Whats the oldest movie you can remember your parents taking you to see?

whats the oldest movie you can remember your parents taking you to see?

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Original release

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Transformers the Movie
I couldnt watch after Prime died

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I think it was Beauty and the Beast but if not, it was this.

or maybe it was just the trailer, i can't remember

Toy Story 1

Batman & Robin

except it was a rerelease

I think the Lion King. I can't rememver if I saw Aladdin in theaters or not

Made for some pretty great childhood fever dream fare

I saw Alien with my mother yesterday

Seriously though I don't remember seeing any kids films in cinemas, the first I do remember is seeing The World Is Not Enough with my dad when I was 8.

Finding Nemo


Jumanji (1996)

This. Feels good being an 80s kid.

the first time i remember being in a theater was to see The Lion King, a kindergarten class trip, dad was a chaperone.

Jurassic Park.

Attached: jurassic park-3.webm (640x347, 2.69M)

I have vague memories of going to see Star Trek Generations (1994). Pretty sure I saw Jurassic Park (1993) too.

Attached: star-trek-generations.jpg (2000x2702, 3.27M)

Same, but I don't remember if it was in the summer or the winter

This was the first and only movie I saw in a theater with my dad up until Secret Life of Pets


Although I can't remember if it was this or Jurassic Park

Emperors New Groove probably

>not remembering if you had seen jurassic park at the cinema or not

Attached: muldoon jurassic park.webm (1200x650, 2.91M)

CGI hasn't improved that much. It may have gotten more detailed and glossy, but we got it pretty much figured out from the start.

I meant which one was first

Attack of the Clones

Exactly, I mean JP came out in 1993 and the Lion King 1994. You must have remembered seeing JP at the cinema.

Lion King. I ate hot tamales and breathed on my mom and told her my breath was hot.

Toy Story.

Actually, forget that, it's The Lion King. Genuinely thought Toy Story was earlier.

Land before time, then mom died in a car wreck 2 years later.

The first movie I saw in theaters was Short Circuit. I was four years old.