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Were you really a child sex slave for Hollywood producers?


Should I sudoku?

Does Air Alabama actually exist?


Should I sudoku?


Will I have vaginal intercourse with a human female in 2019

Were you really, though?

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Am i the boss of you now?

Dewey provides solid responses to both. A modern day Pythia.

Is life unfair?

Did it hurt?


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Am I a big guy?

This kid was a retard

Go to your room you little shit.



This fucking thread. Dewey is never wrong

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Dubs and we all get girlfriends (male)

>no dubs
>dewie said yes
w-what now?

Will I get a GF in current year?

Will I get a GF in current year?


Fuck you Dewie

Is my gf cute enough

Don't crush my dreams

Am i going to get laid tonight?

My Quads have decided your dreams are crushed.

Was I a Marine in Nam in a former life?

Will I ever get gf?

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Is the future now?

will we all get girlfriends?

Someone please screencap holy shit

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Will I die in my sleep

How big am I

Will sneedposting ever die off?

>it's gonna go forever
god dammit

Oh no....

I am fucking dying here. This thread is gold

Should i ask the girl i like out?


Is there any hope for me to have a happy life?

I have a boil on my ass the size of an almond. Should I see a doctor?

Does it ever get better?

Dewie an absolute savage this thread.
Will I take a shit later today?

Is 2019 the year I stop being so lonely and horny?

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will my life improve this year?

Yeah, kinda sad... i actually had hopes. I have a date tonight (in theory). My bet goes to she cancel in last moment or even ghost me.

I'm gonna fuck you up the ass

genuinely wanna know what he meant by this.

Can you help me get a big tiddy goth gf?

I know life sucks Dewey but I need to know whether I should see a doctor.

Dewey being a little bitch

Is the next presidential election going to be as funny as last one?

will she come back?

This, but unironically.

Is Hollywood full of Satanist pedophiles?

Will I develop superhuman powers and abilities by the year 2035?

should I blast rope to some tranny porn?

Will I get a gf this year?

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lmao. Dewey is never wrong. I fucking love this threads.

am i destined to greatness

absolutely fucking based. all hail dewie

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Will Alita get a sequel?

Is Sneedposting based?

am i doing a good job

Will it REALLY not get a sequel?

do you suck dick

Will the author of Berserk finish the story before he dies of old age?

Alitafags BTFO

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Will Kentaro Miura finish Berserk?

reeeee Dewie is just a mouse shill nothing to see here


Will a thicc short girl with a big ass fuck me