What is the most boring film ever made?

What is the most boring film ever made?

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The room is pretty bad
mind you i saw it when it released over a decade ago

your autobiography

only a retarded retard could say that

2001 A Space Odyssey

Kubrick is a fucking hack. Fight me.

Mulholland Drive

Yea Forums everyone


it's a victim of a paradigm shift and technological advancements tho, so I'm sure for nerds in the 60s it was high tier sci fi, but if you unironically think it's good let alone enjoyable in a modern context you are a pretentious hack

>itt every good movie ever made because zoomers have 0 attention span

The English Patient

Stalker, easily

2001, Vertigo, good bad ugly

Master and Commander

>Stanley Cube Bricks
More like Stanley Roblox because his movies make me say OOF

Any film made by christopher nolan

The Village

toss between batman begins or dark knight rises

glorious beeeesttlaaaaards

The International, fuck that movie

>all of these bait replies
When did red-- I mean Yea Forums get so unfunny?

Anyways, the most boring by far is all of Mle Brooks' stuff. He is horribly unfunny

Chopping Vegetables in Space - The Movie

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LOTR: The Two Towers
Only movie I've ever fallen asleep during

Jean Dielmann or whatever it's called. Holy fuck.

Look at all these shit responses. You zoomers with zero attention span haven't SEEN a boring movie.

The most boring movie I've ever seen was an obscure trucker movie named Truckin' Buddy McCoy. The movie poster gives you the impression it's about the womanizing adventures of some trucker who gets into fisticuffs, but in reality it's actually a dull character study about some NEET who wins a truck and a load of cash and drives aimlessly around the American southwest hauling a trailer that he converted into a shag pad

The problem with this movie is that there is no fucking story - the main character has a love interest but you never get the impression their relationship is in any jeopardy, and his decision to go back home feels more arbitrary than anything - virtually nothing noteworthy happens, which makes the movie feel like somebody decided to take their trucker daydream fantasy and turn it into a script. The closest thing to exciting is when the protag runs into a guy played by Miguel Ferrer, only because it makes you go "Oh look, it's Miguel Ferrer!"

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Nothing Happens (And That's a Quirky Thing): The Movie

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King Kong, the 2000s unedited version by "I cannot edit my films" Jackson


Primer. It could have the most brilliant, intricate time-travel plot of all time but nothing about the movie is sufficient to make the viewer actually care. It's an autistic movie.

I'll fucking murder you

this, primer sucks

holy fuck finally someone else thinks so.
started it like 5 times cant get more than 40 minutes in

boring is not a valid criticism and is most sure sign that someone is a turbo pleb

Barton Fink

Chopping Mall (1986)
I can't remember another time I fell asleep during a movie

BR2049, hands down

kek actually this. people praise it so much because of how impressive the production of it was, but ignore the fact that the movie itself is fucking awful


Tailor made for numale pseuds.
Watch the basedboys defend their schlock.

They are correct tho

this x 100000000000
Its good if you love interesting visuals, but my goodness it is a snoozefest

My vote goes to shit comedies. Nothing worse than watching something that isn't funny when that's the whole fucking point and the plot is tacked on. Any female comedy like bridesmaids, any dude weed Seth Rogan team movie, modern Sandler, or anything done by those faggots that made Clerks

why is Yea Forums now this strange bizarro board where you get cred for being as pleb as possible?

phoneposters were a mistake

I enjoy Primer as a thriller, am I autistic?

I cannot think of a more boring “film” than Drive.

>My vote goes to shit comedies

>any dude weed Seth Rogan team movie
I had completely forgotten that I saw Superbad, I'd like to change my vote from to that

>rewatching movies I saw as a kid while giving weed a last hurrah
>”oh man Total Recall this is going to be epic!
>fall asleep TWICE watching it
The beginning is good and then it’s a snoozefest

>this thread

fucking hell nu/tv/ is a literal nightmare. I want 2012 Yea Forums back

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nah, you just like what you like bro, you do you


The Lobster


On the Waterfront
the acting is obviously great but the movie itself is boring as fuck, even the fist fights are dull

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LotR past the first movie, unironically.

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why? i found it engaging

BR2049 , so fucking slow for a sci-fi film

Might as well stare at a pure grey screen

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based retard.

Surprisingly boring for a film that has Bill fucking Murray.

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taxi driver

Stalker. I wanted to like it but...man....

Most boring movies I've seen are the third LotR and Superman Returns.

Tree of Life.
Meeks Cutoff. imdb.com/title/tt1518812/
I think the whole point of the film may be that it's "boring"

all the fags saying how pleb it is to be bored by a film need to watch this

Wow great chuckles fanks to the jokers on Yea Forums

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>this entire thread

>this thread

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Blue is the warmest color.


Damn you captcha.

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i liked it, but i have an iq

post movies you guys think are boring then

You're not allowed to have negative thoughts if the movie is well-established, popular, and acclaimed enough
btw i was but Late Spring is one of my all-time favorite movies. Just let people like what they like and vice versa.


I don’t get it. Are you implying that The Limits of Control is a fun movie to watch? Because I can assure you that it is not.

tree of life is still a movie that I was bored to watch.

>boring is not a valid criticism

my fucking sides

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>You're not allowed to have negative thoughts if the movie is well-established, popular, and acclaimed enough
You are if you say more than
>muh pacing
>muh plot

I liked La Grande Bellezza, but this was pretentious fucking snore fest

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>muh entertainment

The Road

>reddit spacing

2001: A Space Odyssey
It's a good film but boring as fuck

it's not. it's a comment on the viewer's state of mind/ experience rather than the actual medium itself. if you have an 80iq it's valid that that person would be "bored" by things that require significant abstraction. it is literally the most bottom of the barrel reactions a human being can have. and the lack of ability to explain why something is "boring" is a testament that the viewer cannot actually describe why he feels that way.

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holy fuck, your post was boring

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The Godfather (1972)


i hope for your sake you're no older than 16

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>this entire thread

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>3 sentences

are you clinically retarded?

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The happening

>adhd zoomer can't read a few sentences

I hope for your sake you realize why your post was boring. All you had to say was:
>it's not. it's a comment on the viewer's state of mind/ experience rather than the actual medium itself.
but you felt the need to continue for no reason. You are BORING.

Brown Bunny

this shit right here

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The absolute state of this thread
Somehow the worst post by a mile

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zoomers were a mistake

Was already thinking about watching this and the fact that people in this thread hate it means it must be good

hows this:

this thread might actually motivate me to leave Yea Forums forever now. this place is genuinely filled with troglodytes. i miss when we just pretended to be retarded

hey, at least it's not boring

It's literally a wonan doibg the sane chores over and ocer again for hours.

please do, this place will get less boring

All OP asked for was boring movies though, not for detailed explanations of WHY they were boring,



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at least there's Chloe Sevigny giving a pro-tier blowjob

>back when i was new you guys were just pretending!
>now that i'm the oldest fag around i know it's not an act!


Golden crompass.

lol the first girl who came over to my place for sex I made her watch this and she ended up leaving ;_;

Green Book

any movie with predictable plot points and outcomes/ heavy use of emotional tropes (ie capeshit)

And that's the point

so the point is to be boring
that's the reason they're called chores

As a fan of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games I watched stalker and the only thing keeping me from turning it off was to see why it inspired the games

See? You got it.


Correct. I never said the OP wasn't retarded but at least he made all the plebs who complain about movies being boring reply.

First Man, the only time I've ever fallen asleep in a theater. And it was in a fucking IMAX

>seeing first man in imax
Fucking yikes

Dunno but I recently watched Dunkirk and that was pretty fucking boring.

Funny people

andy warhol movies (with the exception of Vynil)

Terrible bait

Probably Dune. I've tried to watch it at least 5 times but I always fall asleep in the first 20 minutes without fail.

Hardly. It's just a terrible movie.

>falling asleep during a movie
babby cant pay attention for more than a hour without concentrated sugar intake and bing bong wahoo

A rack,not

ur a legit fag holy shit

i am NOT!

>not using the bottom arm to prop up under the pillow and using the top arm to hug a pillow


The Monuments Men

Ur mom's sextape


Tinker Tailor Solider Spy

It has all the makings and cast of a brilliant movie but fuck is it boring

This. Ironically liking bad stuff is just stupid. There is difference between camp and shit, absurd humor and crappy script, intentionally awkward acting and actual talentless acting

Swamp of the Lost Monsters (1964). A Mexican version of Creature from the Black Lagoon. This wasn't even good-bad like Manos or Plan 9. It was the most excruciatingly boring movie experience of my life. I can't believe I paid Something Weird Video $18 for a VHS copy of it.

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Dune is not boring it's just shit

Monster a Go Go


My Dinner with Andre

Your favorite movie

This garbage film. I would have the left the cinema had I not been made comatose

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Blair witch project

Tree of Life

Heh, I finished half of it before quitting and then watching the rest five months later. The ending was a big nothing sandwich but it’a useful redpill material for normies I feel.0

Nice copypasta, brainlet.

Fell asleep in the theater

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Any movie that doesn't feature my wife Sophia Lillis

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5 minute scenes of a ship moving through space. fucking waste of time.

I agree

also fuck this stupid garbage ass movie. worst bp winner ever

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The Room is facinating in a jane goodall kind of way

Yup this. Started tinker tailor soldier spy three separate times and I can’t make it past 30 minutes. I haven’t done with with any other movie

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I feel bad for her. She's getting to be Nancy Drew and now CW cucks her by announcing a show before her film is even out. Maybe it'll do well though.