Come on man i've had a really rough night and i fucking hate these captain marvel threads

come on man i've had a really rough night and i fucking hate these captain marvel threads

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This aggression will not stand, man.

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Let's be real here, outside of the Dude's outstanding performance is there really anything else of merit in Big Lebowski?

It's an excellent movie full of great characters and memorable moments. It deserves its praise.

>outside of a great performance in literally every scene except one, what more do you want from a movie?

do you think about words before typing them?

Real talk, why did he hate the Eagles? Did they just need to give some kind of character flaw to an otherwise perfect guy?

>except one
which one?

the eagles are fucking boring man

Probably because the eagles suck fucking aas

the eagles suck lol

the eagles eat shit dude

>p-p-please stop
It's been a tough month, huh mouse?

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>you want a super hero dude? No problem I can get you a super hero with fungal toes by the end of the fiscal year dude.

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yes moron

for me it's the moment the cab driver takes off and the dude does a lurch that is completely unnecessary

@all you fags who hate the eagles
eat shit and live

how dare you steal my thread

it's a pretty good thread dude

Shut the fuck up Donny

shut the fuck up donny

this might be based but I'm not sure yet.

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pretty good thread? user, i got buddies who died face down in the muck so you and i could enjoy this family friendly board

it's kinda funny that the stereotypical "take it easy" california dude hates the Eagles while the African is really into them. But also the Eagles just plain suck

the eagles are like the creed of dad rock

sir this is a family thread

i'm staying. i'm finishing my coffee

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