mentions that. Just sweep it under the rug. Same with Rose Mcgowen, never hear of her dumbass either.

The gatekeepers are not interested in skill or talent, this is Hollywood and TV networks we are talking about. Quality of material or individual skill are like tenth place on the list of importance for mass media, so that point rings hollow to me.

This is why I just hate all Jewish "people" as a precaution

>son is a sexual predator

are there people who think they talk to Q in real world? Did Q lean his lesson or was it all an act?

Damn, Ken, I thought you were a mormon?

Well he told Picard that he was judging humanity in the pilot episode, while he fucks with him throughout the seven year run, he comes to pass judgement on the final episode. I don't think Q learned much during his time on TNG, but he grew as a character on Voyager.

I'm so glad someone finally said it.

or join the tribe/support Israel, like Roseanne

Of course she's right. MeToo is a distraction from the real bad guys of Hollywood, who don't like to sleep with women, or grown-ups. By focusing on adults who voluntarily entered into a process expecting quid pro quo you don't have a case.

Yeah, stop acting like a leftist!

I would listen to a roseanne podcast. It would be kino.

Especially if she were to take ambien before she recorded.

I bet I could fuck Roseanne

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She's one of us. I'm sure of it.

based and redpilled but also cringe

>tfw you've probably called Bill Shatner and Roseanne faggots at some point

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Boo fucking hoo. Nepotism has always been the most effective means you advance in virtually all facets of life. If you can't benefit from connections, and are going up against many people of equal talent and experience, you wll need a leg up. When you're a young, attractive, dumb, talentless woman, guess what only resource you have to barter with?

But no worry. Thanks to metoo you will see this practice disappear. These whores will no longer be "exploited" by being given wealth and fame for a few minutes of degrading sex with some old Hollywood executive, and instead can go become a waitress at Bob Evans or a Walmart clerk, jobs they're actually qualified for

>kike loving
she's a jew idiot

That's the weirdest part to me.

Out of every sex tape I've ever seen, the only woman whose any good at giving head is Rose McGowan. How did women like Kim Kardashian suck their way to the top when they can't even suck dick properly?

Almost every single MeToo "victim" was in that situation by choice and for their own personal gain. You're actually a retard if you think otherwise.

Based Roseanne telling it like it is. Roasties sucking cocks for jobs and then waiting 30 years to cry victim over it should be mocked by society instead of pandered to by the media and the courts.

sounds literally like my grandma receptionist, almost looks like rosanne too

she is utterly based as well, we shoot the shit at work about leftytards it actually makes this shitty job actually enjoyable because of her
i will sad when she retires, shes the only thing making me not quit on the spot

Why is this thread on page 10? Must be demons.

Post the twitter outrage about this please

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You'd think someone who used to suck dick for cash would be a little more sympathetic towards women facing the same situation on a higher scale.

She's not wrong, but I felt the need to point that out.

He was giving some psychic healing massage to some hippie yoga chick and tried to make it sexual. Its not really like attacking a white woman in a dark alley.