Get out

get out

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Absolutely based.

you first tranny


Back to cuckit with you

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>Since the early part of the 20th century, many Haredi and other Orthodox Jews have made black fedoras normal to their daily wear.

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based but bluepilled
cringe but redpilled

If you think political knowledge is the way out of Plato's cave, you need to seriously start with the Greeks. I love the black sun however. It has some strange appeal to it like the swastika. I think there were some very wise people behind hitler and it makes me wonder if maybe the holocaust was actually a bad thing.

How come OP isn't complaining about all the Yea Forums and Yea Forums threads up right now? Why it only 1 /pol/ish thread that sets his kind off?

More like /trash/




Reminder that discussing politics in entertainment is equivalent to celeb gossip and therefore you're an EFFEMINATE TATTLETALE with no real taste in film.

Didn't you hear OP? FUCK OFF

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I wonder who makes these threads.

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Reminder posting some ugly guy is not an argument, because it implies that the look of one's body is a negative thing- which connects to body shaming, which you leftists have said is a terrible thing.
Or is body shaming only bad when it's against women?

>I wonder who makes these threads.

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You can't make me leave I was born here >:(

>you leftists
If you're not a pol-nigger you're a leftist?

why can't we just be friends?

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damn...his father probably cries everynight,

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seems fake t b h
What should we do with the janitor?

Blame creators for putting politics and propaganda into TV and Film.

Ha ha you can't stop us lol TRUMP MAGA KAG 2020 !!!!

Based caveposter

this. crawl back to "your" board (quotation marks because most of you are reddit invaders from t_d)

I'm not even a /pol/fag but when a person bitches about /pol/ this much, yeah you're a leftie. So you mind explaining the contradiction in you whining about body shaming against women yet indulging in it constantly against men?


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me: I hate liberals
them: so what are you, a republican?

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Both /pol/cucks and leftists are totalitarian scum and should all be tossed into a deep fissure and sealed off from the world.

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based underage third-worlder

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Op btfo by literal /po/lacks


Based Roberto, not all beaners are bad news

you're a despotist?

If this was a thread complaining about Leddit it would’ve been deleted before 10 replies.
Fuck discord trannies and Yea Forums jannies


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Because he's a resetranny


When will the oppression of white Christian males end???

they hate us cause they aint us

>da joooooooz

Cringe; pagans are not better than gaytheists.

>da joooooooz dindu nuffin

>It's another "Reeeeee /pol/ post"
I'm starting to think these discord trannies are a real thing.

i-i-i-i-i-i-it's Mueller Time, dr-dr-dr-drumpf

ur orange cheetoh is guh-guh-guh-guh-going to jail any day now ;_;

Yeah you tell em sis!Racists and nazis get the FUCK off this board

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When the media stops being coopted.

Yea Forums is pol colony now, we're hanging out here until the q boomers die out on pol

I no man like imagine having opinions and stuff lmao like who cares about anything man like they're both side of the same coin man lmao


You had doubts?