What is the "Love You Forever" of cinema?

What is the "Love You Forever" of cinema?

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what's this about?

The notebook

Woman kept having muscarrisges so the husband wrote about their fantasy child

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the kid fucking sucks ass but the mom doesn't care

what's eating gilbert grape

who the fuck wants kids nowadays? this isn't the 1800s when you need more farm hands. good way to fuck up your life for sure

>Love You Forever started as a song.

“I’ll love you forever,
I’ll like you for always,
as long as I’m living
my baby you’ll be.”

I made that up after my wife and I had two babies born dead. The song was my song to my dead babies. For a long time I had it in my head and I couldn’t even sing it because every time I tried to sing it I cried. It was very strange having a song in my head that I couldn’t sing.

For a long time it was just a song but one day, while telling stories at a big theatre at the University of Guelph, it occurred to me that I might be able to make a story around the song.

Out popped Love You Forever, pretty much the way it is in the book.

some dark shit for a kid's book

Not that you chucklefucks will care, but
>Mom read this to me when young
>Came out as fag
>Mom comes into my room with the book
>Wrote a note inside it saying forever means forever.

Shit's deep

Repent sinner

cute. I'm glad you have a good mother.
don't die of aids, faggot

Imagine putting your dick in a guy's ass or getting dicked in the ass an think "yeah, this is ok, this is what my parents wanted, completely normal, yep"

The Iron Giant?

>Mom comes into my room with the book
>Wrote a note inside it saying forever means forever.

;_; user...

Is the ending of this him becoming a neet and living with her?

sounds like you disappointed her

Big Fish

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Cringe and fagpilled

Life is Beautiful.

imagine thinking "am i making my parents proud of me right now?" while having sex and then lecturing others about what is normal

that's a mirror

At least he never had a daughter

Sorry i don't speak AIDS

reading your posts suggests otherwise

This or Cinema Paradisio

Lol. This is actually true. Arnie does right by his momma in the end.

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Someone translate pls

Typical degenerate deflection. You don’t like gays, so the only possible explanation is that you’re secretly gay and full of self loathing.

No, he sneaks out from his house and goes and cuddles with his mom as a grown as man

>you don't like gays
>typical degenerate

The miscarriages were the inspiration, not actually in it lol

And then she hit you with it?

Whenever I look at the cover of this book I start to tear up

I want a kid so fucking bad bros. I want to teach a young boy how to be a man one day like my dad did for me
>mon visage quand 26 and a failure

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>i want to teach a young boy how to be a man one day like my dad did for me
Is there something you want to talk about user?

actually i was saying that the posts are so bad they are like having aids

don't let your dreams be dreams user

Don't forget to take your PrEP

But they probably support abortion dont they


ngl boys i’m as straight as a water hose but i’d smash that tranny into a coma

>see thread
>reply with this
>dont read any comments

i cant handle these feels right now im in a good mood.

Probably fake headline

Ai ya I didn't come into this thread for feels, if I had know what this book was I wouldn't have opened it, I miss my mommy!

Already took it :^)

What is reading comprehension?
Oh, shit. Hey, above guy, we’ll take a class together