Has Capitalism metastasized completely out of control? Everything feels so chaotic and twisted.
Has Capitalism metastasized completely out of control? Everything feels so chaotic and twisted
No, Jews have. Capitalism is inherently good.
>chaotic and twisted
Capitalism even at its worst is better than communism at its best.
NAZBOL is the future. All jews and capitalist pigs will feel the wrath of the working class white man.
Capitalism is a religion. Capitalism is just "what is"
Niggers and their love for everything bling bling gucci versace skeet skeet lamborghini are the distillation of a capitalist feeding pig. It's a blessing and a curse they're too dumb to get rich in general.
Jews were never so powerful before capitalism. They are money lenders and capitalism is based on debt.
>inb4 that's not real capitalism tho
Yes it is faggot.
Also OP stop crying. This is your one chance to live use it for love and joy
Oh hey this leftypol thread again, nice outdated meme brah.
I'm not sure what this has to do with television and film but in what way do you think capitalism has gone out of control.
Capeshit is a product of nerd culture, and nerd culture is the fetishization of pop culture and science.
It’s the dominant American culture. Comic book movies are ubiquitous, graphic novels are hip, tv and binge-watching is suddenly cool. As for science, people routinely ‘cite studies’ they read about online and share ‘fuck yeah science’ things on Facebook.
Nerd culture is the latest incarnation of capitalism/spectacle. It’s consumerist based - buy the complete comic book/dvd box set/card game/whatever - and its morality system is amoral and nonprescriptivist: science doesn’t prescribe, it just tells.
This is the perfect religion for capitalism as it doesn’t interfere with anything (no marxist popes in science).
The fetishization of pop culture and science is a schizophrenic strategy for attempting to reorder society and produce meaning in a world where religion and statism are largely discredited. It’s schizophrenic in the sense that it bounces back and forth between the opposites of absolute significance (science) and absolute insignificance (entertainment/fiction).
This strategy is a further evolution/incarnation of western dualism: not only is there MIND and BODY (completely separate!) but now there is TRUTH (science) and ENTERTAINMENT (pop culture).
This dualistic split bankrupts both and, on average, probably makes people sad and unhappy. Science without a story is just numbers (meaningless) and entertainment without “truth” is just bubblegum (tasty but not nutritious). I'm using the term "truth" very loosely to signify the fact that we want our stories to be real in ‘some way', but not necessarily nonfiction… i.e. if i’m a Greek in 500 BC, I don’t necessarily think Athena is physically real but real in some other sense that doesn’t necessarily preclude physical manifestation.
Not like he was pandering to (((them))), or anything.
I think even black people are starting to notice this.
>left libertarian
>opposes bigotry
>Much capitalism is bad when niggers use it and Jews use it as propaganda but it's totally good when whites use it
This is literally discord tranny talk and fucking kike misdirection, Statism and Nationalist Socialist is the only way for whites to prosper
>whining about incels on top-right
>doesn't whine about feminists which are much more numerous and powerful on the top right
really.... makes me.... think....
>tfw it's not a bug it's a feature
*top left
The image can't cover everything
>be American
>live in the greatest and "wealthiest" country on Earth
>life is so miserable that you get hooked on opioids and overdose (that is if you haven't been shot yet)
interesting how it's mostly white majority areas with this problem
This, why don't we implement a socialist government so everyone is equally unhappy and poor instead?
It is a rust/coal belt issue primarily. Small towns that have shit left to do now that the jobs have gone.
How did Texas get away with it?
>working class does all the job
>businessmen never do anything but they get all the money
explain this, america?
if a man produces $100 he should be paid $100, not $25
No wonder it's so much less stressful to live in Europe or Australia than fucking America
no wonder you ameritards are so fat and angry
We all know what is needed to be done
I wish the left hasn't gone batshit insane on the social side because I agree with a lot(not cummunism) on the economic side.
>businessmen never do anything
spotted the incel
>we don't have enough people
>25+ people dying per 100k is a major problem
Human life is not precious.
Oh it's about to get much more stressful living in Europe.
>businessmen never do anything
except run the businesss and make sure there are jobs for the working class
Imagine getting over 90% of your generated capital taken from you, and defending the people who do it.
That's only the American left.
>Caring about money without a care about ethics is inherently good
and the rust and coal belts are where a shitton of white people live
I think (((they))) have a hand in all of this
spotted the feminist
Try taking a basic econ course instead of regurgitating Marxist memes, I'll give you an easy start so you can learn how these things work.
>why don't i get paid as much as the ceo!?!?
>why don't i get the lions share, when i didn't start a business or invent anything!!?!?
>why am i not making as much money with my worthless degree!!??
>i have zero (0) skills, but i should be getting paid more, right!??!?
This is why socialism is a brainlet ideology. So fucking myopic that you can't realize the worth of the businessman/entrepreneur in dedicating/risking capital to start a new enterprise or innovation.
Wagies are literally human cattle. Hands needed to operate what the visionary developed and paid for at the beginning. If you don't like your lot in life then start your own fucking business, see how easy that is.
>he makes under a million dollars a year and defends the American capitalistic economy
Capitalism is still in its infancy
>thomas sowell
based negro
>says this while supporting tax hikes that would end up fucking over the middle class big time
Commies are such hypocrites
Define "produces $100"?
Also if a man causes a defect that leads to $10,000,00 lost (recalls, sales, etc) should he also be held liable? It was his work afterall
Why are there no socialist good samaritans who built their own successful company from the ground up and readily pay high wages and bonuses?
If you'd like to, get a loan, take the fuckload of risks and pitfalls involved, set up your own successful business and share the profits equally with the guy operating some simplistic machinery then.
This is due to globalism. Not """capitalism""". Capitalism doesn't have an end goal, this schism exists because the rich at the top can produce in the 3rd world and sell in the 1st world. The only answer is for 1st world citizens to demand trade and market protections.
Why do Americans who earn less than $150k a year vote against their own financial interests? Are Americans really such grovelling bootlickers?
Because this is a white affliction. And Texas is already as diverse as California. It votes Republican because the minorities there don't vote since they got here more recently than Californian minorities.
>That's only the American left.
Not true at all but whatevs, economic leftists need to break off from the social freaks, they would probably win easily.
>common sense instead of science
And physicians who prescribe the drugs in the first place for "pain" (depression) when there has never been ANY evidence that opioids were effectively in treating chronic pain. A bunch of rednecks in small towns weren't getting hooked up by drug dealers, it was physicians.
Does this leftypol graph spammer even have a job?
Does he know the living standards of capitalist nations far outrival those of any socialist nation in history?
Americans baffle me by pretending they don't live in a corporatocracy.
Americans are the most boot-licking, subservient corporatist cuckolds in the world. No wonder they pay so spend so much precious capital for such sub-standard healthcare and be fine with it.