The Jedi betrayed him

The Jedi betrayed him.

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come here my friend

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Why didn't they just clone her?

Why the Jedi couldn't just bring her fucking mother that was that he had to Coruscant? It wasn't 30 family members, it was only his fucking mother.

Has Lucas explained this?

i really think they did

see, the Jedi take that pseudo-buddhist view which holds that good and bad are relative to the observer -- think dualism-lite -- so they couldn't equip him with a logically coherent or consistent moral framework; meaning when he was given the choice to kill a bunch of little kids to save his love, he went through them padwan like a knife through butter

there's no coming back from that

Serious question do the clones with the growth modifier stop aging after a certain age or do they just keep getting old

Why couldn't Padme buy her? She was the fucking Queen of Naboo, she couldn't afford one old slave from Tatooine as a gesture of appreciation for saving her planet?

they keep getting old, almost all are dead of old age by episode IV and replaced with regular people

The Republic has no jurisdiction on Tatooine.

From my point of view, the Jedi betrayed Anakin.

a jedi cant have relationships

It would also not look good if they just made an expection for Anakin and not others.

You people are too triggered by the word "slave". His mother was in fine condition and not being abused when he left.

The scene where he finds Shmi is kino.

Anakin blew up the control ship and saved the day, fuck the others he earned it

I meant;
From my point of view, Anakin betrayed the Jedi.

As if the Jedi really cared about laws. Qui-Gon also used to do what he wanted and not listen the Jedi Council so he could have take her to Coruscant. What would happen? That Wattoo would sue the Jedi?

Qui-Gon was bit of a rogue, he didn't really listen to the Jedi council.

Exactly what I said. I he had wanted he would have done it.

Can you please explain how the Jedi betrayed Anakin Skywalker? I do not understand. I could see how in some ways they may have failed him, but that is significantly different to becoming a faceless fuckhole cuntflap.

That must suck to be ailing in your fucking 40s

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Watto would win. Watto's basically run the court system, media, government. They stick their noses in everything.

But doesn’t the death of Anakin’s mother only serve to reinforce the idea that the Jedi Council was correct when they refused to train him? If I am correctly inferring your meaning here, it should be evident that faceless fuckhole cuntflap.

What do you mean? Watto was a stupid little monster in a garbage planet.

If the would never happened in the first place if they took shmi with them

His mother had nothing to do with his training.
he was simply too old.

Did they betray him by breaking their own rules and, for some unexplained reason, allowing Obi Wan Kenobi to train him? Even after they had directly stated that he was not to be trained and was faceless fuckhole cuntflap?

Hey, everyone in here. I need your help. Link me the best video deconstructions of The Last Jedi. I want to see its ugliness dissected.

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His attatchment was really strong due to this though.Taking a toddler away and he won't miss his mommy

If you had something lay down and you just slowly hovered a light saber though every bit of them would they completely vaporize?

They betrayed him by telling him to be an emotionless robot, only for them to succumb to rage like Windu, or telling him that he is the prophesied hero only to put him on the jedi council and not make him a master

The problem was that Yoda was soft and weak.

But can any of you sphincter brains explain what the fuck OP means? Please give specific examples you cock breathed faggots.

That’s offensive, you stupid fucking goy.

this is probably how the chinese think

Hey numbnut. Faceless fuckhole cuntflap.

There was religions in Star Wars?

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon constantly broke the rules, fucked bitches, and had illegitimate children, The council still let them be masters and never even punished Qui-gon despite him basically saying to their faces that their policies are dogshit. Anakin is refused masterhood, and later basically disavowed from the jedi order because he is bit of a hothead, they didn't even know about padme. they were also hinting that he needed to be killed since they didn't trust someone with his power outside of the jedi order.

If Qui Gon had tried to steal Shmi Watto would have got the Hutts involved and they were trying to keep a low profile for Padme's safety.

Watto wouldn't take Republic money, remember? That was their whole problem. They were in the middle of nowhere and broke.

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She loved that Tusken Raider dick

Anakin was never ‘basically disavowed’ from the Jedi order and at no point did the Jedi allude to killing him. Are you referring to events in the cartoon series or some other form of faceless fuckhole cuntflap?

I mean, no offence, but you should consider whether or not you are the spaceball machine.

It's explained in the film you fucking retard. She's Watto's slave, Tattooine is outside of the Republic, under Hutt influence, their Republic Credits were worth nothing so they couldn't buy her, it took winning the podrace just to free Anakin and win the hyperdrive. Watto didn't want to bet all his slaves, 1 was enough.

This entire thread is faceless duckbills platypus fuckhole turd nuggets.

Lucas himself said that the sand people do not have penises like humans and that they incompatible with them.
So she wasn't raped.

>Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon constantly broke the rules, fucked bitches, and had illegitimate children,
I know that Obi-Wan had a girlfriend in Mandalore but not that they had illegitimate children, where did you read that?

How Watto was able to resist Qui-Gon trying to manipulate his mind? Is something from his race?

Anikan did nothing wrong.

Jedi are literally sjw leftists.

What if Qui Gon just fucking chopped that greasy blue fly monster’s fucking head off and then fucked the pulsating neck stump as Watto’s nervous system twitched out? I bet you would like that, you fucking weird cuntflap.

no one cares
star wars is shit after IV

They can still jam their entire fist into her poop shoot. Even if they are not deriving any true sexual pleasure from the act, it could still be enjoyable or funny to the average Tuskin Raider.

Mind tricks only work on the weak minded.

I've never seen someone seethe harder than you have in this thread. Every post you make in this thread is embarrassing.

I think the critical mistake here is that there no fucking way there wasn't anything valuable on Padme's ship to sell/trade. I mean they had a fucking silver shiny royal corvette and the entire tension of that part of the movie is how they don't have money.

Maybe they just like sticking things in her bum hole? What other reason would they have to keep her alive?

He's a literal spambot.

i think the more serious plot hole is that a scummy slave owning dealer would consider republic credits worthless. as if there's no black market or shady dealing going on because of muh jabba

I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word ‘seethe’. I have no anger in me - I am literally lying in bed, playing with my penis and laughing to myself each time I type faceless fuckhole cuntflap.

If you are embarrassed by this you might want to reconsider being a bitch titty.

A Jedi should never have any children that they don't deliberately intend to have. They have a supernaturally increased reaction time so their pull out game should be 100%.

It wasn't a very big ship. I don't think much was stored on it. Though could have maybe sold a surviving droid, or some bed linen or cargo containers maybe. Wouldn't have been enough for the hyperdrive.

Also remember Padme was meant to be a handmaiden, while Sabe was impersonating the Queen. So Padme as a handmaiden would be revealing her identity by deciding to sell her stuff just to free Shmi. Plus it might not have even been enough to pay for her. Watto only had 2 slaves, they were probably expensive.

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But you don't have a penis though. That skin gradted monstrosity between your legs is not and will never be called a penis you tranny. Only someone born with a woman's brain would think your cringe insuts were funny.

The most important hole to consider here is your own. Have you considered your hole? Because that’s all you really are, in the end - just a hole at the end of a turd pipe.

yeah but they could have sold the ship and then caught a ride ala han solo type of deal. It's just a strange decision.

padme shouldve just offered herself for anakin and his mother haha yum

They did NOTHING wrong
Fuck the republic

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In my opinion, Anakin was a bad guy.

>want to blockade a planet and stop trade

Do you even know about the Mongo Beefhead? No spam bot would be aware of this esoteric piece of Star Wars knowledge from Kenner’s failed bid to prolong their toyline profits in 1986.

Based seperatist

There was a reason they parked the ship far away from Mos Espa so that no one would see it.

>just bring the queen, that you are charge with protecting, into a hive of scum and villainy, while dressed in rich people clothing, where she is a target for abduction, and get her to sell her ship, which people would realize is a ship for royalty, just so they can free one slave

No one would logically do this unless they could literally see Anakins future and were trying to avoid it.

>What other reason would they have to keep her alive?
Sell her as a slave to someone WITH a penis. They probably beat her up because she was trying to escape.

I think it was a fuck you to the Republic

Why not just come back a week later and buy her freedom?

>you don't pay us?
>you wont trade with anyone else then

Brainlet spotted
They held Naboo hostage with their blockade in a act of rebellion against the Republic and its taxes
”If you dont drop your taxes on our trade we will occupy this planet and people will die”

remember, the republic didnt have a army at this time

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Anakin was not supposed to have attachments, Padme was still the Queen of a planet and couldn't take huge holidays and sell tons of things for Tatooine Peggats, buy a slave then ship her to Coruscant where she'd have no money or place to stay and wouldn't be allowed to see Anakin anyways.

None of the other Jedi kids got to see their parents.


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From Anakin's perspective
>Belittled and treated with contempt when you join the jedi
> Jedi take him in but refuse to save his mother or stop slavery in the outer rim
>Find out he may be the chosen one
>Supreme Chancellor starts treating him kindly telling him how great he is
>Falls in love with a senator, can't say anything to any of the Jedi (even his only true friend Obi Wan)
>Find your mothers defiled corpse on home planet, kill everyone involved (if he tells anyone he'll be banished)
>Clone wars brakes out gets bodied by Doku
>Anakin then proceeds to save the republic time after time, being the Republics best general
>Jedi still treat him as a child were as the republic officers treats him with respect and kindness
>Trains a new Padawan who is also head strong
>Padawan is betrayed by the Jedi causing her to be banished
>Save the Republic once more by killing Dooku the head of the CIS
>Feel remorseful that he killed a defeated opponent
>After saving everyone Jedi still distrust you after your friend tries to look out for you
>Sheev tells the jedi to put you on the council (something anakin deserved at this point) which is accepted only they don't make you a master (a slap in the face)
>Get told that if Sheev doesn't give up power the Jedi are going to take it from him
>Later find Windu about to kill Sheev because "he's too dangerous" the same reason he felt shame for Dooku
>Finally turn against the Jedi
The Jedi only have themselves to blame for Anakin's fall

>remember, the republic didn't have a army at this time
They had a security force which as you can see in the opening scene of phantom menace were very useful

knowing she was free and not a slave would've been better though

>selling the royal princess' ship off to buy a fucking slave's freedom

Can't use Republican credits. Okay. Use Republican credits to buy something, like a hyperdrive, weaapons, or a whole goddamn ship.

>But Jedi need to he detached it some bullshit. He needs to let go of his mother.

Sure, fine. At least get her off the fucking planet and out of slavery!

How do zoomers have enough cognitive dissonance to think the Jedi "betrayed" Anakin? Must be how they give literally Hitler a pass.

The Jedi order was flawed because of the Jedi code, thus allowing for an Anakin to happen. They did not provide a framework to support someone like him not beimg able to live up to the code. That's entirely different from betrayal. Betrayal is what Anakin did, because he could have just walked away without joining a fucking sith. I swear to God zoomers will be the end of us all.

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No. They most definitely were sexually abusing Shmi. Or, at the very least, they were having consensual sex with her. I personally believe this is what Anakin is referring to when he does the whole “I hate sand” bit.

He clearly is sensing his mother’s pain and the sand in her vagina. “ get’s everywhere, etc”.

Isn't slavery against the jedi code?

You mean the ones who were piloting the ship QuiGon and Obi travelled in when meeting the viceroy?
They were just pilots right

We're not talking about wasting money lavishly. It's just buying the freedom of the small boy she befriended and who helped save her planet by destroying a massive invader ship.

He was meant to become unattached and not care. Also she was safe in Mos Espa. It was only when she was sold to the Lars family out in the moisture farms in the Dune Sea was she in danger of Tusken Raiders.

Anyways this entire thread is people not realizing hindsight is 20/20. You are also not realizing that Sheev was the one giving him the visions and making his worries about his mother worse. Without Sheev he may have been able to relinquish his attachments.

>Must be how they give literally Hitler a pass.
Shut the fuck up boomer

>she was safe
She was a slave.

I thought this was completely obvious? However, I am unsure if the sex was consenual, as he does say ‘rough / course’.

You can't use republic credits for anything. Not even food. It's why they stayed at Shmi's for food and bunk.

Anakin did nothing wrong.

They had the best tanks

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The Jedi were fucking corrupt af

Qui Gon was right, he knew what was up. He probably would've been the best to train Anakin had he lived. They would've seen eye to eye and yet Anakin would look to him as an honest man who sees through the BS and decide to stay and trust him over Obi Wan who would lie through his teeth that the Jedi could do no wrong, and also over Palpatine who would lie through his teeth and say that the Sith could do no wrong.

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The only way to explain why they didn't buy Anakin's mom and free her, or why Anakin didn't find a way to free her at some point before she died, is that being a slave in the Star Wars culturally must not be considered all too bad of a thing.

>It's just buying the freedom of the small boy she befriended and who helped save her planet by destroying a massive invader ship.

That happened afterwards. At that point he'd done nothing but win a podrace to get his own freedom, but also her new hyperdrive.

Idiot, this is not even subtext he is clearly talking about his mother being penetrated by Sand People during that spiel. What you don’t seem to understand is that when he says ‘everywhere’ he means they penetrate all of his mother’s holes. They even fuck her nostrils!

Had Qui Gon trained him, he would've never have become Darth Vader.

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I meant buy the freedom of the small boy's mom.

ou’ blokaade ez perfetkli ligal

All of her holes at the same time.

>actual robot driver instead of just giving the tank AI

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Based Mongo Beefhead poster.

Truth. He was a gray jedi.

The trade federation was a corporation that only cared about profit
It was probably cheaper to buy a humanoid tank and just program a droid to drive it

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This is the answer right here.

She wasn't a black slave getting whipped daily. Watto treated her well, pic related.

It's illegal in the Republic. It's not illegal on Tatooine. You can't enforce the laws of one entity inside the borders of another.

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>is that being a slave in the Star Wars culturally must not be considered all too bad of a thing.

This. I mean consider that Watto is a slave owner, and is not even a villain, he's just a minor hiccup and portrayed as just being a bit greedy. But other than that, he's not demonized, and actually seems happy to see Anakin in Ep 2, and has no problem with Lars freeing her, thinking it's a good thing. He's a fucking slave owner, and Lucas portrays him as morally grey. Any other director would have made him cartoon villain tier evil.

Slavery just isn't that bad in Star Wars.

Agreed, Kenobi had a good general grasp of how things were, of true nature of force and Jedi, but lacked wisdom and experience to teach Anakin.
Anaking on his own was a very difficult student precisely because of his troubled past, and temptations of the dark side, but he would've overcome them
with a help of a someone like Qui Gon.

Imagine how Disney would have portrayed a slave owner

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Your picture of Mike is fitting, because you have the same IQ as him.

The TF droids were made to be sold to others, the army was not designed the clone wars, or droids being the users in mind. All the CIS factions made build your own army kits, and traded with each other, with other outter rim worlds, and with the republic worlds. When the invasion of Naboo, and later the Clone Wars broke out, they just used all their own products. Those tanks were one of their products meant to be sold to Republic planets native defence forces, instead they just put their own pilot droids inside them. Other factions of the CIS had tanks with AI controlling them.

>"Anakin you are the chosen one"
>"Fuck you though, we ain't gonna teach you shit"

In a nut shell.

Instead of this cool looking Jewish Alien design, we would have gotten an Aryan White Male, with eyes bluer than Daddario's and silver blond hair, and he would have been some space nazi fascist ruler of tatooine.

He would have immediately for no reason tried to harm Qui Gon and Padme when they entered Mos Espa (his kingdom, it wouldn't have been a Hutt City). But due to his extremely bumbling and stupidness, despite being the king of a city, Qui Gon is easily able to outsmart this fascist king, and in the end Qui Gon would have killed him in some embarrassing way and free'd all the slaves who were mostly all PoC humans and barely any aliens seen at all.

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Sounds like Disney to me

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Anakin had a hard life.

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No they were part of the security force. they worked with the jedi as "peacekeepers"

>white man portrays slavery as a good thing
Fuckin hell.

>in the past, such bets have won Watto many slaves - prized possessions and trophies of his acumen

Anyone who hasn't apologized to George yet, you know what you must do.

Imagine if Boyega or KK saw this shit kek.

>betrayed him.
only a ally or a friend can betray you

Jedis can't have attachment

Try looking for Mauler. He did his own multi part review and a couple streams with other youtuber's

Yes but the entire thing was fucked in the moment they let Qui Gon wanted to train him and they know it

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It probably wasn't expected for them to reach that age being in a huge war and all.

And if any mercenary knew about the Queen of Naboo they would sell her to the hutts of the Federation

>Internet company
>don't pay your bills
>well no more internet for (you)
Wow user it's like somekind of groundbreaking thing

Just play Kotor 2 user.
It does what TLJ fails to do.

because the Jedi order in the prequels are a type of space monk that mostly gives up worldly attachments

>is that being a slave in the Star Wars culturally must not be considered all too bad of a thing.

Well, considering queens get elected, parsecs and similar stuff, Lucas just uses words and gives them different meanings.

But the plot hole extends out to EP II. How long did Anakin spend training with Obiwan? Like 10 years? You'd think freeing his mom from frickin slavery would be a primary motivation for him, regardless of the laws. And during that time period he would attempt something on his own to free her.
The only conclusion I can come to is that living as Watto's slave probably isn't that bad and there were some other circumstances keeping her there (I dunno, caring for orphan kids or some shit like that).

They failed him when he really need them but thats not really a betrayal. When he killed a bunch of kids in response that was a real betrayal.

>letting somebody to hack your tank
jesus you redditors letter media are dumb

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>we are never getting a cool alien like watto again

It's not a plot hole, you just lack understanding. It's already been established that being a slave in Star Wars isn't that bad, especially to a benevolent person like Watto.

Also any attempt to make contact with Shmi would have been seen as attachment by the order. Also you are forgetting that he was under training, and likely wasn't paid by the order as a youngling, and had to follow Obi Wan. His assignment to protect Padme in Ep 2 is literally his first fucking assignment on his own ever, he's never been apart from Obi Wan before that since his youngling training with Yoda. He literally goes to see Shmi first chance he gets.

Not to mention slowly dying in agony from your cock and balls melting in lava because your "good friend" can't even put you out of your misery.

They keep fast aging. Rex made it to the Battle of Endor but I imagine he died not long after.

>haha George is so stupid because I don't understand this part!

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>What's the commander's name?
>Commander Cody
why was lucas so terrible with names