>you gotta watch Berserk man, It’s amazing >I don’t like Anime >But it’s different, it’s more like European Medieval Fantasy
So I decided to watch the movies because they would be shorter. And holy shit, as I finished the second one I was really impressed. I was willing to admit I was wrong. Then the third movie went full Anime and ruined all my goodwill. This is the problem with all Anime, eventually. It can’t stop itself from being anime. What the fuck IS this?
Also they're technically movies, they can be on this board, fuck off, I'm not going to Yea Forums
>Then the third movie went full Anime Which part are you referring to?
Aiden Campbell
>you watched the movies because they would be shorter Dude, fuck you. You watch 97 first period if you "watch" it. Like I mean you just made a massive mistake, I don't know what else to tell you.
Cameron Wood
>watching the movies you fucked up just read the manga or the 1999 version if you're scared of reading
Hunter Watson
anime sucks you should read manga
Parker Walker
>Then the third movie went full Anime Are you not aware how utterly retarded you sound?
Jack Sanders
Hey guys is it just me or is OP a massive retarded homo douche?