This sucked ass. What are some real doomsday kino?

This sucked ass. What are some real doomsday kino?

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Why didn't you like it? It's one of the most accurate depictions of a flu pandemic.

It's unironic disaster kino. Not their fault you're a cringy 15 year old incel.

I found it pretty good

Hellstar Remina.

>Hey user, would you like to become a paid professional reviewer on our website,
>This sucked ass.

i respected a lot of the choices, and was surprised a couple of times, but it didn't leave me particularly satisfied

Tens of millions of people died all because a chef couldn't be bothered to wash his hands after handling raw meat.

OP probably thought it would have Zombies

I actually really enjoyed this movie despite its lazy plot plus constant background music to alleviate its boring montage edits.

It was really just meant to be informative which it did, and it portrayed just enough drama and conflict to make it a movie. I've watched it more than once.

I liked the sequel setup at the end where they imply the virus could/will be weaponised in the future.

The first half was utter kino, you can't deny that, but then they proceeded to jump the shark with the utter cringe that was the relationship between Matty Mat and his daughter and the scientist chick testing the vaccine on herself like some sort of fucking retard. Ruined my immersion tbqh. Why can't we get a disaster movie where the problem is solved professionally and not with some asspull act of heroism?
They did it in the Sum of all Fears and they did it in that other disease movie with Morgan Freeman. Both of those movied start out extremely good but turn into capeshit tier shlock in the end.
[spoiler/]can anyone recommend me some disasterkino?

mm i had the same thought about your mom last night desu

2012 is surprisingly decent if you don't know the twist at the end and you're drunk or high.

onions green
the andromeda strain

It was great wtf are you talking about. Also, Cliff Martinez's score is amazing.

>when you can't even give the name of a movie without being word filtered

this fucking board

I didn't really like the Matt Damon parts, the rest was great though

What would've been the solution to it? Mass human testing?

Marion Cotillard's are the weakest, her story literally goes no where.

think you read into that a bit too much. It was just showing that it was another conquered disease comparative to the other ones.
And Sneed still isn't word filtered despite the fact that it literally ruins threads.

Nah nigger they literally spell it out in the movie. Just give it to criminals who are already on the death row. (The US has enough of them to make for a large sample size anyways)

>think you read into that a bit too much. It was just showing that it was another conquered disease comparative to the other ones.
Hmm, I guess I read Jennifer Ehle's expression incorrectly. She seemed a little sinister when storing it away.

That's not what it showed. It showed le edgy recklessness of capitalist pigs not respecting the environment.

The end scene where the bulldozer hits the tree causing a species of bat that was sick out it's environment etc etc.

I thought it was great

>most realistic depiction of SHTF
>most realistic depiction of modern superflu pandemic
>most realistic character choices
>stay in your house or you die
>if you go near that kid again i will fucking KILL HIM

There is nothing wrong with this movie

Its objectively amazing.

If you want shlok go watch outbreak

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Based retard. 'End' doesn't literally mean the closing scene.

You want to fuck with me you little bitch? I'll fuck you up. I was taking shrapnel in Fallujah while you were sucking on your mom's tit.

Cringe and yikespilled.


I watched The Happening on TV the other day.

>Wasn't Gwyneth Mark Walhbergs wife and she died and he didn't want to acknowledge it.

I was thinking of this movie all along. Ah fuck me

you're the cringy 15 year old incel for unironically enjoying cringy 15 year old incel-core

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FUCK i want to see this bad

saw it a long time ago but i dont remember it being anything special